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158.04 MiB | 0 | 0 | 73 |
tags: Ask the Experts,BBC,Britain,Coleman,coronavirus,covid,jab,shot,vaccination,vaccine
Dr Vernon Coleman
"An old man in a chair"
Vernon Coleman 2021-02-20 My Reply to the One-sided BBC Panorama Programme on Vaccination
6 min 08 sec - mp4 (AVC-AAC) 1080p + 128 kbps .mp3
English-language subtitles from careful transcription. Computer-translated subtitles
in about 130 languages (Yandex, Google, Baidu, MsBing)
Dr Coleman"
"...anyone who reports the facts is banned by YouTube, Facebook and the BBC – and branded a conspiracy theorist.
That’s the upside down world we are living in, a world where lies are praised as truths and truths are branded lies.
"...the BBC's ignorance and failure to understand research or science really becomes blatant and embarrassing."
"...there are, sadly, some who still believe what they hear or see on the BBC.
And the lives of those people are in danger as a result of this grotesque parody of journalism."
"I've spent most of the last year campaigning against this fraud
because I know that governments around the world are engaged in a massive conspiracy."
"Anyone who says the covid-19 jab is extremely safe and completely effective is lying.
There is a long list on my website of just some of those who have been killed or injured
by what is without question an experimental jab. ... I'm not going to be bullied into silence
by people who don't understand the meaning of science or the responsibility of journalists."
Dr Coleman's essential message:
1. There isn't and never was a corona virus PANDEMIC.
2. LOCKDOWNS, MASKS, social distancing etc. are unhelpful but very harmful.
3. The PCR TEST is dishonest and repudiated for diagnosis by its creator.
4. No VACCINE is needed, which is good because there has never been a successful
vaccine for any corona virus, and the current "vaccines" aren't vaccines at all.
***** "Distrust the Government. Avoid mass media. Fight the lies." *****