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Victor E. Marsden edition Protocols of Zion (revised, single page) REFORMATTED
Maybe an hour or two of initial seeding.
PDF, 303pp., text under the page image, single page not "open book" layout for easier printing.
A couple of months ago someone uploaded a torrent for the PDF scan of the 1934 edition of Victor E. Marsden's translation from the Russian text of "The Protocols of [the Meetings of the Learned Elders of] Zion, with Preface and Explanatory Notes". Or as Bill Cooper (youth member of the De Molay Society) would have us believe: "...Of Sion".
The scan from sucks, basically dumb-assed dual page no good for printing and they scanned a copy with lots of idiot underlinings etc.
As the Marsden edition is widely used the crap scan has been doctored to split the pages, remove the handwritten grafitti and re-OCR the text under the images. The poor quality of the original scan means the pages are too light for taste but they print good.
The Protocols, irrespective of the debate over their origins, must be studied, not just read, and for that purpose a paper copy is best. Rather than printing it might be cheaper to buy one from the likes of or - and use the electronic version for text searching / your mobile vade-mecum copy :-)
Texe Marrs in his 22/23 July 2010 broadcast says he's satisfied the Protocols are genuine (18:00 on). Near the end of this talk he mentions Cathy Griffin (zio-Jewess) at an awards ceremony where she said "Suck it Jesus!!"
For such a benign and universal figure, JC does seem to come in for some flack, particularly from zio-JEWS!
Maybe they really are their Daddy's little helpers. [John 8:44].
Note to decriers: keeping an open mind on this, have you read and find any parallels with the Protocols in prior source writings:
Zwack: "Einige Original Scripten." c1784;
Bavarian Government: English title: "The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the ILLUMINATI." (1756)
John Robison, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University and Secretary of The
Royal Society of Edinburgh: "Proofs of a Conspiracy to destroy all Governments and Religions." (1798) He reportedly had custody of a copy of the original Weishaupt statements.