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Stanley Monteith - World Revolution [8 lectures] (2005)
1) Stanley Monteith - World Revolution (2005)
Dr. Monteith of traces back through history, to show how powers create war for social change and special interest agendas. Many people think the wars we face happen normally or that the enemies we face just pop up, but that's not the case. Many soldiers go to war to fight for freedom, but is that really the case? The Power elite using their networks are responsible for much of the horror we have faced as a people. This video also includes an interview from 1980 with Ambassador Smith about who was at fault for the rise of Communism in Cuba. This is an upsetting video of manipulation against the people of the world by the rich, for their quest for their vision called the New World Order.
duration: 1:28:09
2) IRAQ Road to World Government by Stanley Monteith
Stanley Monteith, of brings us another informational video on the New World Order, this time related to the Iraq war and its role in the path toward global government. Note there is no formal description of this video available by the author, sorry. Btw, this is the guy who has brought us the videos "Brotherhood of Darkness", and "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy" which had the late great Anthony Sutton in it to name a few.. Video Quality is Average, audio is slightly below average, it has some noise to it, but its still watchable.
duration: 55:13
3) Planned Police State - Stanley Monteith
Dr. Stan Monteith of goes over the growing police state in the USA and abroad. The growing surveillance in our lives, how we are watched, monitored, listened to, tracked and how the "War on Terrorism" is being used as an excuse for a growing web of control over our lives. From chipping our animals to chipping us, from plans for suspending the Constitution and putting us in camps for “our protection” Is the US government really out to protect us, or could it be the government is more worried about protecting itself from we the people or could there be even more to it Why are our rights being attacked in America? Why is it that it seems like leadership is more interested in doing to us, what they profess “evil terrorists” want done to us. Could they hate our freedom? What is the final out come of what is being planned and what will life be like for coming generations? DVD version available from with a syllabus full of documentation.
duration: 59:39
4) The Oil Deception - Stan Monteith
Is the oil shortage real or contrived? Is the U.S. really running out of oil? Who blocked the effort to develop the massive oil reserves in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) on the North slope of Alaska, and the East and West Coasts of America? What is their objective? What can you do? This Video addresses those and many other issues.
duration: 1:08:06
5) Finance and Monetary History - Stanley Monteith.mp4 - 00:53:02
6) None Dare Call It Genocide - Dr. Stanley Monteith.mp4 - 1:22:42
7) The AIDS Epidemic - The Abandonment of Public Health - Dr. Stanley Monteith.mp4 - 1:01:34
8) The Hidden Agenda Behind Fluoride - Dr. Stanley Monteith.mp4 - 1:08:17
1) Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma.pdf - 705 pages
2) Manly Palmer Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.pdf - 584 pages
tags: police state oil genocide fluoride aids money communism Cuba Iraq Castro nwo illuminati mason jesuit mystery school