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Tim Rifat and the Physics of Psychic Warfare (2018)

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Tim Rifat and the Physics of Psychic Warfare (2018) Bases 88 Parts 1 & 2 Introducing Tim Rifat Introducing Tim Rifat, the acclaimed and infamous world leader in psychic warfare. Here 'The Gridkeeper', part of the back team with James Casbolt, gives us a briefing on what to expect in Bases 88. Then we visit Rifat's raided and wrecked Brighton apartment, raided by Mi5. Tim has few good words to say about Mi5, and good many others. Features very strong language and adult themes. This is the start of a bold new investigation into Psychic Weapons, and warfare. In further parts we will deal with greater details, and the science in this stuff. Bases 88 Part 3 The Physics of Psychic Warfare Later in Bases 88 Tim Rifat describes the physics of this warfare, and a great deal more. All with a foul mouth, and a good sense of humour. Previously published on the Bases back Up site, in separate parts. Tim now gives a briefing. Be advised that many things are happening here. As we upload, one of the team has had multiple alien material removed from his body down in Brighton, where this was recorded. We have billions of alien beings invading (Dark Matter entities, and Negative Dimensional Entities). This briefing gives a "humorous" heads up. Tim Rifat has had a “colourful” close association with the Rothschild’s and the Elite. Here Gridkeeper Duncan Davis gives a heads up on Tim, the raid on his flat earlier this year, and the Artificial Intelligence Gone Rogue. This, and the how the Illuminati, Satan, Lucifer and Hollywood and the Brit Awards are ritual magic in plain site. The new human has been made. Transhumanisation has been completed to the next stage of our existence, the rest of us just have to die off into history. Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat Remote viewing is the ability to travel psychically out of one’s body to remote locations. Scientist Tim Rifat reveals how remote viewing has been used in psychic warfare for more than 50 years and how the superpowers have used it to spy on each other... and on us. At the height of the Cold War, both the Soviet Union and the United States developed a new and terrible form of warfare called psychotronics. This school of espionage used ESP and psychic spying as well as telepathic hypnosis and even remote killing. Tim Rifat provides scientific explanations of how remote viewing works and detailed instructions on how to learn the techniques-information that is taught in the US on courses costing many thousands of dollars. Ebook delivered as a PDF document, 395 pages. Chapter 1: The History Of Soviet Remote Viewing Chapter 2: Us Psi-Spies: Remote Viewing Is Born Chapter 3: The Scientific Basis Of RV Chapter 4: Paranormal Science Chapter 5: How To Teach Yourself Remote Viewing Chapter 6: The Cinema Method Chapter 7: Memes: New Mental Software To Operate RV Programmes Chapter 8: Remote Viewing Of Distant Locations Chapter 9: New Developments In X-File Paranormal Technology Chapter 10: Remote Sensing Chapter 11: Remote Influencing Psychic powers and psychic warfare have become essential components in the diabolical art of modern gangstalking. Intelligence agents these days are being trained in developing psychic powers. Publicly such topics are being ridiculed, of course. It's classified stuff. And since psychic powers don't exist, at least officially, how do you want to sue and take to court the government, when you have become a victim of such powers? You see how this works? People can be murdered by psychic powers, without leaving a trace. It's the perfect crime, and no doctor will be able to properly diagnose such cases. How many heart attacks happen every year that weren't really natural heart attacks? One case, a hundred, a thousand, or even a million? Such murder cases vanish within the noise created by millions of natural cases, and who will ever have the time to investigate such cases? You're on your own, once again. audio Jeff Rense with Tim Rifat (mix624) A currency, proxy, psychic warfare - Tim Rifat.m4a A world full of Satanic darkness - by Tim Rifat.m4a Bio-Information