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Water Contamination Emergencies [Japan Quake]
1. Water Contamination Emergencies - Thompson & Gray.pdf
2. Chernobyl - What Have We Learned.pdf
3. Water and War - ICRC Response.pdf
4. Toxicity Measurements in Water Samples.pdf
5. Katadyn Water Guide EN.pdf
6. household filters
7. portable filters
8. removing chlorine... and more
Water is life and most of your body consists of it. On the material level you are a water-being, on the spiritual level you are the supreme self peeping through your soul into the material world. If you want to be healthy then the water you're made of must be healthy too. Drinking contaminated water means your body will be built up with contaminated water. The easiest way to improve your health is to improve the quality of your drinking water. Improving water means decontaminating it, putting it back to its natural state. This also means restructuring water, but we won't deal with this here since this is about emergency measures not about perfection. How can water be decontaminated? Water having been contaminated by viruses and bacteria can be purified - this is a well known fact, but what about radioactive fallout? There are several forms of radiation as a result of fallout: There is gamma radiation, neutron radiation, alpha and beta particles and there is roentgen (x-ray) radiation.
Heating up your water in a microwave oven means exposing it to radiation. Microwave ovens shouldn't be used for heating up food because they will change food on a molecular level and this may cause cancer. However heating up water with microwave radiation seems to be acceptable. Exposing water to other forms of electromagnetic radiation i.e. different frequencies of radiation is in all likelihood harmless too. This is true for gamma radiation and x-rays too which belong to the electromagnetic spectrum. But what about alpha and beta particles? These particles should never be allowed to get inside of your body. Being exposed to this radiation externally is rather harmless since it cannot penetrate your skin, but it should never be allowed to get inside of your body and as a consequence inside of human cells. The destructive power of these particles increases proportionally to the inverted square of the distance. Alpha and beta particles inside a cell act just like a small nuclear bomb on that cell. At such a short distance the destructive power of these radioactive particles is staggering.
But there is a solution: Conventional ceramic filters for water purification can extract particles down to the size of 0.0002 mm or 0.2 microns and thus effectively remove almost all radioactive fallout from your water - with the exception of radioactive nano-particles which will remain in the atmosphere for many months and years after a nuclear event. Ceramic filters will remove radioactive dust giving off alpha and beta particles from your water. This can also be done by filters based on fiberglass and other types of fibers such as hollow-fibers. Other methods such as systems using ozone, UV-light and colloidal silver may be very useful for removing bacteria and viruses but won't work with radioactive particles at all. Boiling water won't help either. Distilling water will work but this is rather difficult to do unless you enjoy making illegal alcohol.
There is no reason to become paranoid about contaminated water. If you keep your head and have access to a good filter then the problem can be handled. But once radioactive fallout has penetrated inside of your body, it will be exceedingly difficult to handle the situation. There are some methods from Tibetan Buddhist medicine with the so called "golden pill" that were able to save some heavily contaminated workers from the accident in the Ukraine back in 1986 who would otherwise have died with certainty, but prevention is always easier than finding a cure.
Another major problem is fluoride and chlorine and other chemicals in your drinking water which can be removed by an active-charcoal filter. Beware: Active charcoal filters will not remove very small radioactive particles from your water. It is best to combine a ceramic filter together with an active charcoal filter. Use the ceramic filter as the first stage, the charcoal filter as the second stage. A sediment filter may be used as the first stage together with a ceramic filter as the second stage and the charcoal filter as the third stage. A sediment filter made of sand and small pebbles will purify the water on a coarse level and thus prevent the micro-pores of the ceramic filter from being clogged up. Some manufacturers have combined two or three of these stages into one filter system.
If you don't have access to a reasonably effective ceramic filter then you may also improvise one. For example you may use the filter of an old gas-mask, but you will have to apply a certain pressure to the water in order for this to work. If you're really desperate then you may also combine several coffee-filters - but use these method only if you're dying of thirst. You will live up to three days without he intake of any water. Remember: Rain water is NOT safe for a long time after a nuclear accident. Many fruits and plants contain safe water that can be extracted, but these fruits will have to be thoroughly cleaned first. Some native peoples also enjoy drinking blood which contains a significant amount of water. Another solution may be the filtration of human urine which is being done by NASA on space flights, but this procedure is a rather difficult one. Drinking your unfiltered urine may be disgusting but this may still be better than dying of thirst or ingesting radioactive water.
The information included in his torrent is mostly commercial but highly useful anyway. Just remember that any high quality ceramic filter from any manufacturer may be used. If you bear this in mind then the commercial nature of this information will pose no problem. After all you're an adult aren't you?
tags: Japan, nuclear, water, fallout, contaminated, contamination, radioactive, health, filter, ceramic, radiation, alpha, beta, gamma, neutron, emergency, survival
Also many thanks to lenstwo2 and his nuclear torrent.