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UFOs Secret Space Programs & Underground Bases [pack]
UFO Down-Under - Barry Taylor
U.F.O. means, Unidentified Flying Object. It does not automatically mean Alien Space Craft or Flying
Saucer, being the common perception when UFO is mentioned. Yes, there are Alien Space Craft visiting
our Earth periodically, however, the greater majority of UFO’s seen are not Alien Space Craft
containing small 4-5 foot [1.5 metre] Alien Beings, they are “Living Space Critters”. Alien life
forms yet undetermined by science, and UFO Researchers alike. Some, may be biological living
‘probes’ gathering information about the Earth’s environment. The resulting data, then
returned to a distant Alien Race where it is analysed and studied by some distant Alien Scientist.
It is these aspects of UFOlogy that will be revealed within this book, and the evidence presented
showing why this may be the truth behind many of the UFO objects we see in our skies to-day.
Without doubt, the UFO subject has been the most controversial subject in today’s modern society.
Millions of people around the world from all walks of life, including military personnel, government
officials, airline pilots and prominent business people to the general citizens of the world in all
countries have spoken about and reported their own personal sightings, and sometimes physical
contact with UFO craft, even Beings from other worlds.
There have been many books and discussion papers written on the UFO subject over the years, starting
from the late 1940’s. There must be literally thousands of books available on this subject in
today’s market place. Especially recent years since 1994 and the advent of the Internet. This easy
access to a digital form of communication has opened up a vast distribution of web page sites full
of the latest UFO sighting reports, photographs and video clips covering world wide awareness of
events as they occur. Exchange and submission of information relative to the UFO phenomenon, is now
a fast and simple task eagerly used by the population of the world when the UFO subject affects them
personally, and in their quest to learn more on the subject. The Internet also offers fast easy
access to and for UFO Researchers around the world.
In this book, I will concentrate on my own personal experiences directly related to my sightings and
sometimes captured video sequences of these mysterious UFO objects. It is from these personal
observations and study of resulting video footage, that I have been able to establish some
interesting possible scenarios of what is actually happening when UFO’s are in our skies, and some
interesting probabilities as to what some UFO objects actually are. There is a great deal of
information within these pages that has never been written before, and may seem unconventional when
compared to generally accepted explanations already vented by researchers and authors around the
world. I place great value on personal observations of the UFO when in our skies. It is only then,
that more accurate and realistic conclusions be seriously considered. The key word is
“experience”. Experience based on accumulative data gathered by observation. Then, the combined
long term research and study of resulting video evidence using the latest hi-end computer video
enhancing programs. And finally learning how to, read the results with greatest possible accuracy.
This has been my specialty since 1996. This type of research gives you knowledge on the subject
otherwise difficult to obtain through other means.
Since 1996, I have captured many UFO on video. In 2000, I produced my first video production called,
“UFO Down-Under” featuring a small selection of UFO footage, some with witnesses at the time of
filming. I now had enough real UFO footage to show others what has been visiting our skies. Early
in my quest for answers on the UFO phenomenon, I learnt the value of Skywatching. I say, “If you
intend seeing UFO’s, than you have to watch the skies, for that is where they are”. And that has
proven to be true, and very rewarding over the years. I have observed different types of UFO, noted
their flight characteristics and capabilities, both at night and during the day. Not only do I
include many of my personal UFO sightings within these pages, but a few important sightings reported
to me by others. An interesting chapter on “How to See UFO’s and Photograph Them”, is a
culmination of years of personal practice, study and development, of the techniques that I use. I
share this unique knowledge with you, so you will have the opportunity to put these techniques into
practice for yourself. If you develop the techniques, you too will see the UFO next time they are in
your area. I can almost guarantee it.
I began my life long journey with UFO’s when I was a child. My explanation of events is expressed
as I remember them. There is memory loss of detail associated with some experiences, but what I do
remember makes interesting reading. I have been fortunate enough to have photographed and video
taped a large number of UFO over the years, and some of the most interesting are included in this
book. When I have not been able to photograph the UFO, either because they were moving too fast, or
I was awe struck because they were just too close and could not believe what I was confronted with,
so decided to just intensely observe every detail I could. Sometimes I even had the video camera in
my hand but did not turn it on.
Evidence, The Case for NASA UFOs - Daniel Sereda.pdf
Eyes Only - The Story of Clifford Stone - Clifford Stone.pdf
Norway UFOs, FOTOCAT Report # 4 - Vicente Ballester.pdf
Our ancestors came from outer space - Chatelain, Maurice.pdf
Paranormal America - Christopher Bader, F. Mencken, Joseph Bake.pdf
Project Camelot Interviews Vol 1.pdf
Project Camelot Interviews Vol 2.pdf
Project Camelot Interviews Vol 3.pdf
Regional Encounters - Jean Waskiewicz.pdf
Smith Willy On Pilots and UFOs.pdf
The Omega Conspiracy - Dr I D E Thomas.pdf
The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects.pdf
UFO Contact from the Pleiades, Vol 1, 1979.pdf
UFO Crash in Brazil - Roger Leir.pdf
UFO Down-Under - Barry Taylor [printable].pdf
UFO Down-Under - Barry Taylor.pdf
Understanding the Reptilian Mind - Verve.pdf
World Atlas of UFOs - John Spencer.pdf
A Secret Space Program Exists, This is How NASA Hides it.mp4
Advanced Propulsion Systems To Explore Beyond Our Solar System.mp4
Aircraft Technology So Advanced You wont See it for Another 50 Years.mp4
Alien Abduction What Really Happened to Travis Walton.mp4
Aliens Are Here, Proof UFOs are Hiding Deep in Our Oceans.mp4
Aliens DO abduct humans, here is the Physical Evidence.mp4
Amazing Anomalies on Mars Surface That Will Prove Life Exists.mp4
Antigravity Technology from Recovered UFOs is Being Used at Area 51.mp4
Are Alien Time Travelers on Earth Now.mp4
Area 51 Employee Discloses Top Secret UFO Engineering.mp4
Astounding Documentary Time Travel Experiments Gone Wrong.mp4
Bombshell UFO Cases So Crazy You Will Think We Made Them Up.mp4
Deathbed Confessions on Secret Govt. Aliens at S4 Area 51 and MJ12 Current Members.mp4
Former US Marine says the Philadelphia Time Travel Experiment was Real.mp4
How Aliens are Secretly Giving Us Superhuman Abilities.mp4
Mars Secrets, What NASA Isn't Telling You About Mars.mp4
Paul Bennewitz and The Underground “ALIEN” Base at Dulce.mp4
Phoenix Lights UFOs Showed Advanced Alien Technology Way Beyond Our Own.mp4
Project Serpo The Secret Space Program Sent Astronauts to Zeta Reticuli.mp4
Reptilian Underground Bases That Hardly Anyone Knows About.mp4
Suppressed Antigravity Inventions That You Might Never Know About.mp4
The Futuristic Antigravity Technology that is Way Above Top Secret.mp4
The Man Who Fought Alien Predators for 12 Hours, Tells His Story.mp4
The Secret Space Programs Amazing Warp Drive Interstellar Technology.mp4
The Secret Space Programs Shocking True Purpose Revealed.mp4
The Strangest UFO Story Ever To Hit the Internet.mp4
Top Secret Alien Sightings in Russia, They Know.mp4
UFO Evidence, this Video is Proof of Aliens in the Universe.mp4
UFO Secrets Disclosed After Death by Air Force Analyst.mp4
tags: UFOs, aliens, ET, secret space program, NASA, breakaway civilization, underground bases