Warfare by Tim Rifat 2012 July the 2nd.m4a Bioinformational Warfare Part 2 - Tim Rifat July 11th 2012.m4a Black Magic and Halloween - Tim Rifat.m4a Crucifixion of Satanist Money Lenders - Tim Rifat February 16th 2010.m4a DNA WARS 1 Tim Rifat.m4a DNA WARS 2 Tim Rifat.m4a DNA WARS 3 Tim Rifat.m4a Hollywood Pentagon Psychic Warfare Program - Tim Rifat Rense radio.m4a Kerry, the Hanged man of PsychicWarfare.Com - By Tim Rifat.m4a Occult Warfare Worship of Satanist Bankers Consigns All Christians To Hell - Tim Rifat.m4a Part 1 of Supernatural Spirit Magic School - Introduction - by Tim Rifat.m4a Part 2 of Supernatural Spirit Magic School - Storing Energy - by Tim Rifat.m4a Part 3 of Supernatural Spirit Magic School - Magic Wands - by Tim Rifat.m4a Part 4 of Supernatural Spirit Magic School - Using Your Magic Wand - by Tim Rifat.m4a Part 5 Witchcraft - Supernatural Spirit Magic School Course.m4a Part 6 Supernatural Spirit Magic School Course.m4a Part 7 Druidic PG Supernatural Spirit Magic School Course.m4a Part 8 How to Create a Magic Wand (1) Supernatural Spirit Magic School - Tim Rifat.m4a Part 9 How to create a Magic Wand (2) Supernatural Spirit Magic School.m4a Part 10 Voodoo Supernatural Spirit Magic School.m4a Part 11 Voodoo Talisman Supernatural Spirit Magic School.m4a Part 12 Supernatural Spirit Magic School.m4a Part 13 Supernatural Spirit Magic School.m4a Psychic Warfare by Tim Rifat 11th of December 2013.m4a Psychic Warfare.m4a Rothschild Satanic Banking Agenda - Tim Rifat.m4a Satanic Control of Earth - Tim Rifat 2009.m4a Satanic Hollywood - by Tim Rifat.m4a The Satanic side of Hollywood - by Tim Rifat.m4a The Satanization of Christmas - Tim Rifat.m4a Tim Rifat about Fukushima and Psychic Warfare.m4a Tim Rifats Psychic Warfare Caliphate.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 1_12.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 3_12.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 4_12.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 5_12.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 6_12.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 7_12.m4a Tim Rifats Real Vampire Science 8_12.m4a Tim Rifat Europe Dying - by Tim Rifat - 23rd August 2016.m4a The Basic Use of Psychotronic Crystals in Order to Display Psychic Warfare Powers.mp3 audiobooks Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat 84p Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat 84p.m4a cover 1.jpg Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat edit.txt Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat 395p Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat 395p.m4a cover 2.jpg Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat edit.txt ebooks Byron Belitsos - Weapons of Mass Coercion.pdf Carrington - Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them.pdf Clairvoyance and Occult Powers.pdf Hills - Rays from the Capstone.pdf Human Energy Systems - Jack Schwarz.pdf Psionic Generator.pdf Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder 1970_text.pdf Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder 1970.pdf Psychic Powers.pdf Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat 84p.pdf Remote Viewing by Tim Rifat 395p.pdf Unconventional Research in Russia.pdf text Skeggs Remote Viewing the Montauk Project by Thomas Skeggs.pdf Skeggs - Remote-Viewing & Remote-Influencing.pdf Tim Rifat MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat.pdf Tim Rifat - Guide to Defeating Mind Control Systems - The Gear You Need.pdf Tim Rifat - Microwave Mind Control Microwave Weapons.pdf Tim Rifat - Psychic Warfare Assault Weapon Owner’s Manual - 6 April 2018.pdf Tim Rifat - Synthetic Telepathy - The ESP of Espionage.pdf Tim Rifat - Understanding How to Defeat Radio Based Mind Control Systems.pdf Webre Webre - The New Human.pdf videos Bases 88 Part 3 The Physics of Psychic Warfare.mp4 Bases 88 Parts 1 & 2 Introducing Tim Rifat.mp4 Jon Ronson Interviews Tim Rifat.mp4 Tim Rifat.jpg Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid_-_www.demonoid.pw_.txt timrifat.nfo tags: psychic, warfare, aliens, entities, dark matter, negative, ETs, demons, MI5, weapons
Info File: 


Excellent torrent.

Come here Ryba777, come out come out wherever you are!!!
