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The VA-111 Shkval Superweapon

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The VA-111 Shkval Superweapon

The VA-111 Shkval torpedo and its
descendants are supercavitating torpedoes developed by the Soviet
Union. They are capable of speeds in excess of 300 knots (560

The speed of the VA-111 far exceeds that of any standard torpedo
currently fielded by NATO. This speed is a result of supercavitation:
the torpedo is, in effect, flying in a gas bubble created by outward
deflection of water by its specially shaped nose cone and the expansion
of gases from its engine. By keeping water from coming into contact
with the surface of the body of the torpedo, drag is significantly
reduced, allowing extremely high speeds. In effect, the Shkval is an
underwater missile.

Launched from 533 mm torpedo tubes, the VA-111 exits the tube at
50 knots (93 km/h). Shortly afterwards, its liquid-fuel rocket ignites and
propels it to speeds of up to 200 knots (370 km/h). Some reports
indicate that speeds of 250+ knots may be achieved, and that work on a
300-knot (560 km/h) version was underway. The rocket engine uses
the combination of high test peroxide and kerosene; the propellant tanks
contain about 1.5 tons of hydrogen peroxide and 500 kg of kerosene.

Video: Spies, Lies and Secret Weapons
It is a fearsome weapon, part missile, and part torpedo. Fired from a submarine, the drag-resistant (super-cavitation) technology makes it possible for the Shkval to slice through the water at 200mph. The Russians had developed it and the Americans were determined to get it. But doing so would be highly complicated. Would they rely on arms dealers and middlemen? Could it be obtained through one of the former Soviet Republics? Would it take a spy to find out the real secrets of the Shkval? In the end an unassuming Canadian finally sealed the deal, but there were many twists along the road to obtaining the super missile. (This was an obsolete edition of the Shkval. The statement that one of the Torpedos blew up and made the Kursk sink is US intelligence disinformation. There was a round hole in the hull of the submarine. Such a hole can only exist as a result of a hit by a torpedo shot at the Kursk. This shows that US documentaries simply cannot be trusted. Many of these documentaries are made by US intelligence.)

Comment: Iran owns these Shkvals and in case of an attack by the US, Iran will use them to completely destroy US battleships, aircraft carriers and submarines. The US may have stolen the plans from the USSR and copied this type of torpedo, but there are much more targets for Iran than for the US using these devices. I don't particularly like Muslim countries, but it's hard not to sympathize with Iran considering the situation. Isn't it interesting, that we never were shown such torpedos in Hollywood movies? Imagine: 560 km/h for a torpedo, that's just amazing. Normally official specs are quite a bit lower than up to date specs of military technology. These systems may have reached Mach 1 or more by now. Stealing a few of these devices may have been the real reason why the Kursk submarine was shot down in 2001. (see one of my previous torrents: Kursk - On the Verge of World War III)