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Was Former Director of the CIA, William Colby, Assassinated?

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William Egan Colby (January 4, 1920 – April 27, 1996) spent a career in intelligence for the United States, culminating in holding the post of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from September 1973, to January 1976.

During World War II Colby served with the Office of Strategic Services. After the war he joined the newly created Central Intelligence Agency. Before and during the Vietnam War, Colby served as Chief of Station in Saigon, Chief of the CIA's Far East Division, and head of the Civil Operations and Rural Development effort, as well as overseeing the Phoenix Program. After Vietnam, Colby became Director of Central Intelligence and during his tenure, under intense pressure from the US Congress and the media, adopted a policy of relative openness about U.S. intelligence activities to the Senate Church Committee and House Pike Committee. Colby served as DCI under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford and was replaced by future President George H. W. Bush on January 30, 1976.

Colby's tenure as DCI, which lasted two and a half tumultuous years, was overshadowed by the Church and Pike congressional investigations into alleged U.S. intelligence malfeasance over the preceding twenty-five years, including 1975, the so-called "Year of Intelligence." Colby cooperated, not out of a desire for a major overhaul, but in the belief that the actual scope of such misdeeds — encapsulated in the so-called "Family Jewels" — was not great enough to justify lasting damage to the CIA's reputation. Colby also believed that the CIA had a moral and legal obligation to cooperate with the Congress and demonstrate that the CIA was accountable to the Constitution. On a more practical level, he also believed that cooperating with Congress was the only way to save the Agency from dissolution during a period of great congressional strength. This openness policy caused a major rift within the CIA ranks, with many old-line officers such as former DCI Richard Helms believing that the CIA should have resisted congressional intrusion.

Colby also focused on internal reforms within the CIA and the Intelligence Community. He attempted to modernize what he believed to be some out-of-date structures and practices by disbanding the Board of National Estimates and replacing it with the National Intelligence Council.

President Ford, advised by Henry Kissinger and others concerned by Colby's controversial openness to Congress and distance from the White House, replaced Colby late in 1975 with George H. W. Bush during the so called "Halloween Massacre" in which Secretary of Defense Schlesinger was also replaced (by Donald Rumsfeld). Colby was offered the position of U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO but turned it down.


The Mysterious Death of William Colby
by Nick Bryant

After Gary Caradori's plane broke apart over Lee County, Illinois, killing Caradori and his son, the Franklin Committee hired former CIA Director William Colby to investigate Caradori's plane "crash." Franklin Committee Chairman Loren Schmit had lobbied for Colby to be appointed as the Committee's initial counsel, but his fellow senators on the Committee overruled Colby's appointment by a narrow margin because of Colby's "political baggage." But by the time of Caradori's demise, some of the more influential members on the Committee suspected that Larry King's child trafficking enterprise was affiliated with the CIA, and they felt that Colby might be able shed light on the crash.

The bespectacled, soft-spoken Colby was a thin 5'8'', and he had a nebbish air that belied his former status as a "super spy." He parachuted behind Nazi lines as an intelligence officer during World War II and headed the Rome CIA station early in the Cold War, working to prevent the election of a Communist government. He also oversaw the CIA's ominous Phoenix program.

In 1975, then-CIA Director Colby appeared before the US Senate's "Church Hearing" and proved that he wasn't averse to publicizing the Agency's nasty secrets or "family jewels." In front of a national television audience, he candidly confessed to assassination initiatives and mind control programs that had been shrouded from the American public. Colby didn't receive accolades for his candor, but, rather, incurred the wrath of ranking intelligence officials and President Gerald Ford--Ford fired him as CIA Director and he was replaced George H.W. Bush. Colby later wrote that he found solace in his disclosures before the Church Hearing, because he believed the CIA must be accountable to Congress and the public under the Constitution--he felt he did the right thing not only for his country but also for his conscience.