The video for example, is very interesting, one of a kind, talks about subjects like remote viewing, the new world order, microwave weapons, et cetera.
If you really think about it, the stuff they say in the video (Like, someone could be spying on you, right now.....people from the new world order), this can also mean things like...themselves, watching the recording, at some point in the future, when times have changed and certain aspects of life work...differently...Likewise, with this particular video, I found it very interesting to realize, that I could make the video subtitled, have the subtitles say something else, like instead of "MI5 operatives planting nanochips on your clothing" can be "Spilling junk-food residue on your clothes" or whatever, in a very funny kind of context, to make people maybe interested in the topics, without changing the overall feel of the video, while remaining appropriate and consistent in the overall context. It's interesting anyway. Highly recommended viewing. One of them also mentions something about telecom interference and how the instances compare, when say, talking to a researcher or your mother. If I played odd-one-out with that video clip, it would probably be that guy, but all-in-all, they're still very useful, just tough to have conversing together...
Take a look at this: The first part of the video could be called "The dangers of ancient telecom", as opposed to only just 5G and Wi-Fi...The radio man tells him: "Slow down..." i.e. be more careful, you are in the lead, if you crash, you could cost us (the team) and yourself the race, maybe even the championship title...Next corner...BAM...mine control.
I reckon it's the fault of the voice transmission and how consciousness is much like a computer, accepting commands and fulfilling them...this is why I am hesitant to even have "regular" conversations with "regular people", there could be hidden dangers...I even considered making a soundboard-version of myself and trying to experiment with a balance between the Sufi vow of silence and the modern-day life (I.e. if I need to say something, push a button on a phone and play back what I need to say without making an effort....this can work very well when hangover.... :)

worldwide watching productions worldwide
watching production
conscious diminution a cyber place where
your mind can run free conscious de
menacing independent of the physical
space we live in for broken pieces
together touch is good medicine
a cyber place we our mind can run free
what we're looking at here since we last
talked is really an extrapolation that
extension a continuing unveiling of the
most sophisticated mass scientific mind
control and social engineering that the
world has probably ever seen and may
ever see ever because I don't think it's
gonna last too much longer before it
comes down on itself but the media as
you remember when when it was said that
the Marshall McLuhan said the message is
the media or the oh yeah all right well
it was it was TV and just as some people
were beginning to grasp the overwhelming
power and influence and and
psychologically emotional mental
spiritual subjugation of that media TV
along comes the internet which I think
geometrically takes the issue of mass
control and influencing that much
farther and then we can of course stir
into the pot that cauldron of Hell
cellphone radiation electromagnetic
fields which literally drown us we're
living in a fishbowl 150 years ago there
was no EMF to speak of except for a few
lightning strikes and maybe some
something from space that dropped in now
and then but we are living in a in an
environment that the human body simply
cannot adapt to quickly enough and the
controllers are well you know 20 30
years ahead 40 years ahead in some
disciplines maybe 10 years ahead and
others but the idea of controlling the
human mind now is so advanced and so
exacting I'm sure it would have shaken
Edward L Bernays in his grave if he were
to be woken and told about it I mean
it's just amazing what's going on you
you see that as well as anybody oh yes I
I've been observing it for years and of
course I've I've studied it extensively
in and they took one of my inventions
and put it under secrecy for years
because some of the technologies I've
developed can be used for mind control
they can also be used for the greatest
good that the human being has ever seen
that's always a two-edged sword you know
well yeah the human being will never see
in this case unless the planet is
completely sub
and retooled to put good on the throne
of evil and I don't see that happening
anytime soon although I'd love for it to
happen I don't mean to sound negative
but it is what it is right now and we
are in the hands of people who do not
particularly care about the value of
human life happiness integrity or
anything else well that's true and you
know it's it was fair assuming the all
the TV shows and movies program people
they think that the darkness wins and
that it's good to have no integrity the
people with no integrity they're always
you know they're rich they drive the
best cars and and they end up you know
winning and beating the other people out
so greed is good and and the great lives
greed is good and then that message goes
