Bury a Gun in Your Back Yard Program.mp4 | 6.57 MiB |
EMAS 13384498 Well drilling - standard EMAS method.mp4 | 109.11 MiB |
EMAS 13385822 Well drilling - required materials.mp4 | 135.08 MiB |
EMAS 13386675 Well drilling - sludging with temporary casing.mp4 | 147.44 MiB |
EMAS 13402726 Well drilling - suction variant to standard EMAS method.mp4 | 214.69 MiB |
EMAS 13403467 Pumps - standard EMAS handpump using pipes.mp4 | 199.65 MiB |
EMAS 13403900 Pumps - EMAS high pressure handpump.mp4 | 228.78 MiB |
EMAS 13404231 Pumps - EMAS pedal-powered pump.mp4 | 106.75 MiB |
EMAS 13404560 Pumps - EMAS high quantity handpump.mp4 | 204.71 MiB |
EMAS 13404977 Pumps - standard EMAS handpump using fittings.mp4 | 138.53 MiB |
EMAS 13405668 Wells - improving an existing shallow hand-dug well.mp4 | 37.38 MiB |
EMAS 13406086 Pumps - windmill powering EMAS pump.mp4 | 260.78 MiB |
EMAS 13406131 Irrigation - using a windmill, a pedal-powered pump, and drip irrigation.mp4 | 94.15 MiB |
EMAS 13406132 Storage tanks - ferrocement tank.mp4 | 51.13 MiB |
EMAS 13572803 Rainwater harvesting - different rainwater tanks.mp4 | 125.3 MiB |
EMAS 13573167 Pumps - EMAS handpump used in well near the home.mp4 | 76.34 MiB |
EMAS 13574260 Storage tanks - Ferrocement tank using inner form.mp4 | 103 MiB |
EMAS 13574652 Storage tanks - small ferrocement tank and sink.mp4 | 49.78 MiB |
EMAS 13574805 Spring catchment - using PVC tubes.mp4 | 25.59 MiB |
EMAS 13574851 General - EMAS training center in Puerto Perez.mp4 | 22.36 MiB |
EMAS 13574950 Spring catchment - combined with long-distance pumping.mp4 | 39.42 MiB |
EMAS 13575188 Storage tanks - underground cistern in sandy soil.mp4 | 117.68 MiB |
EMAS 13575633 Water heating - shower using bottle heater.mp4 | 19.25 MiB |
EMAS 13575712 Water heating - Solar water heater.mp4 | 96.22 MiB |
EMAS 13575843 General - making pipe fittings, air chambers, etc.mp4 | 99.42 MiB |
EMAS 13576098 Kitchen - making a kitchen sink.mp4 | 21.39 MiB |
EMAS 13576189 Solar room heating - using the sun to heat a home.mp4 | 201.65 MiB |
EMAS 13576248 Pumps - EMAS hydraulic ram.mp4 | 104.27 MiB |
EMAS 13576400 Latrines - the EMAS VIP latrine.mp4 | 112.77 MiB |
EMAS 13576488 Hydroelectricity - Small hydroelectric power plants.mp4 | 33.57 MiB |
EMAS 13576623 Water treatment - subsurface wetland with greenhouse.mp4 | 109.84 MiB |
EMAS 13579887 Water heating - theory of solar water heater.mp4 | 253.95 MiB |
EMAS 42248806 Simple treatment plant for removing iron.mp4 | 51.97 MiB |
EMAS 42249201 Water filter.mp4 | 49.09 MiB |
EMAS 42249347 General - introducing the EMAS technologies.mp4 | 110.54 MiB |
EMAS 121552793 Thermal house insulation method.mp4 | 112.06 MiB |
EMAS 121553858 Well drilling - standard EMAS method.mp4 | 238.48 MiB |
EMAS 121554273 Creating a ferro cement boat.mp4 | 85.1 MiB |
EMAS 121610206 A mechanical drive for all EMAS Pump types.mp4 | 161.29 MiB |
EMAS 121635840 Creating a ferro cement latrine.mp4 | 134.23 MiB |
EMAS 121647773 Solar room heating systems.mp4 | 188.09 MiB |
EMAS 121652221 Summary of EMAS technologies.mp4 | 151.33 MiB |
gov.archives.arc.2569661.mp4 | 228.65 MiB |
gov.dod.dimoc.27489.mp4 | 259.2 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.1 Cold Land Survival.mp4 | 152.94 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.2 Hotland Survival.mp4 | 173.72 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.3 Survival Kits.mp4 | 113.25 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.4 Survival Medicine.mp4 | 199.27 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.5 Surviving on Open Water.mp4 | 221.08 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.6 Survival Signaling.mp4 | 89.35 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.7 Tropival Survival.mp4 | 131.78 MiB |
gov.faa.survival.8 The Will to Survive.mp4 | 199.6 MiB |
Lynnbesch - Natures Resources for Survival 522.m4v | 18.61 MiB |
Making a Simple Inexpensive Survival Cache Using Pvc Pipe.mp4 | 22.75 MiB |
MI-270.mp4 | 210.36 MiB |
Moisture Elimination for Guns Ammo Storage.mp4 | 25.6 MiB |
Obama Justifies Fema Imprisonment of Civilians.mp4 | 45.38 MiB |
PVC Survival Cache.mp4 | 50.39 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 1.mp4 | 174.43 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 2.mp4 | 297.83 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 3.mp4 | 168.04 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 4.mp4 | 222.89 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 5.mp4 | 174.05 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 6.mp4 | 167.08 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 7.mp4 | 223.69 MiB |
SAS - Survival Secrets - Sabre Squadron Scenario 8.mp4 | 299.82 MiB |
Strategic Relocation - The Film.mp4 | 856.04 MiB |
Survival 1951.mp4 | 69.68 MiB |
Survival Evas 1.mp4 | 85.75 MiB |
Survival Evas 2.mp4 | 71.7 MiB |
Surviving the Wild - Ep 01 - First Go.mp4 | 307.18 MiB |
Surviving the Wild - Ep 02 - Winter Runoff.mp4 | 420.92 MiB |
Surviving the Wild - Ep 03 - A Level of Comfort.mp4 | 801.86 MiB |
Systema Spetsnaz DVD 1.mp4 | 30.19 MiB |
Systema Spetsnaz Knife Fighting Techniques Seminar March 2010 part 3.mp4 | 40.83 MiB |
Systema Spetsnaz Survival Tactics Seminar.mp4 | 68.48 MiB |
The Art of Cache Tubes.mp4 | 75.43 MiB |
Water Well Drilling - Constructing Alternate Percussion Bit for Suction Drilling.mp4 | 27.43 MiB |
Water Well Drilling by Hand - How to Properly Case a Well.mp4 | 21.55 MiB |