Given Colby's prior candor on the CIA's abuses of power, members of the Franklin Committee hoped he would have the means and mettle to provide a definitive explanation of Caradori's death. But Colby wouldn't say that Caradori's death was a consequence of foul play--at least publicly. Writing to Senator Schmit about his investigation into Caradori's crash, Colby stated: "I only regret that we were not able to penetrate more effectively the clouds of confusion and contradiction that have surrounded this whole case." Though Colby wouldn't publicly declare that Caradori had been murdered, I'm aware of him telling at least three people who were either affiliated with the Committee or Caracorp, Caradoris company, that Caradori's death was, in fact, an assassination.

In 1993, Colby also consented to be interviewed by the makers of Conspiracy of Silence, but he didn't discuss Caradori's death with Yorkshire Television either. However, he commented on the advice he dispensed to John DeCamp concerning his publishing of The Franklin Cover-up: "I said you have to consider the possibility of some danger not only to your reputation but to your person." Colby also promised to submit the Franklin Committee's findings to the US Attorney General.

Approximately three years after Colby granted Yorkshire Television an interview, his body washed up on the banks of Maryland's Wicomico River--he had been missing for nine days. The Maryland medical examiner's office in Baltimore concluded that the seventy-six-year-old Colby had fallen out of his canoe as the result of a heart attack or stroke, suffered hypothermia, and drowned. On the surface, the medical examiner's conclusions may sound rational, but Colby's death is chock-full of enigmas.

Colby had a summer home in Rock Point, Maryland on the banks of the Wicomico River, a tributary of the Potomac River. On the cold, blustery night of April 27, 1996, the seventy-six-year-old Colby reportedly went canoeing in the Wicomico River-the winds were gusting at twenty-five MPH. "I don't see why a man his age would be out there," said a Rock Point neighbor. "If I went out there it would be in a 16- to 20-foot boat-not a canoe."

Colby's canoe would be spotted the next day on a sand bar, but Colby was nowhere to be found. The US Coast Guard was summoned, and one of its investigators said that Colby left his radio and computer on when he went canoeing. The investigator also said: "There were dinner items on the table." It was later reported that Colby's meal was half eaten on the dinner table, but I'm unsure if that was conjecture because the Coast Guard investigator said that "dinner items" were on the table.

Colby phoned his wife earlier in the evening--she was in Texas, visiting her mother. I've found differing accounts of their conversation: The Associated Press reported that Colby told her he didn't feel well but was going canoeing anyway--The Guardian reported that he phoned his wife to say he was going to eat dinner, take a hot shower, and hit the sack. A third newspaper account stated Colby told his wife he wasn't feeling well and yet went canoeing nonetheless, but the article didn't state whether or not Colby conveyed to wife that he was going canoeing.

The day Colby's canoe was found Coast Guard crews started to search the Wicomico for his body. The Coast Guard ultimately scoured the river for eight days with divers, sonar equipment, and drag-lines, and dogs rummaged the river's banks--Colby's body was never recovered. Then on May 6, Colby's body washed ashore close to where his canoe had originally been spotted--it's odd that Colby's body materialized so close to the canoe even though the Coast Guard had scoured the vicinity with divers, sonar, and drag lines.

The Associated Press reported that Colby's body was clad in khaki pants, a blue and white shirt, and a red windbreaker, but he wasn't wearing shoes. So if the Associated Press' account of Colby's canoeing apparel was accurate, and the Maryland medical examiner's account was accurate, Colby went canoeing on a cold, blustery night without shoes--it was cold enough for him to wear a windbreaker and yet he opted not to wear shoes.

In The Franklin Scandal, I discussed Colby's enigmatic death, because it is an integral facet of Franklin lore. According to John DeCamp, Colby disclosed to him that he had become disillusioned with the CIA's use of children for sinister agendas and was determined to make the Agency accountable for its abuses--DeCamp maintains that Colby told him this shortly before his death. Colby, a devout Catholic, had certainly bared a number of the CIA's abuses to the Senate. But he had balked at publicly stating Caradori's death was a murder, even though he said it privately. So, ultimately, I find it problematic to ascribe an absolute raison d'être for William Colby's very strange demise, but I certainly would not exclude foul play.


