- Although I'm a slightly narky but fascinating human being [with, like all of us, many weird stories to tell...] - any Northern England types should come for other reasons that I believe stand out from:
- meeting me, whose only relevant claim-to-fame was being present at the first test sessions of the ConSpiracy Central tracker V0.23 - many lunar cycles ago
- sitting online ranting about the Jews and nothing else [oooh - contentious in current climate]
- or wasting time on other silly new age or tepid type conspiracy gatherings that charge $£223 a tickET when my event is free for the people.... :-p
- One main reason is an area that was "communicated" to a small group of us at the height of the UFO Alley contacts - I'll maybe attempt to go into this further at subsequent events or in a suitable thread at the ConCen forum... this communication was about the electro-magnETic link to our development - with a reference to what the virus/phaxxines would end up resulting in on an evolutionary level.
BTW - What I have long called UFO Alley is an area of High Strangeness [in its TRUE form as first decribed by John Keel] in North Western England.
I was "encouraged" with my partner to move to this area circa 2011. Between 2012-2019 a VAST catalogue of interactions by phenomena in this area AND responses by over zealous satellite intelligence groups followed....
....much of which is documented in one form or another.... including the use of then state of the art (Israeli) *Pegasus System Software*.
For those not aware of the UFO/Exo/Contact main events - this English policeman operating a few miles from where I now live was an early witness to this area....
Note - he also mentioned in person something that made the respnse to my rather more Arthur Daley investigations - have some sense.... ie: the O.T.T. and highly efficient response.... his upper level police bosses tried to frame him with an Ounce of prime grade cocaine in his police locker when he bagan talking about things.... If you knew this area - you'd know how back then - a cop having a stash of coke was just laughable...
This is a great choice for a UFO movie screening. I saw this the other year and posted it on ConCen. It's a fascinating alien contact case out of the United States, happening to a man who also happens to be an amazing avantgarde artist/painter, who has made loads of detailed paintings of his encounters with the aliens - one in particular, who he also claims to have on-going sexual relations with! :0
It WAS a good choice for the first event BUT in some ways - any noobies that arrived may have found it a bit "dry" given todays high tech visual films and accounts of contact that are fast paced etc etc...
Love and Saucers is a bit more old skool :-/
Next event in February - I'm showing the best CANADIAN case which I was onto very early on - despite a certain film maker saying he was going to take me to court for "borrowing" 23 seconds of his promo reel / trailer... :-o
Well you'd be known for far more things than Little Boy Treudeau and a bad American accent with long vowel sounds if you had **something else** aside from a HUGE fucking maple Leaf on your flag... ;-) ;-P
Even a head-shot of our shared commonwealth king charlie would be better...
Heheh - "meet shuffle" !?
- Although I'm a slightly narky but fascinating human being [with, like all of us, many weird stories to tell...] - any Northern England types should come for other reasons that I believe stand out from:
- meeting me, whose only relevant claim-to-fame was being present at the first test sessions of the ConSpiracy Central tracker V0.23 - many lunar cycles ago
- sitting online ranting about the Jews and nothing else [oooh - contentious in current climate]
- or wasting time on other silly new age or tepid type conspiracy gatherings that charge $£223 a tickET when my event is free for the people.... :-p
- One main reason is an area that was "communicated" to a small group of us at the height of the UFO Alley contacts - I'll maybe attempt to go into this further at subsequent events or in a suitable thread at the ConCen forum... this communication was about the electro-magnETic link to our development - with a reference to what the virus/phaxxines would end up resulting in on an evolutionary level.
Peace and FTL Saucer travel...
BTW - What I have long called UFO Alley is an area of High Strangeness [in its TRUE form as first decribed by John Keel] in North Western England.
I was "encouraged" with my partner to move to this area circa 2011. Between 2012-2019 a VAST catalogue of interactions by phenomena in this area AND responses by over zealous satellite intelligence groups followed....
....much of which is documented in one form or another.... including the use of then state of the art (Israeli) *Pegasus System Software*.
For those not aware of the UFO/Exo/Contact main events - this English policeman operating a few miles from where I now live was an early witness to this area....
Note - he also mentioned in person something that made the respnse to my rather more Arthur Daley investigations - have some sense.... ie: the O.T.T. and highly efficient response.... his upper level police bosses tried to frame him with an Ounce of prime grade cocaine in his police locker when he bagan talking about things.... If you knew this area - you'd know how back then - a cop having a stash of coke was just laughable...
Shit - do I need BB Code again here??
//EMBED Video.php// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zy9TL2Iob//Embed//
Lucky I was a C++ cosmic programmer in a previous life... :-)
PS: The fat bastard Yorkshire actor they used in this UK program actually looks nothing like the true PC Godfrey copper.... :-p
He must have been a budgET/cheap BBC Extra at the time...
On the forums, the image code is the
one, with http:// image.jpg inserted in brackets.
Jeez - you'd never know I used to work at MSc level at a British University at the cutting edge era of new media... :-o
This is a great choice for a UFO movie screening. I saw this the other year and posted it on ConCen. It's a fascinating alien contact case out of the United States, happening to a man who also happens to be an amazing avantgarde artist/painter, who has made loads of detailed paintings of his encounters with the aliens - one in particular, who he also claims to have on-going sexual relations with! :0
Here is the torrent: https://concen.org/node/44667
It WAS a good choice for the first event BUT in some ways - any noobies that arrived may have found it a bit "dry" given todays high tech visual films and accounts of contact that are fast paced etc etc...
Love and Saucers is a bit more old skool :-/
Next event in February - I'm showing the best CANADIAN case which I was onto very early on - despite a certain film maker saying he was going to take me to court for "borrowing" 23 seconds of his promo reel / trailer... :-o
Never trust a Canadian. They're all smiles and apologies to your face, but as soon as your back is turned... PSHHHHHTT maple syrup enema.
Well you'd be known for far more things than Little Boy Treudeau and a bad American accent with long vowel sounds if you had **something else** aside from a HUGE fucking maple Leaf on your flag... ;-) ;-P
Even a head-shot of our shared commonwealth king charlie would be better...