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Truth Hertz. Feb 16 2012 Alex Jones and the Jew Factor - Pt 2 Commercial Free
Edited by Shortwave and Uploaded @Concen.Org
Charlie continues with part 2 of An Alex Jones expose, where Charlie exposes the sponsors of Jones' show. In addition, he explains about the agenda of Alex Jones which is to misdirect blame elsewhere for whats going on in this country. Charlie takes some interesting calls as well. Controversial for some, but definitely thought provoking...
Lets make an important distinction here, just because someone has a Jewish name, doesn't always mean they are the enemy. There are people who were born Jewish, who have converted to Christianity. Or do not endorse Israel or Zionism. Sometimes I think Charlie paints too broad of a stroke on the whole 'Jewish' thing.
I don't agree nor endorse everything Charlie says, but he is one the few with balls enough to point out the hypocrisy of Alex Jones. And we need to beware of such people like Jones...especially when they claim to 'look out for us' .
Warning: Contains strong language and may not be appropriate for rebroadcasting on low power AM or FM