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So many have asked for me to reseed this very important, informative documentary. I am sorry and apologize for now getting around to it. Nonetheless, you guys are welcome, and enjoy.
This is an incredible video (please take the few seconds to browse the lower article as well . It will give you a further appreciation as to why this is important . There are so many things and areas this covers. ---eggplant
DURATION --- 1:03:47
BIT RATE ----- 128kbps
DIMENSIONS-- 352 x 256
SIZE------------ 510 mb
AWESOMENESS-------- Off the Charts
Exploring the Electric Universe
“Today, nothing is more important to the future and credibility of science than liberation from the gravity-driven universe of prior theory. A mistaken supposition has not only prevented intelligent and sincere investigators from seeing what would otherwise be obvious, it has bred indifference to possibilities that could have inspired the sciences for decades."
David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill
In the wake of recent discoveries, a new way of seeing the physical universe is emerging. The new vantage point emphasizes the role of electricity in space and shows the negligible contribution of gravity in cosmic events.
Images returned by high-powered telescopes and recent space probes have challenged astronomers’ long-standing assumptions about galaxies and their constituent stars, about the evolution of our solar system, and about the nature and history of Earth.
The new discoveries also suggest that our early ancestors may have witnessed awe inspiring electrical events in the heavens—the source of myths and symbols around the world.
Today, we are seeing things in space that were never imagined. We detect magnetic fields everywhere, even in the “empty” depths of intergalactic space. Magnetic fields cannot exist without causative electric currents.
The naked electric force is 39 orders of magnitude (a thousand billion billion billion billion times) stronger than gravity. The visible universe is constituted almost entirely of electrically active plasma.
In the twentieth century the pioneers of plasma science inspired a new school of investigation called plasma cosmology. Plasma cosmologists suggest that electricity is the primary force organizing spiral galaxies and the astonishing galactic clusters now seen in deep space.
Plasma cosmology has achieved surprising success in predicting major discoveries of the space age. This new perspective does not require purely theoretical inventions like the Big Bang, dark matter, dark energy, neutron stars, or Black Holes.
The “Electric Universe” extends the findings of plasma cosmology to the formation and evolution of stars and their planetary satellites.
Proponents of the Electric Universe suggest that there are no isolated islands in the universe. All objects in space, from subatomic particles to galactic clusters, are connected by manifestations of the electric force acting in realtime.
Stars are formed at the intersections of galactic current filaments in dusty space plasma.
It is electricity that continues to energize the stars in a form of glow discharge, our Sun included. This external power source explains why the temperature of the Sun increases above the photosphere, to coronal temperatures of 2 million degrees.
Powerful plasma feedback effects maintain a steady output of visible solar radiation while variations in power input show up in the familiar sunspot cycle. It is in the nature of a glow discharge that all stars possess a weak electric field beyond the corona.
As charged particles of the solar wind move away from the Sun, they continue to be accelerated due to the Sun's electric field.
The size of a star and its color are determined electrically and may change suddenly. Novae and supernovae are the explosive response of stars to a power surge in their galactic circuit.
Comets are electrically charged bodies moving on elliptical orbits through the Sun's interplanetary electric field. A comet’s swift radial movement as it approaches the Sun, develops arcing on the nucleus. The arcs produce jets of dust and ions that form the coma and visible tails.
Many comets are solid rocks with dry surfaces. The sharply defined features of comet nuclei make clear that they are not “dirty snowballs” sublimating in the Sun. Due to the electric force, a comet can entrain a mass of hydrogen from the Sun greater than the mass of the comet's nucleus. The unexpected X-rays of a cometary discharge can reach 2 million degrees.
Cometary nuclei reveal deeply cratered and blackened surfaces due to electric arcing. Since comet nuclei are eroded electrically, they could not survive across eons of solar system history. Many comets were born in catastrophic events only a few thousand years ago.
