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Thanks to Yahoos for the reminder! :P
Steel on Steel Radio programs from 2011.10.29 to 2011.12.03
No Firm Foundation in Post Modernism
Hi everyone. Please sign the petition to have Pakistani Christian mother Asia Bibi released from the death penalty after having been accused of blaspheming Islam. You can do this at
Much current political thinking keys directly to the philosophy of post-modernism. John spends his boralogue examining this constantly changing, pitching deck of self-contradicting ideas upon which post-modernist ideas rest, demonstrating why they wind up being morally bankrupt.
Then we’ll extend this examination to the realm of hate speech, and dissect the stages of hate speech used to “get” groups that are politically incorrect.
Matt Philbin from the Culture and Media Center joins the show to provide an example of the growing intolerance of Christian ideas in the United States, revolving around Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.
The Middle East Arab spring continues deteriorating into a Christian winter as Muslim radicals persecute Christians. President Obama announced U.S. forces will be withdrawn from Iraq, but even though we supposedly brought “democracy” to that country, Juliana Taimoorazy from the Iraqi Christian Relief Council says the tolerance for Christians in Iraq is deteriorating.
During the last part of the program, John spends time summing up the this week’s “exciting” events in Europe as the continent’s leaders dodged a bullet and avoided being sucked into an economic black hole…for now. We’ll also hear clips from the Financial Sense Newshour and Jim Puplava’s explanation of the Federal Reserve’s next move in inflating the currency.
The Vatican’s Middle East Flip Flop
When Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech five years ago revolving around the differences between Islam and Christianity, it caused serious reactions within the Islamic world, resulting in the deaths of several Christians. Now the Vatican seems to be falling all over itself to appease Islam, while down playing the deteriorating situation for Christians in the Islamic world as well as acts of terrorism against Jews.
Journalist Giulio Meotti is author of the book, “A New Shoah, the Untold Story of Israel’s Victims of Terrorism.” He returns to the show from his home in Florence, Italy.
The European bailout comedy reached Emmy award winning levels this week as Germany and France agreed to bail out Greece, only to have Greece thumb its nose at them. It’s clear this will all end with a Greek default and possibly an exit from the European Union. But the game isn’t over. The next domino to fall will most likely be Italy.
Anna Grayson is the London correspondent for the Canada Free Press and she provides her observations on this week’s performance.
John’s boralogue provides real life examples demonstrating post modernist thought in politics and the ongoing double standards that are so prevalent.
Gun walking, the Middle East and Health Privacy
This Sunday marks the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Please remember your brothers and sisters in chains in prayer and deed.
John’s extended boralogue starts the show with a third week examining the process by which post modernist thinking cripples Americans in grappling with the hard issues confronting the country. This is accomplished by tying together a series of different current events and explaining the common post modernist thread among them.
Attorney General Eric Holder testified this week before congress on the Fast and Furious gun walking scandal. But it seems like he’s trying to spin accountability away from the BATF, an agency that has caused a series of fiascos in the last two decades resulting in the deaths of innocent people without really holding anyone accountable. Maureen Martin from the Heartland Institute is concerned the only reason congressmen are currently involved is to make political hay rather than deal with abuses that need to be corrected.
Saber rattling in the Middle East once again as the region steadily grinds toward armed conflict. This week an IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) report indicated that Iran is on the verge of producing nuclear weapons and a missile delivery system for them. Another flurry of concern before things return to the non-action status quo or is it clear an inevitable conflict approaches if the nuclear program continues? Richard Perle was Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration and he joins the show for a segment.
It seems medical privacy is disappearing, the promises of a number of presidents notwithstanding. Dr. Lee Vliet from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons joins us.
Transforming Crisis into Transnational Technocracies
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
As economic protests rage around the world, protestors don’t seem to notice their complaints are being ignored as new paradigm changes under way driven by the same elites that got them into their problems in the first place.
The new forms of government are transnational socialist technocracies where we will be ruled by hoards of faceless, unelected bureaucrats in all areas of life. New rights are promised and old rights are being allowed to die. Two guests joins us today to discuss this.
First John Fonte from the Hudson Institute is author of the book, “Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Rule by Others?”
Then Carl Teichrib rejoins to explain the emerging technocracy in Europe and what this means for that continent and the United States.
John’s extended boralogue reflects on the attitudes of the first Pilgrims and how their attitudes can get us through the turbulent changes of this decade.
Critical Thinking in an Age of Deceit
Taking time off this weekend. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
John’s extended boralogue details efforts of European elites to convert their current crisis into a United States of Europe. A key principle is to remember that political power always follows a shift in monetary power.
Following the boralogue, we’ll air the address John gave at the Strategic Trends Conference entitled, “Critical Thinking in an Age of Deceit.” (DVD copies of this address are available at 1-800-829-5646.)
Detaining Americans
Much hoo-hah and debate about Senate Bill 1867 this week, both in congress and on the talk circuits. Ostensibly the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) allows the military to detain American citizens indefinitely without due process. Cutting through he legal language to determine the accuracy of these allegations is a real challenge, but we’ll see if we can get to the bottom of it.
Former JAG attorney Charles Stimson is an expert on detention policy at the Heritage Foundation
He’s followed by Jack Minor from the Greeley Gazette in Greeley, Colorado with an observation that proposed amendments to the bill are just making things worse.
John’s extended boralogue continues his ongoing analysis of radical ideological changes occurring in the Middle East as the Arab Spring deteriorates into an Arab Fall and a Christian Winter.