SG = Steven Greer & AB = Art Bell


SG: So, one of the things that is inevitable is that the truth is going to be known. The only question is when and how. And I think the sooner the better, because the longer we wait, the longer we're going to cannibalize our planet and the longer we're going to plunge this planet into chaos and war and environmental damage.

AB: Been watching very carefully, have you, the environmental situation in the world right now? It's really beginning to get rather dire. So if it's depending on that, which it really is, you would think then based on that, we're getting close.

SG: Well, I think that anyone with an IQ over mud can look at the world around us and know that something is terribly wrong.

AB: Yes.

SG: They can't quite put their finger on it, and there are a lot of people active in a lot of different vineyards tilling away. The central thing that people don't understand is that we're fifty years living on borrowed time. That a lot of people think that what we're doing is very visionary and futuristic, and I say "Oh. On the contrary! This is all information that should have come out before I was born in 1955, and in fact could have come out, including the energy and propulsion systems." And so, we are living on a planet and as a civilization that has stayed on its current trajectory for half a century too long and we need a course correction. If we don't make it, it'll be made for us, because simply, the Earth cannot withstand six billion people living the way we do in the West with our cars and SUV's and air conditioning and coal-burning power plants. This is not an option, and it cannot go on for that much longer.

AB: Do you think they are likely to let you break this open or do you think they're more likely to break you if you get too close? I mean, these kinds of warnings, the kind of thing we played tonight, that's got to be a little precautionary for you.

SG: Well, it is, but remember that we've been getting these for about twelve years and it's nothing that -- the only reason I'm sharing it is to illustrate the rogue and illegal nature of this. You know, there's a constitutional attorney that I've worked with on this project who has said, "You know, what you're describing is the Mother of all RICO's" (The Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization Act) where you're dealing with an illegal clandestine para-governmental group that's transnational, similar to what they portray in "The Manchurian Candidate", this movie. On top of that, you have corporate and financial interests that have done absolutely illegal things, up to and including assassinations. Now, I want to talk about an assassination tonight that people may not want to hear, but it's very similar to what was portrayed in "The Manchurian Candidate" when this Senator is killed while he's out kayaking on the Chesapeake Bay. I'm referring now to a very brave man, CIA Director Bill Colby, whose very dearest friend approached us in the mid-90s. And the week that we were going to have a meeting - listen carefully -- the week we were going to have a meeting with this former CIA Director who had been on the inside of these covert operations, where he was going to transfer to our group $50 million in funding...

AB: What?

SG: well as existing extraterrestrial energy devices that were functional. They found him floating down the Potomac River. The colonel...

AB: Wait, wait wait...

SG: ...The colonel who set up this meeting came to the funeral of my right hand aide, Shari Adamiak, who died a few years ago, and said, "We have both had grievous losses, but we can't look back. We've got to move forward." And this was Bill Colby's best friend.

AB: Under what arrangement - how did, I mean, $50 million, for example - under what auspices, how was that going to happen?

SG: We never got that far, nor did Mr. Colby. My point is this, and I'm not saying this to disturb Bill Colby's family, but I've decided that the truth has got to come out on some of these things, including these illegal, rogue operations that would phone in a threat like this to a civilian medical doctor.

AB: Um Hmm

SG: I've never signed a national security oath, and those people who have who are listening, mark my words, go to our website - - and contact me, because as far as I'm concerned, the actions taken by this group make them ineligible to cite the National Security Act of 1947 or any other constitutionally approved law because they are operating as an illegal, extra-constitutional entity.

AB: Got it. All right, Dr. Greer, hold tight. In the middle of the night, you're listening to Coast to Coast A.M. and I bet you had never heard any of this before from Dr. Greer.

[commercial break]

AB: Just to be sure that we all heard this correctly. Let's have Dr. Greer go over this one more time. A - uh- murder, Dr. Greer? You're saying a murder.

SG: Yes.

