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Prica o sastanku hrvatskog predsjednika Franje Tudjmana i srbijanskog Slobodana Miloševica pocetkom 1991. godine u Karadjordjevu i Tikvešu dobro je poznata. No, dokumentarac Radio-televizije Srbije pod nazivom "Tudjman i Miloševic - Dogovoreni rat?" pokazuje kako su dvojica predsjednika bila u kontaktu tijekom cijelog trajanja sukoba u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini.
U dokumentarnom filmu navodi se kako su se tijekom sukoba dvojica predsjednika sastajala na marginama medjunarodnih konferencija ukupno 48 puta, a redovito su se culi i telefonski.
Spominje i kako je tadašnji šef kabineta predsjednika, Hrvoje Šarinic tijekom najgorih borbi u BiH dolazio u Beograd na tajne susrete s Miloševicem.
Dokumentarac je sniman u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, BiH i Srbiji, a na RTS-u ce biti prikazan u dva dijela.
Documentary about war in former Yugoslavia, with hypothesis that war was arranged beetween Croatian president Tudjman and Serbian Milosevic.
The story of a meeting of Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic beginning of 1991. in Karadjordjevu and Tikveš is well known. However, the documentary Radio Television of Serbia entitled "Tudjman and Milosevic - Agreed war?" shows that the two presidents were in contact throughout the duration of the conflict in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The documentary says that during the conflict, the two presidents met on the sidelines of international conferences a total of 48 times, and were regularly heard and the phone.
Mentioned that the then Chief of Staff of the President, Hrvoje Sarinic during the worst fighting in Bosnia came to Belgrade to secret meetings with Milosevic.
The documentary was filmed in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia, and the RTS will be shown in two parts.
In serbian, no english subs!!