Planetary Science
In the recent history of the solar system, its electrical environment changed. Under changing electrical conditions planetary orbits changed as well.
Close approaches of planets led to powerful electric arcing between planets and moons. All rocky bodies in the solar system show the massive scars of these kinds of electrical events.
Electric discharge scarring is occurring even now on Jupiter’s closest moon, Io, and on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus.
Electrical activity continues on Mars, driving "dust devils" the size of Mount Everest – created by the electrical differential between the surface of Mars and surrounding space.
All of the dominant surface features of Mars show the patterns of electric discharge, suggesting that in the past a vast quantity of material was excavated electrically from Mars.
It was an interplanetary arc that created the Martian Valles Marineris, the largest known scar on a solid planet. Much of the rocky material exploding from Mars became comets, asteroids, and meteorites. Some of the material arc machined from the Martian surface is still reaching the Earth today.
Why The Electric Universe Matters
2005 08 15
By Michael Goodspeed |
Does the truth ever change? The question is profound, because what we "know" to be "true" never seems to stop changing. The earth was once flat, the Sun once revolved around the earth, and the Milky Way was once the only galaxy. Of course, these "truths" were never actually true, but they were widely held beliefs that were accepted as "facts".
Historically, the line between belief and fact was often blurred by religious interpretations. Today, a similar confusion arises when scientific hypotheses are misrepresented as fact. The popular theory holds that the universe began 13.6 billion years ago with a Big Bang. This primordial explosion gave birth to a vast cloud of matter from which arose all of the celestial objects now observed. Out of a local concentration of matter, the Sun and its planetary companions congealed. And for several billion years, little has changed within our cosmic neighborhood.
This big picture of the universe also includes highly speculative -- and invisible -- phenomena such as black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. For too long, the scientific establishment has presented these speculations as "things we now know to be true", and media in this country have shown little or no inclination to question them. But increasingly, we see signs that this is changing. Evidence arguing against the sacred cosmological dogmas continues to mount, and many independent voices insist that theoretical science is now following a dead-end path.
Recently, one of the country's most popular science and technology websites,, outlined a serious challenge to a key tenet of modern cosmology. Reporter David McCandless authored the article, "They Sing the Comet Electric", which noted the successful predictions registered at the website prior to the climax of NASA's Deep Impact mission -- the collision of an 820-pound projectile into Comet Tempel 1. These predictions were based on the belief that comets are electrically charged bodies, and not the "dirty snowballs" of popular theory. If comets are proven to be electrical in nature, this could force the most dramatic re-assessment of cosmological theory since the age of Copernicus and Galileo.
McCandless displayed an even-handedness and candor rarely seen in popular media. Most journalists, perhaps afraid of falling out of NASA's good graces, are far less likely to think independently, and tend to accept official statements from mainstream theorists as unquestioned truth (see CNN's space "coverage" for a prime example of this). Not so with McCandless, who thoroughly investigated the Deep Impact event, and imparted the facts in a fair and balanced light.
McCandless wrote: "Prior to the July 4 impact, the Electric Universe group published a detailed chain of events they expected to see when Deep Impact struck comet Tempel 1...
"The prediction said there would be two impact flashes: a small flash as the projectile penetrated the comet's electrified atmosphere, followed by a huge impact flash that would be 'unexpectedly energetic'. And that's exactly what appeared to happen on July 4, in an impact that astonished NASA investigators."
The full article may be read here:,2697,68258,00.html
Not surprisingly, not a single NASA scientist was willing to comment on a specific prediction by the Thunderbolts group. The one naysayer who was willing to go on the record -- Dr. David Hughes, professor of astrophysics at Britain's University of Sheffield -- offered only a dogmatic assertion advocating the dirty snowball theory. "The inside of a comet has a typical temperature of minus 100 Celsius", he stated. "Electricity on the surface of a comet? Forget about it. It's not a contender". Hughes further stated that for astronomical material to be charged electrically, it must be in the form of hot ionized gas.
