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171.76 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
UNSEALED UNSEALED Conspiracy Files - S01E16 - Time Travel
"Often thought to be safely in the realm of science fiction, time travel is much more real than you were led to believe. We'll unseal the evidence on time travel and let you decide for yourself if time travel is in our future, or our past."
We've all heard them ... the Mafia killed JFK, the government had a hand in 9/11 and the existence of aliens is the world's best-kept secret. Conspiracy theories are as old as mankind itself, and for just as long people have been taking sides.
The Believers claim that those in control have always gone to great lengths to manipulate the "truth"- often to consolidate their power and occasionally to hide truths so shocking that their discovery would alter the course of history. For centuries, kings, governments and power players have covered up discoveries, repressed scientific results and generated propaganda in an effort to keep the common man from knowing the truth. After all, knowledge is power.
The advent of the internet provides a unique opportunity to level the playing field and give all men equal access to the facts. Suddenly countries are clamoring for their elected officials to release generations' worth of "secret documents" and "sensitive files".
In a country "of the people, by the people and for the people" this information belongs to every American citizen. In April 2011, the FBI finally relented and established an online repository of files, documents and reports called "The Vault".
Unsealed: Conspiracy Files is a ground breaking new show that shines a light on many of these archived case files.
Each week Unsealed will tackle one compelling conspiracy theory by opening these and other previously off-limits secret files. Based on the new information found there, we will re-examine faulty assumptions, look for inconsistencies, and follow developing leads. In addition, a new generation of experts has harnessed the burgeoning power of new technologies to take their research farther then ever anticipated.
The show will feature cutting edge graphics, engaging music and a fast, energetic style that will appeal to experts and novices alike. Unsealed will have hardcore conspiracy fans and curious, open-minded newbies wanting more.
Unsealed: Conspiracy Files ... welcome to the world of Conspiracy!