i'm just beginning and don't expect full "downloads",
but all tips, keywords, pointers and notes are ALL welcome.
An overview of what is currently available and possible would be nice.
i'm looking for things from the hardcore and (in the considered) cheating/bots categories.
The standard Poker tools (from Memory) are too basic, with only some extra info.
i'd be looking for customizable FULL aides, i.e. do this, do that OR ELSE...
...all the way to full (profitable) automation.
Blackjack seems like a more basic and simpler target.
Craps can supposedly even be mathematically made
to guarantee winning (with a system unknown to me thus far).
(although requiring a fair amount of work for a dollar each toss)
i don't even know all the options (Games) available,
so all tips & tricks and all suggestions are welcome in general.
Maybe we can all make this work. i have an interesting trick up my sleeve,
and will soon have a nice tech setup with multiple monitors for all this,
be it for statistics or the things that actually require input.
As far as A.I. and the (GPT & etc.) chatbots go, i'm ultimately looking for something more powerful:
*Self-hosted software capable of searching the web, targeted data-mining and processing the results,
*Learning from all the info and being able to perform/complete tasks (almost?) independently, perhaps on-demand, like all PCs do...
*A specific interest is having it learn code/programming, to then scan existing programs for faults to exploit,
*Hacks to make and even write/compose-compile full applications based on a mere text-description.
*Similarily, functions and results should be customizable in terms of the data/text output, evaluation and decision-making.
Based on the way A.I. looked to me on a brief glimpse, it should EASILY be capable of these things with present capabilities,
the only restrictive factors being the limits imposed upon them by the management and things like legislation and ethics.
Therefore, i'm assuming the best bet in this case may be the underground/(relatively) hidden forums and chat/sharing environments.
(Hacker-cracker-reverse engineering etc. movements)
These types of capabilities are likely to be forbidden or downright illegal, even if only by the proxy of potential outcomes and uses.
To simplify, i'm (also) looking for the best currently available A.I. (and Casino/Gambling) software and their (hardcore) modifications,
and ones with such potentials. Brainstorming and open discussions i would like to ask you to partake in, so join me in this SEARCH FOR POWER!
All inputs, both large and small are welcomed as potentially essential for progressions towards something seemingly quite liberating.
i hope this is an acceptable forum for such an enquiry/request. Directions to other appropriate forums and places are appreciated.
I'm sorry... I don't do anything illegal! Plus, I don't have the brain power to do stuff like what you are asking for. I have found other ways of getting money - like working! LMAO. But good luck in your endeavors - to each their own. Try TOR...
Technically i'm not after the illegal stuff either, being cautious and all...
but there is potential for that if it's without restrictions, hence
Technically, P2P file-sharing is...well...most likely in the same category as the exploitation of video games.
Generally quite harmless and even tolerated, but greedy ones care to disagree.
Technically, i haven't given it a proper look yet, but advice is nevertheless welcomed.
TOR is likely a good target, but not very big when it comes to, um...population and sharing.
Since i'm after certain music as well, perhaps i should re-acquaint myself with the
Usenet newsreaders and the more exotic P2P programmes for at least a round (one scan).
For anyone interested: (before Lights Out)
Provides some copy-pastas as instructions for the MACHINES to bypass (some) of their restrictions.
https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/KSroBnxCHodGmPPJ8/jailbreaking-gpt-4-s-c... (good overview)
There are some prompt packs available for download. ChatGPT Desktop seems like a neat client, +syncs available prompts from server.
https://gpt4all.io/index.html looks far more interesting.
Let's see! There's plenty guides and the bots can do most of the work, so put in a little effort and off we go...!
Here's a list of AI providers to finish off for today:
CodeGPT Plus
Google MakerSuite
Microsoft Azure