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Dr Vernon Coleman
"An old man in a chair"
Vernon Coleman 2020-09-30
Why I Believe Politicians and Advisors Will Go to Prison
subtitles 125 languages
18 min 25 sec AVC-AAC
English-language subtitles from careful transcription.
Computer-translated subtitles in ABOUT 125 LANGUAGES,
(Yandex, Google and MsBing)
A fire-and-brimstone manifesto:
"I don't believe that the chaos, the confusion and the
unnecessary deaths are an accident caused by stupidity
and incompetence.
"Our government has made itself our enemy, and it is
using the state to oppress, punish and gaol [jail] us."
"What has this country come to?"
"I suspect that much of the mainstream media will not
survive this scandal. The BBC, which has betrayed its
charter and ignored its obligations, signed its own
death warrant when it acquired financial links with the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The same thing
goes for The Guardian, of course."
"The whole of the British Government’s policy since March
has been false. The lockdowns were never necessary.
The closure of hospitals and hospital departments was
never necessary. The wearing of masks was never
necessary – and was always going to do more harm than
good. The dumping of old people in care homes was
never necessary. Around the world, millions of people
will die because of what seemed like mistakes.
But I don’t think they were mistakes."
"Although it may seem like it at times, please remember
you are not alone. More and more people are waking up.
... Together, we will win this war. We are winning this war."
"Distrust the government, avoid mass media and
fight the lies."