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A compilation pack that comprises information, facts & tutorials on herbal formulas, fruits & vegitables remedies, salves, alternative cancer cures and much more, for maintaining and restoring health and vitaity. Please share far and wide among family and friends.
Video list:
* Apricot Kernels Tutorial
* Apricot Seeds_ A Natural Alternative Cancer Treatment
* Apricots Cure For Cancer B17
* How to harvest apricot kernels from the pits
* Glutathione is the most powerful anti oxidant. Look at amazing before and after!!
* Glutathione Preparation start to finish 1 to 4
* How to Make Excellent Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C (UPDATED)
* Mega Doses of Vitamin C (cancer cure)
* Melatonin and the Pineal Gland
* Melatonin's role in Cancer Prevention
* The Health Benefits Of Liposomal Glutathione
* Vitamin C Intravenous - The Riordan Protocal
* Vitamin C IV Fights Cancer
* Effective Whole Body Mercury & Heavy Metal Detoxification 1 to 2
* Foods That Decalcify Pineal Gland
* Heavy Metal Detoxification & Decalcification of The Pineal Gland 1 to 4
* How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
* How to Detox the Pineal Gland and Unlock Superhuman Potential - Saturday Strategy
* How to use Bentonite Clay for a full body detox.
* How to make Activated Charcoal
* Charcoal_ Naturally Reverse Digestive Problems, Venomous Snake & Spider Bites
* Traditional Goji Preparation and Decalcifying the Pineal Gland
* Vaccine Detox & Treating Illness Naturally
* How to defend ourselves against Radiation_ Natural Way
* Radiation Detox.
* The Way To Purify With Zeolite 1 to 3
* How to extract Iodine from Povidone-iodine
* How to Make Iodine Easily - DIY
* Make Potassium iodide from Iodine
* Make Potassium Iodide
* How to make cancer killing dandelion root tea
* How To Make Dandelion Tea
* DIY Herbs - Dandelions
* Dandelions _ Edible and Medicinal Uses
* Dandelion Wine
* Checking for Vital signs (Medical check)
* First Aid & CPR Basics _ CPR Rescue Breaths
* First Aid & CPR Basics _ Using Masks & Barrier Devices for Germ-Free CPR
* How to Perform CPR _ How to Check the Pulse for CPR
* How to Perform CPR _ How to Perform a CPR Demonstration
* How to Perform CPR _ How to Perform Child CPR Chest Compressions
* How to Perform CPR _ How to Perform Infant CPR
* How to Perform CPR _ The ABC's of CPR
* How to Make Herbal Tinctures
* DIY Herbalism 1 to 6
* Boiling Down Drinking Water_ Fluoride Test
* DIY structured vortex water device with test
* DIY Water Ionizer
* Homemade Water Distiller 1 to 2
* How to do it Youself DIY and make a Water alkalinization ionization ionizer water sytem unit
* How to get fluoride out of your tap water!
* How to make your own filter to clean water and get rid of toxic fluoride - diy
* How Water Distillers Remove 99% of all Fluoride.mts
* Logic and Theory of Water Enhancers - How To Make Your Own Cheaply
* Combining Technologies - Water Structurizing System Update 1
* Rodin Coil with Clayton Nolte's Enhancer - Water Structurizing System Update 2
* Water Enhancer System Update 3 - Testing ph
* Dan Winter's Imploder Incorporated in the Water Enhancer - Update 4
* Structurizer Update - End Caps
* Structurizer Set Up and Lawn
* Water Structurizer - A Look Inside Clayton Nolte's Unit
* Helical Resonant Cavity (Impeller) - 200 Watts Moving 80 Million Pounds of Weight - Implosion
* Water Vortexer, Water Restructuring, easy DIY its very simple, anyone can do it
* Poor Man's Water Purifier
* Maximum Hydration_ How to make Water Wetter & Better for You
* How To Make Essiac Tea
* Making Essiac Tea with Mali Klein 1 to 2
* Making Essiac Tea
* Preparing the Essiac Tea Recipe
* Making moonshine (Ethanol) - A Preppers guide
* Growing Spirulina at Home. Blue green algae for fish and people too!
