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A View From Space - Gary Bell - AM640 Toronto - 02 Aug 2008 - MP3

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Comment10,9,8,7............................. Extreme Radio for Extreme Times Gary Bell has been kicked off radio stations for airing the information on his show. The Spaceman or Space, talks mostly about history, but woven with a Biblical and a conspiratorial view, he involves his audience in the show to depths others only aspire too. Total Recorder 4.4 Capture in 32-48 VBR kbs stereo from Ku satellite feed or 24 kbs internet streaming audio with commercial edit. Tonight topics: High Witches Sabbat, and the antichrists appearance and power.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2008.08.04 12:40
Info Hash54949fbcf7bac45243bb16c1debe64d90bcb274e
NameA View From Space - Gary Bell - 2008 08 02.mp3
Node ID9797
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces277
Piece Length256 KiB
Size69.21 MiB