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United Nations & EU information package

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United Nations & EU information package

5 documentaries in various file formats:

Global Governance - The Quiet War against Independance (DivX)

John Birch Society files:
The UN Deception (mpg)
United States vs. United Nations (DivX)
United Nations - A Look into the Future (DivX)
Freedom on the Alter - the UN Crusade against God & Family (DivX)

Global Governance - The Quiet War Against American Independence

In 1966, a Georgetown University professor published a big book about the elite Network which he said controls America. His book approved of their plan for global, or world, control to supersede our self-government by "We the people." The professor had a profound effect on one of his students. In 1992, that student became President of the United States and Bill Clinton credited Professor Carroll Quigley with forming his vision for the future. In the next several years, he pushed for several United Nations treaties (including some rejected by Presidents Reagan and Bush) which are designed to control human behavior, energy consumption, private property, and natural resources. The President issued a secret order (PDD 25) to place American armed forces under foreign command and in foreign uniform, and he began using U.S. troops as global cops and social workers. His Administration is steadily putting American trade and property under the control of international organizations. "Global Governance: The Quiet War Against American Independence" contains exclusive interviews with national news makers on the front lines of the quiet war. This compelling program documents the treaties and UN conferences that are undermining American independence and paving the way for global control.

Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade Against God and Family - 24:01

Is the United Nations the institution upon which the future depends, or an instrument of socialist tyranny? What are the principles which th...all » Is the United Nations the institution upon which the future depends, or an instrument of socialist tyranny? What are the principles which the UN and its masters serve? How would the fulfillment of the UN's stated objectives affect you and your family? In Freedom on the Altar, journalist William Norman Grigg documents that the UN's envisioned new world order would: * Indoctrinate children in socialist values, which may include compulsory "volunteer" labor: * Exercise control over family life, which would include coercive population control, parental "licensing," and the seizure of children from parents deemed "incompetent" by UN-approved officials; * Eradicate America's distinctive culture, free institutions, and Biblically-derived values; and * Create an official world religion and persecute those who profess traditional Biblical religion.

JBS presents: The U.N. Deception

The U.N. Deception reports what the nightly news does not: the UN’s creators intended their organization to become a world government. Learn how top United Nations proponents exploit small arms, the environment, and justice to pressure Capitol Hill into quietly surrendering America’s heritage of freedom. Should these UN plans remain unopposed, the consequences are ultimately grim. There is, however, a way to avert this danger. Start by witnessing The U.N. Deception.

The United Nations: A Look Into The Future

This excellent fast-paced documentary exposes the real agenda behind the United Nations. It includes interviews with various experts touching on subjects such as gun control, education, environmentalism, family and population control. Produced in 1998 by The John Birch Society.

United States vs. United Nations - 22:55

This 23 minute video explains how United Nations? policies and practices infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed United States citizens under ...all » This 23 minute video explains how United Nations? policies and practices infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed United States citizens under the U.S. Constitution. United States vs. United Nations answers the questions that many Americans are beginning to wonder out loud: Is UN membership compatible with our form of government? Do our UN "commitments" endanger America? What will happen if the UN becomes what its founders intended?


Links to informative news articles and essays by The New American magazine:

Framework for World Government
From the moment State Department planners in the Roosevelt administration began crafting plans for the United Nations, their goal was always the same: world government

Tendrils of Tyranny
The United Nations has long sought to control all aspects of human endeavor. Its vast bureaucracy is now closer to that goal than ever before

Building World Order
Behind the soothing rhetoric about "peace" and "human security" offered by the UN's masters lurks a diabolical design for the destruction of human liberty.

The UN's Millennial "Mandate"
At the UN's Millennium Summit, world leaders gathered to call for "global governance" through UN empowerment.

Globalism's Growing Grasp

UN Politics: A Rigged Game

"Hat in Hand," on "Bended Knee"
After supposedly breaking with the UN over the Iraq War, the Bush administration has not only come to the UN as supplicant but is pushing for a UN standing army.

The UN's War on Firearms
Taking advantage of Black Tuesday and the ongoing "war on terrorism," the United Nations is intensifying its own campaign against civilian ownership of firearms.

The United Nations' Big Green Machine
UN environmental proposals, like the World Heritage Convention and Agenda 21, are socialist instruments that reflect the world body's ongoing drive to destroy property rights.

Eco-Agenda for Planetary Control

Court of Injustice
While intoning platitudes about ending impunity and advancing the rule of law, advocates of the UN's new ICC are actually establishing a global kangaroo court.

The New World Religion
Presented to the world as a mystical revelation, the UN Earth Charter is actually a diabolical blueprint for global government.

UN Takes Aim at Children
The UN Children's Summit feigned compassion, but its true agenda was to bypass national sovereignty, usurp parental authority, and make all children subject to the state

The "Emancipated" Child
The UN aims to free children from parental authority and make them wards of the state, a move that will abolish the family and leave children vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

It Takes a Global Village
The UN, just like Cuba or any other totalitarian regime, views children as the collective property of the state.

March Madness in Monterrey
Billed as a conference to help the world's poor, the UN's Monterrey summit was not just about money, taxation, debt, or even development. It was also about power.

New Push for Global Taxes

Sink the Law of the Sea Treaty!
The Bush administration is pushing for ratification of the UN's Law of the Sea Treaty, which would give control of the oceans and their riches to the world body.

UN Oil-for-Food Program: Scams R Us

UN Reform Isn't the Answer
The proper response to cries for UN reform and restructuring is for our nation to leave. Even with veto power, the UN remains a constant threat to freedom.

Enjoy and Cheers