* How to DIY Spirulina grow your own at home
* Spirulina Hemp Seed Salad Dressing_ Vegan Raw Food Recipe
* Cannabis Delta 9 THC killing Cancer Cells
* CANNABIS SCIENCE - The Endocannabinoid System
* Cured_ A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)
* Essential Cannabis Hemp Oil Making Tutorial Distiller & Frozen Alcohol
* Gentlemans Brand - Making Your Own THC Tinctures
* Grow Room Update and Juicing Dieseltonic, The CBD Rich Cannabis Strain
* How to Make Cannabis Arthritis Balm (Organic Pain Cream)
* How To Make Cannabis Oil
* How To Make Green Dragon Tincture (Cannabis Tincture _ Master Wu's)
* How to make Rick Simpson Oil, Cannabis Oil
* How To_ Potent Water-Soluble Cannabis Concentrate in Glycerin
* Juicing Raw Cannabis for medical purposes
* Making Cannabis Juice with Matt Rize
* Making Cold pressed Hemp seed Oil
* Me and Cancer-The Cannabis Oil Cure
* Build an affordable Hyperbaric Chamber 1 to 2
* How to concentrate Hydrogen Peroxide from 3% to ~30%
* Hydrogen Peroxide as a Cancer Therapy
* Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide for Cancer
* Making Food Grade Peroxide
* Water With Extra Oxygen Cures Everything,Aids Cancer, H2O2,Hydrogen Peroxide
* How to make Monoatomic Gold, ORMUS, White Powder Gold (Alchemical Way HD)
* Making ORMEs_ORMUS_ John Hudson's White Dragon ORMUS Powder- Enota II May 2011
* Making Ormus Video 1 to 2
* How Magnetic Waves Affect Ormus
* Escharotic Preparations - Intro by Greg Caton 1 to 3
* How to make Cannabis-Infused Salve
* How to make Hemp Salve
* How to Make Herbal Salves
* How to make homemade medical marijuana salve
* Make Black Salve
* Making Ozonated Water & Oils
* Making Yellow Salve at home - Revised and Updated Recipe
* Ozone Therapy_ The Basics of Setting Up Ozone Equipment
* Ozone Water, How to Make it...
* Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer 1 to 3
* Baking Soda, Antacid, Antifungal, Alkaline, Cancer Fighter
* How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions
* Best Time to take the Baking Soda-Molasses Anti-Cancer Protocol
* Doctors going broke, Baking Soda & Maple Syrup, Cancer
* Inhaling Sodium Bicarbonate
* 1 Anticancer Vegetable
* Acid Alkaline Balance_ by Barbara O'Neill
* Acidic Blood vs Alkaline Blood
* Activated Charcoal & Green Tea for Bug Bites & Stings
* Another natural Cancer Cure Flax seed Oil and Cottage cheese
* Aphrodisiac Salad_ Raw food recipe
* Astragalus for Cancer Prevention
* Auto Immune Disease Treatment 1 to 4
* Autoimmune Disease_ How to Stop Your Body From Attacking Its
* Bee Pollen Questions - Myth or Truth
* Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Cancer Treatment
* Cancer & Herbs
* CANCER DIETS - Liver Cleansing Raw Food Anti-Cancer Diet Recipes For Reversing & Treatmenting Cancer
* Cancer Reversal Through Diet
* Cayenne Pepper Cures Around 20 Known Diseases (Including Cancer) - Fitnessential
* Cranial Intelligence_ A Practical Guide to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
* Cure cancer in 90 days
* Cure Stomach Ulcers using Cabbage Juice with Jay Kordich
* Cure Your Self of Cancer by Carol Patterson
* David Wolfe on Gotu Kola
* Diatomaceous Earth Detox Diet Cleanse - SilaLive Silica Supplement
* Discover the Many Powerful Benefits of Turmeric
* DIY Tree Medicine 1 to 2
* DIY_ Herbal Tinctures - Grow Your Own Medicine - Gotu Kola
* DNA Madness_ Extracting Your Own DNA in Your Kitchen!
* Doing a Cold Extract
* Easy Herbal Medicine - Making Elder Berry Tincture
* Evidence of the Benefits of RAW WHOLE MILK
* Fire In Belly - Treating IBD
* Flaxseed Bread recipe - Nut free, Dairy free, Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Grain free, Low carb
* Flaxseed vs. Prostate Cancer
* Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
* Fruit Flies Key to Cure of Leukemia
* Fulvic Acid (The most vital health supplement )
* Fulvic Acid for Humans 1 to 3
* Fulvic Acid Minerals demonstrated (Ancient Purity)
* Garlic, Onion, Flax and Orange Juice Blend. Treating Colds & Flu's to Colon caner
* Gerson Therapy (Cancer Cure) - A Nurse's Testimonial
* Gerson Therapy_ Quick coffee enema instructions - Get on your way!
