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Tarpley - Psychotic US-UK Elites Push Russia China to Brink (2011)
1) Psychotic US-UK Ruling Elites Push Russia, China to Brink
20111207-WGT_on_AJS.mp3 - 37:28
2) US-UK Financier Elite in Finance Collapse, War Psychosis; Syria, Iran, Pakistan Targeted; Russian Resistance Grows
20111129-WGT_on_AJS.mp3 - 18:35
comment: The illuminati are working hard on WWIII. But don't worry it's not called "war" anymore, it's called "kinetic love-bombing" now. This is Orwellian newspeak in action. A clash between NATO and Russia looks more and more probable now. I guess I'll dig a hole in the ground...