But despite Hughes' adamance, his assertion about comet temperatures is only a guess -- the temperature inside of a comet has never been measured, and furthermore, it has no bearing on the question of electric charge. His other statements are simply incorrect. There is no scientific law or fact that says a comet cannot carry an electric charge. The question raised by the electric comet model is whether the Sun is a positively charged body at the center of a radial electric field. If so, then the comet, while occupying more remote regions, will acquire more negative charge. Hence, when it moves rapidly toward the Sun, it will be out of balance electrically, and will discharge to relieve the stresses. (For more background on the electric comet theory, see )
This evidence of the electrical nature of comets is one underpinning of a larger hypothesis called the Electric Universe. It is not hyperbole to say that this model has the potential to alter not only our understanding of the solar system, but all of human history. When electricity is allowed to enter the picture, assumptions about what is possible and impossible are radically changed.
The Electric Universe also sheds new light on the decades long "Velikovsky controversy". It was Immanuel Velikovsky's belief that a violent re-ordering of the solar system occurred as recently as a few thousand years ago. The centerpiece of Velikovsky's thesis was the planet Venus, which appeared in the earth's sky as a terrifying comet. He proposed that other planets -- Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, and Mars -- also contributed at different times to the catastrophic history of the solar system. These planets engaged in cataclysmic interactions with one another -- electrical arcing was seen and heard on the earth as an awesome display of celestial fireworks.
According to Velikovsky, these planetary catastrophes were recorded in the myths and folklore of every ancient culture. He identified the gods and monsters of the ancient world as PLANETS -- including Venus, which was remembered as the attacking serpent or dragon.
Velikovsky insisted that the ancient record -- including Biblical and other traditional Hebrew texts -- counted as evidence of natural events. Perhaps more than any of his other claims, this drew the ire of the scientific mainstream. His book Worlds in Collision quickly became the number one bestseller, but its publisher Macmillan came under such pressure that they were forced to transfer the publishing rights to Doubleday at the height of the book's popularity.
Although there was a resurgence of interest in Velikovsky's work in the early 1970's (beginning in 1972 with the publication of the scholarly journal, "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered", the pioneer died without his thesis having received a fair or objective hearing. Many who were inspired by Velikovsky -- including several researchers with the Thunderbolts group -- acknowledge that he was wrong on a number of points, but they insist that Velikovsky was closer to the truth than his persecutors.
Perhaps the most critical point that Velikovsky got right was his description of mankind as a race "living in amnesia". This was an issue on which Velikovsky spoke with authority -- he was a student of Freud's first pupil Wilhem Stekel, and was Israel's first practicing psychoanalyst. Of course, many psychoanalysts believe that destructive emotional patterns have their roots in past traumas. And the celestial dramas first described by Velikovsky were the most traumatic events in recorded history.
This is where we begin to see the enormity of the catastrophic model championed by Velikovsky and later elaborated by Electric Universe proponents. One cannot overstate the influence that planetary catastrophe had on the world's earliest religions. According to Velikovsky, outrageous tales that do not answer to anything in our world today -- including the heaven shattering wars of the gods, displacements of planetary motions, and the re-arrangement of the sky -- are in fact historical accounts, presented in the language of myth, describing the chaotic solar system of ancient times.
Within every cultural heritage, there is a great deal of unique mythological content or interpretation. But at the same time, cross-cultural comparison reveals certain underlying themes preserved by all cultures. And these themes become evidence of extraordinary events. In Judeo-Christian tradition, we are told that the rib of Adam became the first woman, Eve. A serpent in the garden tempted Eve, and deceived her into tasting the forbidden fruit. God responded by cursing Adam and Eve, casting them out of the garden. Adam's children then multiplied, only to be destroyed in the great flood, when God retaliated against the "wickedness of man". Virtually every culture on Earth had its own version of this tale -- the father of the race, the mother of the race, the serpent enemy, the primeval paradise and the Golden Age, the fall from paradise, and a great flood or world-destroying catastrophe.