* Getting High & Producing Stronger Antibodies By Injecting Snake Venom
* Ginger Turmeric Tea
* Gotu Kola - the longevity herb!
* Gotu Kola and Brahmi
* Guyabano The Miracle Cancer Fighting Fruit
* Heal All Cancer With This Diet
* Health Benefits of Bee Pollen
* Help Prevent Cancer Organic Basil Spinach Juice (dandelion carrot apple)
* Herbal Action - Nervine
* Herbal medicine in Tibet
* Herbal Pain Relief
* Hippocrates Soup (Special Soup)
* Hippocrates Soup Recipe - Easy Recipes & Healthy Recipes - Gerson Cancer Therapy
* How To Create The Perfect Elixir
* How to cure your candida and STD problems in one week
* How to eat RAW Garlic - Health Benefits
* How to eat RAW garlic and why
* How to Get Rid of Anxiety (A Natural Cure for Anxiety)
* How to Harvest Aloe Vera Gel Smoothie recipe
* How to make a Cayenne Tincture from Cayenne Powder -DIY
* How to Make an Orgonite Orgone CloudBuster for chemtrails 1 to 2
* How to Make Orgone Energy Devices- Black Sun Orgone Energy.
* How To Make Antivenom
* How to make fresh Black Walnut Tincture
* How to make Ginkgo Tea_ The Alternative Healthy Energy Drink!
* How to make turmeric supplement capsules at home.
* How To Make Your First Elixir
* How To Make Your Own Earthing Sheet
* Kimberly Snyder's Recipe for Energy_ Bee Pollen (Super Food/Medicine)
* Low-Cost 'Cooling Cure' Could Avert Brain Damage in Oxygen-Starved Babies
* Make Yourself Better_ Restoring Your Body's Wellbeing through Ancient Medicine
* Making Gerson Therapy Apple- Carrot Juice 1 to 2
* How to test your Body's Acid Alkaline Levels at Home
* Jay Kordich makes Cabbage Carrot Celery juice
* Juicing for Arthritis & Inflammation_ Pineapple, Papaya, Ginger, Coconut Cream
* Making Herbal MASTER TONIC - How To Cure Anything Cold Cure
* MONSANTO CORPORATIONS - Companies That Use Monsanto Products - BOYCOTT ALL!
* Morgellons Cure
* Native American Medicine Proved
* NEEM - A Tree For Solving Global Problems
* One Farmers Perspective on the Raw Milk Debate
* Organic silica and its use in the treatment of arthritis and joint pain
* pH Balance In the Body Is Critical
* pH Testing Your Body Using pH Test Strips - Better Than Litmus Paper
* Pickles, Probiotics, and Why Rotten Food Is Good For You
* Plantain - anti-bacterial band-aid plant
* Polyrachis Ant Elixir Recipe
* Polyrachis Ant Extract - Black Ant Extract Powder
* Raw Honey Benefits and Why It Is So Good For You
* Raw Milk - The Way GOD Intended
* Raw Milk_ Freedom from Government Milk Tyranny
* Sage the Savior
* Siddha medicine - a gift from the ancient Siddhars to mankind
* Soursop Juice - Cancer Treatment
* Stop Chemtrails Poormans Cloudbuster Orgone Orgonite William Reich Houston, TX
* SWEDISH BITTERS - Maria Treben's Herbal Remedies, Proven Cures and Advice from her Healing Works
* Taste of Herbs_ Astragalus Chai Recipe
* The Anti-Cancer Green Juice
* The Best Elixir I've Ever Made _ Recipe
* The Black Death - _Causes and Cures_
* The Gerson Therapy for Cancer Explained
* The Greatest Health Discovery Ever_ Earthing
* The Holy Grale Juice!
* The Plantain - Nature's Miracle Healer
* The Power of Touch_ Stimulate Oxytocin, Stimulate Love
* The RAW MILK Conspiracy
* 'Thunder God Vine' Slays TUMORS
* Tibetan Fungus
* Turmeric Fighting Cancer
* Understanding acid, alkaline and the many myths on pH
* Using Turmeric to prevent and cure Cancer
* Violet Flower Honey
* What is Astragalus Root and How Can it Give You Energy_
* Worlds _1 Anti Aging Herb
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