AB: Uh. And the set up to this was?

SG: Well, I'm - my group was approached by a colonel who I do not want to name, who was Bill Colby's (one of his very best) friends, and they had been following what we were doing in the early and mid nineties with what was then called Project Starlight, which then became But this man approached a member of our Board of Directors, a very dear friend of mine, and said that there was this person who is very connected up and historically had been connected to these projects, who absolutely agreed that it was time to end the secrecy. He wanted to transfer to us the means to do so through some assets that he had access to and I was told specifically that there was a - he wanted to be sure that there was adequate funding to do it properly which was around $50 million (which is a rounding error on the $7 trillion oil economy) and that they had some devices and physical equipment that they wanted to also transfer so that we could get this disclosed and get it secured and out to the public. So there was a "cell" if you want to look at it that way, that was headed up, that had some involvement from Mr. Colby that wanted to do this. So, the meeting was set up between a member of my Board and Bill Colby, and the week that that meeting was to be actuated, he was found floating down the Potomac River. Now, what's interesting about the death of Bill Colby was that, even his wife got on CNN and said "Oh, this is very unlike Bill Colby." Because he was a very safe canoer. He left the house opened, he left the computer on, the coffee maker on, and all this. This was actually publicly and very briefly stated, but then, of course, it was written off as an "accidental" drowning while he was out canoeing on the Potomac River.

AB: I recall.

SG: Now, in reality, it's very much like what's being portrayed where art now is imitating life in "The Manchurian Candidate", where there is a Senator who was going to blow the whistle on this transnational group that was running all this and he is murdered by this manchurian candidate in the Chesapeake Bay when he's out kayaking and it's made to look like a drowning accident and is reported out through the media shills (of course, most of the Big Media are shills for these kind of guys, or just extremely naïve), as an accidental drowning. So what's interesting is that this is precisely what happened to Bill Colby, and I've said this to a number of people who are actually in the media. And when my wife and I were sitting there looking at this movie, "The Manchurian Candidate," we were stunned. We looked at each other and went "Oh, my god!" because my wife, of course, knew in real time as this event happened and, of course, it was tragic and we were heartbroken, and of course, not long after that, my right hand assistant and best friend in all these efforts, Shari Adamiak was - uh, she died - and this colonel came to her wake that was held at her apartment in Denver and he just came up to me and he said, "You know, of course, Bill Colby was killed trying to get the truth out on this to help us, and you guys have had your own losses, but we can't look back, we can't dwell on the negative. We can't look back. We have to move forward." And that's my message to people, that's always how we have to -

AB: I know, but if you believe what you just told me, then -

SG: It's not a belief. I know it's true, I mean I know it...

AB: Okay, if you know it's true what you just told me, then that means they will kill to prevent any really serious damage. They will kill to stop any really serious damage. Therefore -

SG: If they can get away with it. Remember, those were the early days. We didn't have the systems we have in place today.

AB: Doctor, if they can get away with killing a former CIA director, they can sure get away with killing an emergency room doctor.

SG: Well, perhaps. But, except, I'm - he was doing this in a very clandestine way. I am not doing what I'm doing in a clandestine way.

AB: True enough.

SG: And, the other thing to remember is that we're much more sophisticated now than we were back in the mid 90s when this happened. We have enormous support within some of the groups that are running these covert projects who want to see this happen and I don't lose any sleep. I don't lose one minute of sleep over this, and none of the military witnesses working with me should. Now, it's not to say it's risk-free. You know, one of the things I say to people is that my god, you know, when I leave here to go back to my hotel here at Mt. Shasta, I could be hit by a Mack truck out of control coming down the mountain and be killed. There are risks with everything we do. But you also have to look at the benefit. If we're being visited by intelligent life out there, and if there are covert programs that are sitting on technologies that could give us an entirely sustainable, long-term civilization without the need for damaging the environment, without the need for 80% of the world's population living in abject poverty, is it not worth some risk? Well, it is! Now, I mean, I hate to sound clinical about this like a doctor talking about the risk and benefit ratios, but in reality, that's what it really comes down to, isn't it? And if we're not willing to step up to the plate on something of this importance, then we're really not worth breathing the free air of Earth.

