Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
80.08 MiB | 1 | 0 | 61 |
tags: Coleman,coronavirus,covid,crime,deception,fraud,genocide,hoax,murder,war
An Old Man in a Chair
Vernon Coleman 2021-05-16 The Slaughter of the Gullible and the Innocent.mp4
AVC-AAC 25 min 59 sec
English-language .srt subtitles from careful transcription
Computer-translated subtitles in about 124 other languages,
by Yandex, Google, Baidu
Dr Coleman:
"Governments, advisers and the medical establishment knew from the start
that the covid jabs would kill or injure millions. The slaughter of the innocent,
the gullible and the unwisely trusting was pre-meditated."
"These same so-called vaccines are being given to the gullible, ill-informed
people all over the world. And in a matter of weeks, these same drugs
will be injected into healthy children – who are probably no more likely
to die of covid-19 than they are to be struck by lightning."
"But let me remind you that the people who died were mostly quite well,
thank you very much. And then someone stuck a needle in them
and they were dead or seriously ill. Am I missing something here,
or is this not the greatest drug scandal – way, way worse than thalidomide?"
"No one knows what the future holds for someone who has been jabbed
with one of these concoctions. The lies and deceits about covid-19 jabs seem
endless. Media doctors are lining up to tell their fans that there are no dangers
with the jabs. Really?! Those media doctors should be prepared to be on the
wrong end of some very expensive lawsuits. Assuring people that there are
no risks when there clearly are is unethical and morally wrong in every
conceivable way."
"In my view, no one should have this jab until they're tired of life
and looking for a painful way to commit suicide."