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TALMUD JMMANUEL (Jesus)(Fourth Edition) [2007/Judas Ischarioth/English+German/PDF]

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The Unearthed Chronicle of Jmmanuel -
the Man Known as Jesus

His Life and True Teachings
(Free Version)

Jmmanuel ( "Jesus" )

Author: Judas Ischarioth
Editor: "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier
Format: PDF : 911 pages (includes extras)
Publisher: Steelmark; 4th edition (June 30, 2007)
Language: English/German
ISBN-10: 0971152330
ISBN-13: 978-0971152335

Jerusalem, 1963 - A Greek Catholic priest, Isa Rashid discovers a small cave in the slope of a nearby hill. His friend, "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier, removes the rubble partially obscuring the entryway, crawls inside, and exhumes a set of ancient scrolls wrapped in animal skin and encased in a dry, crumbly resin. Upon their examination, faded yet fully legible pages of Aramaic text reveal a 2000-year-old biographical narrative of a man named Jmmanuel who devoted his life to teaching.

Having translated 36 chapters of the scrolls from Aramaic to German, Isa Rashid ultimately paid with his life when he and his family were assassinated by the powers that be, but not before 36 chapters were sent to his friend in Switzerland who then assembled the text into the form presented in this book.

Discover what truly happened to Jmmanuel during his forty days and forty nights "in the dessert." Learn who really was his betrayer and how he survived his brutal crucifixion. And read his ominous prophecies for the current times, his teachings about the human spirit and the self-determined path of human evolution - the true meaning of our lives.

***** Review: "I highly recommend this book for the open minded."


Who was Jmmanuel, was he the man known today as Jesus? Was there a connection to Ancient Extraterrestrials? These questions are addressed in this clear German/English translation from the original 2,000 year-old Aramaic scrolls discovered in a burial cave.

Even in the Bible they called him Jmmanuel.

Isaiah 7.14
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign;
a virgin shall conceive,
and bear a son,
and shall call his name Imman'u-el."

Matthew 1.23
a virgin shall be with child,
and shall bring forth a son,
And they shall call his name Emmanuel,
which being interpreted is,
God with us."

I highly recommend this book for the open minded. I found a great web site for further research on the genuineness of the TJ, go to . I would also recommend reading Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel, by James W. Deardorff.

More information at:
See also JESUS IN INDIA: Jesus' Deliverance from the Cross & Journey to India [2003]