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A View From Space - Gary Bell 2004 - Complete

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"Wherever YOU are..., in the world, I welcome you in..."

Finally, some three years after I first began to try to re-assemble it, here is the IanPotter Edition of the (very nearly complete) 2004 AVFS archive.

Often remastered from fragments, these files have been re-edited and re-dated where necessary, given a mild cleaning where appropriate and renamed in the format I prefer. Most files are now fairly comparable with the quality of the more recent archives.

Yes it took ages, but it couldn't have been done without all those who ripped, edited, posted, lost, found and re-posted everything along the way. Thanks all. Nice work!

Files in this 2004 archive:

20040201 - Microsoft, PC Viruses, Illuminati, Columbia.mp3
20040208 - Janet Jackson Superbowl , Grammy Logo, Sun Worship.mp3
20040222 - Mel Gibson.mp3
20040229 - Examining the Movie, Passion of the Christ.mp3
20040307 - Hitler, Mel Gibson, 2WW as Magical War, the Anti-Christ, Spear of Destiny.mp3
20040314 - Global Terrorism & the NWO, Madrid Bombings, the US & the Middle East.mp3
20040321 - Bali, Madrid, Hitler, Theosophy.mp3
20040328 - Middle East, Saddam Hussein, Venus, Tarot, Sol Invictus, Terminator & HAL.mp3
20040404 - Madrid patsies killed, U2 & 911.mp3
20040516 - Beheading of Nick Berg, Freemasonry.mp3
20040523 - Thirteen Illuminati Bloodline Families Through History, Fed Shareholders Revealed.mp3
20040530 - Bloodlines, Serpent Seed, Cain, Jesuits created Nationalism for World Government.mp3
20040605 - Terror Attacks, George Tenet, Royal Bank, War ships.mp3
20040613 - Osiris, Venus & the Family, Venus-Sun Transit, George Tenet Resignation, Reagan Funeral Symbols, Janet Jackson Superbowl .mp3
20040613 - Venus Transits Sun, Reagan Funeral & Assassination, Ancient Rituals.mp3
20040620 - False Flags, Rituals & Numerology, #11, Ballot-box resistance & the Organs of the Dominant Cabal (IMF, BIS, UN etc).mp3
20040627 - Bush EU meeting, UN & NATO in Iraq, #11 & the Anti-Christ, Holy Grail.mp3
20040704 - Rigged Elections, False Flags, Loss of liberties, Bush & Patriot Act, Hitler & Enabling Act.mp3
20040711 - Satanic Rock Music & the Illuminati, The Marketing of the Beatles & the Stones, Destruction of the Family, Christianity & Morality.mp3
20040725 - Leaded fuel & General Motors, Corruption & Misuse of Science, 911 Commission Cover-up & Survivor Accounts.mp3
20040727 - Mind Control Week - Illuminati Mind Control Assassins, Monarch & the Washington Sniper Case.mp3
20040728 - Mind Control Week - Lee Harvey Oswald, CIA, Nazi Connections, Clinton & McCain.mp3
20040729 - Mind Control Week continued.mp3
20040730 - Mind Control Week - Democratic National Convention, John Kerry & Barack Obama.mp3
20040801 - Mind Control Week continued.mp3
20040802 - Blue Moon, Orange Terror Alerts Conditioning Police State Compliance.mp3
20040808 - Ron Howard, Da Vinci Code, Merovingian symbolism ancient & modern.mp3
20040809 - Athens Olympics, Terror threat hype to effect greater control, Olympic symbolism.mp3
20040811 - Venus, Olympic Flame, Fire & Ice, Children of Light.mp3
20040813 - Olympic Rituals & Symbolism.mp3
20040816 - Olympic Games, The Torch, World Peace, Zeus, Paganism versus Christianity.mp3
20040820 - Freemasonic symbols, the Phallus & the Apron, Akhenaton, #13.mp3
20040822 - Olympics as eugenics showcase, Gene enhancement therapy, Dionysus.mp3
20040829 - Hurricane Charlie, Death toll cover-up, Weather manipulation, Habitat zones, UN, Preparing for the Anti-Christ.mp3
20040905 - War on Terror goes Global in Pursuit of World Governance, Beslan School Massacre, South Ossetia.mp3
20040912 - 3rd Anniversary of 911.mp3
20041010 - Influence of Skull & Bones & Other Secret Societies on NWO Public Policy, Fiscal Crisis by 2008.mp3
20041017 - Illuminati Banker Bastard Babies, Clinton, Stalin & Hitler.mp3
20041031 - Origins of Halloween, Eminem.mp3
20041107 - Skulls & Bones, Presidential Election Fraud.mp3
20041114 - Merovingian Bloodline, Charlemagne, Spear of Destiny, Yasser Arafat.mp3
20041121 - Sirus, The Dogon, Sitchen, False Gods & the New Age.mp3
20041128 - Merovingian Bloodline Origins, Monasteries & Priests, Sun Worship, Joseph of Arimathea in Britain.mp3
20041205 - En route to WW3 & World Government, Incremental loss of freedom, Big Pharma, Intentionally Diseased Populace, Chemtrails.mp3
20041212 - Conspiracy Theory Movie, Mass Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming, MK Ultra Assassins, Wizard of Oz re-make, NWO by 2012.mp3
20041219 - Babylon & Chaldea, US as Resurrected Babylon, Vehicle for the End Times, Beasts of Revelation, The Anti-Christ Prince Charles & Business Interests.mp3
20041226 - The Real Date of Jesus's Birthday, Sept 11th, 3BC, Conjunction of Venus & Jupiter, The Sun, The Tribe of Judah.mp3

Overall, the audio quality of the archive is patchy. Many files are excellent, while others have bits missing and/or poor quality (owing to being recovered from horrible RealPlayer snippets).

There are however, some magnificent phone calls!

IIRC I re-encoded all files at 24kbps (as per the original rips).

Other archives in this series:

2011 -
2010 -
2009 -
2008 -
2007 -
2006 -
2005 -

If anyone has any 2003 or earlier shows, I'd love to get hold of them. PM me.

Thx again to all those who contributed to the development of these archives down the years. I think it's an achievement to be proud of.
