Sheldrake Morphogenetic Fields and Extrasensory Perception
Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake is a theoretical biologist whose book, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of
Formative Causation (Tarcher, 1981) evoked a storm of controversy. Nature described it as "the best
candidate for burning, " while the New Scientist called it "an important scientific inquiry into the
nature of biological and physical reality. " Because his work has important implications for Jung's
concepts of the archetype and the collective unconscious, we have invited Sheldrake to present his
views in a series of four essays which will appear in successive issues of PSYCHOLOGICAL
PERSPECTIVES. These essays will be updates of his presentation on "Morphic Resonance and the
Collective Unconscious, " which he gave in May of 1986 at the Human Relations Institute in Santa
Barbara. Audio recordings were made by Alpha Omega Cassette Enterprises of Pasadena, California.
In this essay, I am going to discuss the concept of collective memory as a background for
understanding Jung's concept of the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious only makes
sense in the context of some notion of collective memory. This then takes us into a very
wide-ranging examination of the nature and principle of memory-not just in human beings and not just
in the animal kingdom; not even just in the realm of life-but in the universe as a whole. Such an
encompassing perspective is part of a very profound paradigm shift that is taking place in science:
the shift from the mechanistic to an evolutionary and wholistic world view.
The Cartesian mechanistic view is, in many ways, still the predominant paradigm today, especially in
biology and medicine. Ninety percent of biologists would be proud to tell you that they are
mechanistic biologists. Although physics has moved beyond the mechanistic view, much of our thinking
about physical reality is still shaped by it-even in those of us who would like to believe that we
have moved beyond this frame of thought. Therefore, I will briefly examine some of the fundamental
assumptions of the mechanistic world view in order to show how it is still deeply embedded in the
way that most of us think.
Morphogenesis -- the growth of form from a single cell embryo -- is a problem of biological order of
unprecedented precision timing of correlated events of both spatial and temporal nature. One doesn't
see anything like this in dealing with inanimate matter. Naturally, beginning with Erwin
Schroedinger, an impressive group of scientists have suggested that the currently known laws of
physics may not be enough to explain Morphogenesis. Many biologists have propounded the idea of a
morphogenetic field -- a condition of space that retains the memory of the form that the embryo
evolves towards under the guidance of the fields. But these earlier works hold on to the concept of
local fields and also to the materialist belief in "upward causation" -- the supremacy of matter as
the cause of everything.
But morphogenesis has overtones of teleology (the idea that some final purpose is driving the
system) to many. And the biologist Rupert Sheldrake has injected new principles in the old idea of
morphogenetic fields to incorporate teleology, non-locality, and downward causation. His
morphogenetic fields are purposive and non-local. They are not material. They are capable of
downward causation in matter through a new principle called "morphic resonance". According to
Sheldrake, as soon as a new form comes about, it sets up its own field which is continually
reinforced with its ongoing replication, thus explaining the memory exhibited in morphogenesis.
However, there is the question of the source of the morphogenetic fields that resonate with matter
-- an implicit dualism.
The purpose of this essay is to show that although dualistic in its original form, Sheldrake's ideas
can be given sound footing on the basis of Quantum principles applied in the conceptualisation of
the living cell within the context of a new science -- science within consciousness, a science based
on the primacy of consciousness.
Dean Radin
Extrasensory Perception and Quantum Models of Cognition
The possibility that information can be acquired at a distance without the use of the ordinary
senses, that is by “extrasensory perception” (ESP), is not easily accommodated by conventional
neuroscientific assumptions or by traditional theories underlying our understanding of perception
and cognition. The lack of theoretical support has marginalized the study of ESP, but experiments
investigating these phenomena have been conducted since the mid‐19th century, and the empirical
database has been slowly accumulating. Today, using modern experimental methods and
meta‐analytical techniques, a persuasive case can be made that, neuroscience assumptions
notwithstanding, ESP does exist. We justify this conclusion through discussion of one class of
homogeneous experiments reported in 108 publications and conducted from 1974 through 2008 by
laboratories around the world. Subsets of these data have been subjected to six meta‐analyses, and
each shows significantly positive effects. The overall results now provide unambiguous evidence for
an independently repeatable ESP effect. This indicates that traditional cognitive and neuroscience
models, which are largely based on classical physical concepts, are incomplete. We speculate that
more comprehensive models will require new principles based on a more comprehensive physics. The
current candidate is quantum mechanics.
Dean Radin's Extraordinary Synchronicity Story (64kbit).mp3
Rediscovering God with Rupert Sheldrake (64kbit).mp3
Rupert Sheldrake JRE #550 Morphogenetic Fields (64kbit).mp3
Earth Talk Science and Spiritual Practices w Dr Rupert Sheldrake.mp4
How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes w Adam Leipzig.mp4
Michael Persinger on No More Secrets.mp4
Reality and the Extended Mind (1 of 2).mp4
Reality and the Extended Mind (2 of 2).mp4
Rupert Sheldrake - Science Set Free.mp4
Rupert Sheldrake The Extended Mind, Recent Experimental Evidence.mp4
Rupert Sheldrake The Science Delusion Why Materialism is not the Answer.mp4
Science and the Taboo of Psi with Dean Radin.mp4
A Quantum Explanation of Sheldrakes Morphic Resonance by Goswami & Sheldrake.pdf
Dean Radin et al Assessing the Evidence for Mind Matter Interaction Effects.pdf
Dean Radin Extrasensory Perception and Quantum Models of Cognition.pdf
Dean Radin Google Talk.pdf
Dean Radin Thinking About Telepathy.pdf
Dean Radin Time Reversed Human Experience.pdf
Experiments Testing Models of Mind Matter Interaction by Dean Radin.pdf
Radin Predicting the Unpredictable 2014.pdf
Rupert Sheldrake Morphic Resonance paper.pdf
Rupert Sheldrake on Morphic Fields 1999.pdf
Rupert Sheldrake Sense of Being Stared At.pdf
Rupert Sheldrake Telephone Telepathy.pdf
Rupert Sheldrake The Sense of Being Stared At.pdf
Superpowers and the Stubborn Illusion of Separation Dean Radin.pdf
The Ageing Growth and Death of Cells by Rupert Sheldrake.pdf
The Extended Mind by Rupert Sheldrake.pdf
tags: paranormal, occult, telepathy, mind, brain, science, consciousness, materialism
Is this frm Demonoid ?
I have been perusing the P2P site for a long time. And recently it came to my attention that just after some kind of posts appears there, the kind that could be of interest here, the same content pops up here...
Is it a coincidence or what ?
Yeah I noticed that too but ...
but always assumed the opposite!!
RYBA777 RULES / 'understand your curiosity..
problably, maybe not, who cares, RYBA777 RULES
Sun, 06/05/2016 - 03:43 — ryba777
check the date on demonoid...
some of us enjoy torrents being "filtered" from other sources...
Please seed - thanks
Superb resources! Would love to have these.
Please seed.
Nobody really knows whatever happened to ryba777. Perhaps he/she got locked out of their account years ago. Or perhaps have gone into another realm of existence. They made lots of good torrent packs, like this one - but I reckon a new up-to-date pack of Rupert Sheldrake material could be made here in the coming months. So much of it is already made available on YouTube. It's just the ebooks and audiobooks that would be exclusive...