AB: I'm with you. I'm certainly with you.

SG: I mean, this is why you're so great for doing this kind of show and letting someone like me talk to millions of people about what's really going on.

AB: Well, I think I'm looking at the whole world situation. I look carefully, as you know, at the environment. I wrote with Whitley Strieber, "The Coming Global Super Storm," made it into a big movie, environmental impact type stuff. I see what's going on in the world and it seems to me that if our situation, which is becoming rather dire, in my opinion...

SG: You bet.

AB: going to proceed exponentially quicker and quicker down the path we're going, if something doesn't intervene, we've got trouble really immediately ahead - big trouble.

SG: You bet we do, and there's a wonderful Chinese saying that I often like to quote that says, "Unless we change directions, we're likely to end up where we're going." Everyone laughs and I say, "You need to look at where we're going. You have to take the pulse of things." And yet what I say to people is that the Earth is going to be here, and humanity is going to be here. The question is, are we willing to manifest the courage and exercise our free will? I mean, speaking sort of metaphysically, if you will, this is the sphere of free will and we can use it for good or for ill. It's time for the good people to step up to the plate.


John DeCamp has discussed his suspicions concerning Bill Colby's death in many interviews, and has written about his thoughts on the matter in his updated version of The Franklin Coverup. A group called the Citizen's Commitee to Clean Up the Courts did an investigation into Bill Colby's death, and talked with John DeCamp.

SHERMAN SKOLNICK: If you saw the 60 Minutes program that I referred to,

do you believe that that was a watered-down, censored version of the

interviews with your friend William Colby?

JOHN DeCAMP: Yeah. That was a watered-down version. You've got to

understand Bill Colby. Bill Colby believed, above and beyond everything,

that the greatest thing that this country had, and the most *dangerous*

thing this country had, was the CIA: the greatest thing for protecting

us from "blah blah blah" and winning the Cold War and all that; the most

dangerous thing because it had the ability and had developed the

processes of operating outside the law. He was the one, if you'll

remember, that exposed it. And he believed, more than anything else,

that it wasn't *government* that would control things, it was the free

press. I predict, within the next year or so, it will come out that he

*also* is the one that engineered the release of the Pentagon Papers and

made that possible. People used to say, "Your press members are owned by

the CIA." He'd be the first to tell you, "Absolutely. We owned every one

of them", or "almost every one of any value" would be his phrase. And we

did control them.

Among the motives to murder William Colby:

#1) He was about to state that the U.S. government has lied by saying

there are no POWs left in Southeast Asia.

#2) Colby knew, from inside data, that Foster was murdered and that the

Clinton White House has covered it up.

#3) Colby directly, and through his wife, a super bank expert, knew

Household International reportedly secretly transferred $50 million of

federal funds to try to cover up the embezzlement of an Arkansas Savings

& Loan, incriminating Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Colby was general counsel of the CIA proprietary, Nugan-Hand Bank, and

had a similar secret role with the bank that is its successor, Household

International and Household Bank -- the world headquarters being in

Prospect Heights, a Chicago suburb.

Details of Household's high crimes are being covered up by a crooked

chief bankruptcy judge in Chicago, John D. Schwartz, in case number 84 B



Files in this torrent:

News articles about William Colby's death.pdf
- Posted by Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal, on

John DeCamp with Ted Gunderson - William Colby's Murder.avi
- Clip from an interview with John DeCamp, from

Steven Greer with Art Bell - William Colby's Murder.mp3
- Clip from an interview with Steven Greer, from

William Colby - Conspiracy of Silence.mpg
- Clip from an unaired documentary made by Yorkshire Television. Full video here:

C.C.C.C. - Why William Colby may have been murdered.txt
- Article from the Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts.

Nick Bryant - The Mysterious Death of William Colby.txt
- Article from by Nick Bryant
