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Stan Deyo - The Cosmic Conspiracy
The Stan Deyo Show Podcasts
Prophetic Watch
with Ronnie Mc Mullen
Nowhere to Run
-The Show THEY dont want you to hear
Stan Deyo Explains Quantum physics and “non-local
The slowing speed of light and its relation to the age of the
How it relates to Einsteins 10 dimensional model
He explains gravity and the and Redshift quantization
Vortex Theory.
He discusses how his work 30 years ago lead to the research
and understanding of information only beginning to be
discussed today.
He discussed the “False Rapture” and possible scenarios that
may play out.
He discusses dimensional portals or “stargates” being made
with a toroidal coil and the apparent satanic influence
driving at least some of there construction.
Also this leads to discussion of the “tower of Babel”.
He discusses his cracking of the code of the Great seal of the
United States.
Tells us what he believes “Chemtrails” are.
He explains his theory on mars and the asteroid belt,
explaining the orbital physics involved.
He discusses The coming Alien deception and the very
specific details that are being planned to be used in the
propagation of the idea.
He discusses the “Great White Brotherhood” and how they
are behind almost every esoteric movement no matter how
different they are.
He talks about Theosophy and its connection the coming
He talks about his recent work and what you can exect from
him and Holly in the next few months (very exiting).
Stan Deyo - The Cosmic Conspiracy (Book)
Recruited by the Illuminati, Stan Deyo was taken secretly to Australia
in 1971 to design "flying saucer" propulsion systems with them. Deyo
reveals years later why "they" keep the alien/UFO agenda from the
public. Many have investigated this huge conspiracy from the outside
looking in - BUT, only one has come forward from an insider's
perspective. Stan Deyo's The Cosmic Conspiracy is his testimony to
you who would know the truth....
In this edition we have added a MOST important analysis of the current and
historical UFO scene. We unveil the original Majestic 12 group and its founder
and we discuss the group that took the power away from them recently. Even if
you cannot obtain a copy of this important addition, hear our warning regarding
the whole alien landing issue...
Soon, two major groupings of aliens are going to be identified and exposed to the
public - openly. One will be the 'bad' guys or lizards or whatever. The other will be
the 'good' guys and will probably be handsome by human standards. BOTH of
these groupings will be part of a major deception to the people of Earth. The wise
will know them by their actions but the wisest will be aware of their deception
before they even arrive.
There will be a true Messiah who will eventually return to Earth and defeat these
imposters according to the Bible. We remind the reader that the only sure way to
finish on the good side is to make your commitment to GOD through your
personal Doorway to GOD, through Jesus of Nazareth - THE Messiah.
Also, we give a very strong rebuttal (with photos) to those arguments in favour of
an alleged "Face on Mars". We give a more plausible and practical explanation for
the event - sans alien culture and technology. The fact that so many people are
entranced by the popular hypothesis that the face is a sign of ET intelligence on
Mars - even that it pre-dates mankind is, in itself, a warning that the greatest
deception of all time is already successfully under way here on Planet Earth.
This edition also has an update the secrets of the Great Seal of America (which
may be the seal of a latter day "Babylon" spoken of in Biblical prophecies). Don't
miss this Millennium Edition!
For 20 years I tried to get this book released in America to warn my friends and
fellow citizens about what was happening to them. For years, I was only able to
get small mail-order houses to stock the book and to promote it. The larger book-
sellers who supported Friedman, Moore, Berlitz, Hynek, Hoagland (et al) were not
interested in my book which has been the equivalent of a million-seller here in
Australia and has been a best-seller for three years running.... and on the shoe-
string budget of a self-publisher.
It is a book that I was inspired to write after a 'near death' experience I had back
in 1969. I am fortunate to have been able to go out of my body and to travel out
to a place where we will all venture some day after we die. It was a real blessing
to me in that I shall never ever have to wonder if we really live on after we 'die.' I
have seen it first hand... and it was not just a mental aberration of some kind. I
saw and heard things about my family and friends that I had no way of knowing -
including some future events. After I revived, my life took a turn that would leave
anyone breathless!
I also discuss why America has become the tool of the modern-day "Babylon"
which will soon be almost destroyed by "Acts of God" as well as directed acts of
terrorism. This discussion includes a historical look at the Great Seal of the
United States and its mystical meaning.
This last edition of The Cosmic Conspiracy reveals my discovery of a new method
of aircraft propulsion using ionized plasma gases. It tells about my recruitment by
a very secret, American research and development organization to finish my
research in Australia. The Cosmic Conspiracy discusses the 'conspiracy' behind
the US Government, the United Nations, The United States of Europe, the coming
Arab Confederation and the Club of Rome.
An explanation of the error in Einstein's relativistic view of the Creation with
mathematics, science and other, reputable sources in agreement is given.
Photostats of key documents which substantiate the assertions are in the
appendices of the book.
But most importantly of all, there is a fresh look at our ancient history. I have
been able to interpret the Hebrew language of the Torah and the rest of the
Tanach to form a much more concise and believable view of the New Testament -
especially the prophetic portions which seem to be happening even now,... right
If you are interested in knowing more about the real operators of our world and
how you can deal with them to your own advantage, then you must read The
Cosmic Conspiracy. Although it was initially written as 'life insurance' to keep old
'intelligence friends' from disposing of me, I also poured my most earnest
thoughts and directions into it as I thought I would soon die in spite of my best
efforts. It was written for you now - even though I wasn't sure when 'now' would
be exactly. I have lived to see this day come upon our world; so I am making one
last effort to help those people - especially those in America - to deal with their
immediate and most certainly, disastrous future.