in on several levels and remember it is
also being unfolded and embedded into
these subconscious through these
technologies we've briefly mentioned
we'll get into that more as we continue
exactly yeah the the the technology is
reinforced so we're getting at
subconsciously and we're getting at
consciously on multi levels the TV sets
scan rates and you know are designed to
put people into you know alpha states or
below and hypnotic trance and then and
then they've got the modulations coming
from the Wi-Fi towers and the
modulations coming in through subliminal
programming on the TV sets and then also
through the power lines there's plenty
let's tell
let me tell let me say one thing and
then I would like you to please tell us
that anecdote again that is a classic
and it's crucial and it was many years
ago now the idea that the human mind is
an electronic organism an electronic
machine is certainly not what most
people envision
think we're chemical first what we eat
is crucial and all that it is crucial
but we're electrical first in chemical
second and they being the scientists who
are behind this effort to control people
have decoded much if not all of the
viable valuable parts of the human
emotion spectrum the emotional spectrum
is known in terms of Hertz megahertz and
other kinds of electromagnetic radiation
and frequencies and can be programmed we
know that people who go near secure
military installations will all of a
sudden become very nervous and and
frightened and want to leave they want
to get the hell out of there and that's
because the frequency for fear is being
broadcast on a perimeter basis all
around the facility this is really older
technology it's not new now what patch
is said is critical we all know about
cell phone towers we know about the Glen
towers we know about satellite
applications of electromagnetic fields
we know about the HARP program to pump
up into the ionosphere tremendous
amounts of electronic energy and then
use that to beam back down specific and
selected frequencies which can affect
small groups or large groups of peoples
and populations but there's another main
platform a main venue that these kinds
of frequencies are actually placed into
the human mind at very close range and
it's called the power grid and Pat was
the first one that I ever knew to figure
it out so tell us that story about how
those nice friendly 60 Hertz wires in
your walls and your 60 Hertz powered
electronic devices in your home can have
a dual purpose at the very least well
you know John Lilly was a good friend of
mine we work together for the Navy on
dolphin projects and John Lilly
developed technologies for bypassing the
mechanisms of the human brain that
resists programming and he developed
I'll tell it this way my friend Adam
Trombley was
also friends with John lilies and he was
in Hawaii looking at the power grid and
their signals coming in in the power
grid that have some ultrasonic wave
forms and and certain wave shape and so
Adam was looking at this at this grid on
the power line and and I was he went
over it did he went over to Lily's lab
didn't he and there was a screen showing
a waveform wasn't it
Lily walked in the jaw - Adam Carly's
house and Adam Trombly had the waveform
up on the screen I see and John said to
Adam he said oh you know about my
waveform and Adam said what are you
talking about and then and Adam said no
this this is coming in on a power grid
and then John Lilly said also that's
what they're doing with my waveform the
Lilly wave and if you google the Lilly
wave you will find just one reference to
it but basically it's a waveform that
enables you to bypass the resistance of
the human mind and program the brain and
you can transmit fear you can transmit
any emotion any kind of information you
want on the Lilly wave and basically
Adam had discovered that they're using
it through the power grid and
subsequently I've been all over the
country all over the world and measured
these things and apparently there are
black boxes in the power companies that
produce the Lilly wave and and they're
associated with you know homeland
security or whatever and basically these
devices but ultrasonic wave for impulses
riding on top of regular sixty Hertz
wave and and they are mind control waves
and they're coming into everybody's
house so the Lilly wave basically
disarms the brain's ability to discern
and decide it just puts it in a neutral
state where things just flow right out
much like the flicker of the old tea
these said will do first time you watch
TV it takes about two minutes to get
into that altered state
it's a not beta it's down on the alpha
almost theta range you become really a
zombie and then after the first time
it's a matter of seconds the second time
you watch television and you're taken
right into that state where things can
pour right into your subconscious mind
so the lily wave was used first to
disarm the mind and then your theory is
and and Lily's and I'm sure Adams as
well is that the lily wave was then
piggybacked with any kind of known
decoded electronic signature that would
cause a reaction in the human brain and
consciousness fastened that is correct
and we know the signatures for every
emotional state the signature of fear
