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Vernon Coleman 2021-04-11 We Are the Resistance and We Will WIN This War 130 languages

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Vernon Coleman 2021-04-11 We Are the Resistance and We Will WIN This War.mp4
AVC-AAC 47 min 26 sec
Plus the soundtrack as two .mp3 parts

English-language .srt subtitles from careful transcription
Computer-translated subtitles in about 130 other languages,
by Yandex, Google, Baidu ... and one by GreedyBs.

"The covid-19 hoax and the global warming fraud
are just weapons which are being used to terrify us
in order to take control.

"The end result, if we lose, will be a world
in which the billionaires will get richer
and the rest of us would either die or become slaves
in the New World Order. That's what it's all about."