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Stanley Kubrick - The Real Eyes Wide Shut [pack]
by Jay Myers
Eyes Wide Shut was not the movie Kubrick intended audiences to see. The studio cut 24 minutes from
the film, and just few days later, the legendary filmmaker was dead. What was in those 24 minutes?
And what happens at the REAL masked parties? Join me as we infiltrate the bizarre hidden world of
the Satanic elite!
Storyline of the movie 'Eyes Wide Shut' (Film not included in torrent)
After his wife, Alice, tells him about her sexual fantasies, William Harford sets out for a night of
sexual adventure. After several less than successful encounters, he meets an old friend, Nick
Nightingale - now a musician - who tells him of strange sex parties when he is required to play the
piano blindfolded. All the men at the party are costumed and wear masks while the women are all
young and beautiful. Harford manages to find an appropriate costume and heads out to the party. Once
there, however, he is warned by someone who recognizes him, despite the mask, that he is in great
danger. He manages to extricate himself but the threats prove to be quite real and sinister.
The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut”
“Eyes Wide Shut” was promoted as a steamy, suspenseful movie starring the “It” couple of the
day: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. While the actors were prominently featured in the movie, it is
everything around them that told the true story of “Eyes Wide Shut”. Stanley Kubrick’s
attention to detail and symbolism gave the movie an entire other dimension – one that cannot be
seen by those who have their eyes wide shut. This multiple-part series will look at the hidden
symbolism of Kubrick’s final film.
I remember when I first watched Eyes Wide Shut, back in 1999. Boy, did I hate it. I hated how slow
everything was, I hated how Nicole Kidman tried to sound drunk or high and I hated seeing Tom Cruise
walk around New York looking concerned. I guess I reacted the same way critics did at the time the
movie came out and thought: “This movie is boring and there is nothing hot about it.” More than
a decade later, equipped with a little more knowledge and patience, I re-watched the movie ... and
it blew my mind. In fact, like most Stanley Kubrick films, an entire book could be written about the
movie and the concepts it addresses. Eyes Wide Shut is indeed not simply about a relationship, it is
about all of the outside forces and influences that define that relationship. It is about the
eternal back-and-forth between the male and female principles in a confused and decadent modern
world. Also, more importantly, it is about the group that rules this modern world – a secret elite
that channels this struggle between the male and female principles in a specific and esoteric
matter. The movie however does not spell out anything. Like all great art, messages are communicated
through subtle symbols and mysterious riddles.
Stanley Kubrick unexpectedly died only five days after submitting the final cut of the movie to
Warner Bros, making Eyes Wide Shut his swan song. Considering the fact that Eyes Wide Shut is about
an occult secret society that eliminates those who cross its path, some theories arose about
Kubrick’s death and its suspicious nature. Did he reveal to the public too much, too soon? Maybe.
Kubrick had revealed to much, and he had to pay a high price for that. Will we ever see the missing
This is just a youtube video made by some guy, but I found it quite intriguing. I have been watching
thousands of those youtube videos, and this one is one of the few worth watching. It is brief, but
it is getting to the point.
After watching '2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)', you cannot help but realize that Kubrick must have
been a deep occult insider, and Bill Cooper used to have that opinion as well, but if he was an
insider, then why was he even talking about those secrets? Why did the Illuminati lose control over
Kubrick's mind? - or did they?
I think that Kubrick may have been one of the Illuminati. You don't just rise up that high in the
movie business without being one of them. Jay Weidner's view that he just had lots of talents and
therefore was chosen by the Illuminati is probably wrong. If you study the Illuminati controlled
music industry, then you can see that these stars are being trained to become what they are from
early childhood on. And then you should know that Kubrick was Jewish, and Hollywood being totally
under Jewish control, this may not be a coincidence either.
As a non-Illuminati outsider, you don't just stumble into the occult, and then happen to become the
world's greatest movie director making deep occult movies, getting promoted by Illuminati money,
eventually ending up dead. There's more to Kubrick than meets the eye. According to Bill Cooper,
'2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)' was the deepest and greatest occult movie ever. Surely there must be
some infighting going on within the Illuminati. Maybe Kubrick was one of the top Illuminati, but one
with different views, views that eventually killed him.
Kubrick never intended to make a sex movie, and he never had done so before either, he intended to
expose the Illuminati, and that's what we would have seen in the missing 24 minutes, dark satanic
occult rituals, and maybe some clues about the political figureheads hiding behind those eerie
audio analysis - Pook reverse
REVERSE Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball (Eyes Wide Shut).mp3
Amazing Secrets in Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut - Jay Dyer on WOTR Radio.m4a
Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball (Eyes Wide Shut).m4a
Stanley Kubrick, Director - Alexander Walker.epub
Jerold J Abrams - The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick.pdf
Stanley Kubrick, Director - Alexander Walker.pdf
The Encyclopedia of Stanley Kubrick.pdf
Eyes Wide Shut Screen Shots
Occult Music Industry
The Sick Occult Side of the Rothschilds
Eyes Wide Shut
1999, A Closet Odyssey - Sexual Discourses in Eyes Wide Shut, 2006 - Deleyto.pdf
Eyes Wide Shut - Film Script.pdf
Eyes Wide Shut - Movie Review.pdf
Illuminati Symbolism and Analysis of Eyes Wide Shut.pdf
Kubrick's EYES WIDE SHUT and Trauma-Based Mind Control.pdf
Notes on Eyes Wide Shut, a Film by Stanley Kubrick.pdf
The Hidden (and not so Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut.pdf
Eyes Wide Shut Kubrick Occult Analysis Ch 2
2001 Space Odyssey Occult Analysis Kubrick.pdf
Eyes Wide Shut Kubrick Occult Analysis Ch 2.pdf
The Shining Kubrick Occult Analysis.pdf
Kubrick's The Shining - A Comparative Analysis of the Original Novel and its Adaptation.pdf
Stanley Kubrick - FBI Files.pdf
The Rothschilds
The Sick Occult Side of the Rothschilds.pdf
Illuminati Symbolism in Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut Exposed.mp4
Stanley Kubrick - Eyes Wide Shut - Interview Compilation.mp4
Stanley Kubrick - The Last Odyssey – Eyes Wide Shut (1999).mp4
The Eyes Wide Shut Parties Are Real - Oliver Stone's Son.mp4
The Hidden Messages In Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.mp4
The Last Movie - Kubrick & Eyes Wide Shut.mp4
The REAL Eyes Wide Shut.mp4
tags: Illuminati, occult, magick, ritual, elites, infiltration, conspiracy, mkultra, monarch,