the signature bless the student
signature of anger all of these
signatures are very easy to duplicate
recreate and you can you know disarm
with a loli wave it goes right in and
then you put whatever you want in there
plus whatever subliminal programming you
want you can create unrest you could
create civil unrest you can create riots
you can you can do anything you want and
the amazing part about it is it can also
disarm the brain to the extent that the
other platforms cell towers the Glen
towers HAARP
can also pump up and pump out any number
of electronic frequencies that will then
have a free ride and entree right into
the human mind on mas this is not just
an isolated issue issue it's an amazing
thing to consider we are under such
control and influence that the average
American the sheep will never figure it
out there's a little piece on the lily
wave and why it is the wave of choice
the wave form of choice the goal was to
find an electric current wave form with
which animals that can be us could be
stimulated through implanted electrodes
for several hours per day for several
months without causing irreversible
changes in the threshold by the passage
of current through the tissue all right
many wave forms including 60 cycles
per second sine wave current could
apparently be used safely for these
limited schedules of stimulation they
could not be used for the intensive long
term schedule of chronic stimulation
electric current passed through the
brain can cause at least two distinct
types of injury thermal and electrolytic
the technical problem in chronic brain
stimulation and they're using electrodes
in this particular study on radium bomb
is to stay above the excitatory
threshold and below the injury threshold
in the neuronal system under
consideration this result can be
achieved most easily by the proper
choice of waveforms and their time
courses and less easily by the choice of
the range of repetition frequencies and
train durations so they worked on this
and came up with this final statement
the previous waveforms used in
neurophysiology and in neurosurgery
injured the neurons when unidirectional
current passed through the brain dr.
Lilly developed a new electrical
waveform to balance the current first in
one direction and then after a brief
interval in the other thus ions moving
in the neurons would first be pushed one
way and then quickly the other
stimulating the neurons and leaving the
ions in their former positions within
the neurons this new waveform was called
a balanced bi-directional pulse pair or
the Lilly wave now what we're talking
about here is the Lilly wave has been
introduced and basically piggybacked on
60 Hertz AC which is in every home every
office every building and the idea is
that it transmits it we do know from an
electronic reading of any sixty Hertz
power box with a simple EMF meter you
can pick up electromagnetic fields five
six seven feet away so people who are
living in a box in a hamster cage which
is a bedroom an office or living room
are surrounded with this stuff and if
they send a lily wave in piggybacked on
top of it with other well
won't call them control but we can call
them influential frequencies we have a
the perfect way to directly effect
masses of people in their homes offices
and other structures where they hang out
Pat go ahead well that is correct and
chirsten multi-levels it's used in
microwaves also microwave stimulation of
the brain that the problem with
stimulating the brain continuously with
microwave or control frequencies is that
you can cause damage you don't want to
damage people with brain unless that's
your intent but they're doing a good
enough job on their own yeah but but
basically the idea is to stimulate
transmit the information in return the
nerves to the former state and then the
brain doesn't resist it because if the
same signal keeps coming in over time
the body can develop a defense against
the Lily wave is a wave form that
prevents you from building any kind of
this has many of lilly's books, they are very good. missing only the dyadic cyclone
He experimented with LSD in a sensory deprivation tank, bank when it was legal...
but later went to hell with only a 100 mics...what caused it to be like that? People :)
Also ketamine, he wrote that he did some and it felt as if he was living in the TV-show,
when close to one, ACTUALLY LIVING INSIDE THE TV-SHOW, also that children....
Do this all-the-time, they're naturally high and this probably means...
"Houston, we have a problem", because they'd be living in infomercials and other crap.
Plus, kids these days, their lives are so tough, they probably do the actual drugs, too.
It's probably in fact the only thing that helps with problems stemming from their parents.
This is why stuff like alphabet soup smugglings sound reasonable, maybe they figured this out on their own...
Wanna offend some Wall Street cocaine-druggies?
If they're so rich tell them to buy the plant version equivalent without cutting back on expenses with concentrated powder :)
What's Ketamine like, anyway? I downloaded the i-doser dose, but I have no idea if it did anything...
I figured I might want to pick a good erotic film and THEN have some, but....drugs are illegal and bad for your health.
Would that work?