Inspired by Velikovsky's vision, David Talbott (co-author of Thunderbolts of the Gods) proposed in his book The Saturn Myth that the earth formerly moved in a close congregation of planets, dominated visually by the planet Saturn. Saturn, according to Talbott, was remembered as the "first father" and the central luminary of the sky -- unmoving and presiding over a timeless and peaceful epoch called the Golden Age. This planetary configuration was the prototype upon which early civilizations defined themselves. Their prayers to the gods, their rites of kingship, their monumental construction, and their chronicles of national origins all arose from their presumed identity as the "children" of Saturn. (In Talbott's thesis, even "sun worship" traces back astronomically to Saturn worship.)
The age of Saturn and the ancestral paradise ended violently, when the planet-god fell from its station in the sky. The event was followed by global havoc and ruination -- a rain of fire and stone, world-destroying winds, earthquakes, and torrential downpours, all punctuated by earthshaking "thunderbolts". This cataclysm was remembered as the archetypal tragedy -- the end of harmony and innocence, and the descent into chaos.
In the wake of this catastrophe, humanity was thrown into a profound state of ambivalence. On one hand, they yearned to recapture, if only symbolically, the splendor and harmony of a former age. On the other hand, the cosmic horror provoked an outpouring of barbaric human responses -- much of it based on the fear of Doomsday's return. Within this contradiction arose many primitive concepts of God that persist into modern times.
If a human living in that era could share with us his beliefs about God, what would he say? The ancients' relationship to "god" was marked by betrayal and unimaginable wrath. In this caricature, the father of the heavens is a wildly unstable, large-scale "man" prone to fits of rage and violence. He will strike down his own children over any betrayal. This god possesses few if any characteristics that could be described as "divine", other than the absolute power to do as he pleases.
This perception of God resulted from the real-world trauma experienced by every ancient culture on Earth. The father whom we worshipped and feared stood as judge of mankind, and found him guilty. It cannot therefore be a coincidence that the God of so many institutional religions demands veneration from his children while threatening their destruction.
A popular Christian doctrine features the tale of "original sin" -- a debt that Christ paid for with his blood, and a disobedience that (many Christians believe) every human must atone for, lest they be condemned on the day of final judgment. Here we see the exploitation of racial guilt in religion, a tactic that remains successful to this day. The popularity of the "Left Behind" series of books confirms the "God-fearing" beliefs of many, but this tells us more about the power of myth than the true nature of God. Thousands of years after the fact, mankind still carries a burden of guilt, trauma, and fear over past events for which he is not to blame.
This misplaced fear of God's wrath -- and the primitive desire to recapture paradise through bloodshed -- has been at the root of every "Holy War" in history. It is a tragic fact that every religion -- even the most peaceful examples, such as Buddhism -- has at times inspired the most inhuman acts. The phrase "Holy War" is an oxymoron, but the holy warrior is certain that he is performing God's will, and that his enemies are condemned by God. This psychology echoes the most horrifying aspects of the ancient world, when warrior kings entered one land after another, murdering everyone in their path, and announcing themselves as messengers of God. Holy warriors are still very active in modern times -- and this would include anyone who has taken a life in the name of God.
When we look to the heavens in both veneration and fear, we remain victims of the mythical god -- an archaic projection of trauma-induced neurosis. As long as this dark veil of myth obscures our vision of spiritual reality, millennia-long patterns of warfare, racism, and religious persecution will surely continue.
The reconsideration of myth and of planetary history -- first postulated by Velikovsky and illuminated today by the Electric Universe -- is the key to unlocking the prison of our racial "amnesia". Once freed from this prison of guilt, blame, and victimization, a new path awaits us, one that allows a deeper appreciation of the Universe and our place in it.
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