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The 1988 Classic presentation by Tom Bearden at the World Trade Center in New York City newly re-mastered with extensive new material.
Ever wonder what is REALLY being discussed behind the scenes when the phrase “nuclear disarmament” is bandied about by the media?
Well, wonder no more, as the answer is in this classic Tom Bearden filmed lecture plus slides and video footage, presented at the J.B. Bernal World Scientific Conference on Security and Disarmament (1988) at the World Trade Center, NY.
Featured are stunning revelations about the Soviet time-reversed electrogravitation weapons, their deployment and use, the true story of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Kaznacheyev death photons, Priore and much, much more. And over 20 years later after Tom Bearden gave this lecture, none of these weapons systems have just “gone away,” and it is no longer just the Russians that are “the bad guys.”
Updated and digitally re-mastered in 2010 with almost an hour of contemporary news footage and archived historical video.
Also available in PAL format for the first time.
90 min. - DVD video
Plus 30 additional minutes of Special Features
ATTENTION: For those that respect the work of Tom Bearden and have benefited from his books and videos that have been digitized and made available for free online, please consider buying the original copies from his website or donating directly (via PayPal) to his research:
Excerpts from
Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons
by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1990
Colonel Bearden is a nuclear engineer, wargames analyst, and military tactician with over 26 years experience in air defense systems, tactics and operations, technical intelligence, antiradiation missile countermeasures, nuclear weapons employment, computerized wargames and military systems requirements.
[This was a paper hastily whipped together, some years ago, to be able to send an abbreviated background paper to correspondents. The history prior to this paper runs from Hamilton and his quaternions to Maxwell and his quatemion theory, to Heaviside's vector curtailment of Maxwell's theory, to Nikola Tesla, to Whittaker, to Einstein and relativity, to Kaluza and Klein, and to the beginning of quantum mechanics.]
We begin our history in 1939 at T.H. Moray's lab in Salt Lake City. In that year, a Russian agent obtained detailed drawings of Moray's specialized amplifier which extracted energy from the powerful quantum mechanical fluctuations of vacuum. Moray's radiant energy device weighed 55 pounds and produced 50 kilowatts of power without conventional input. Numerous demonstrations are documented by engineers, scientists, and community leaders. After extensively testing Moray's device and obtaining the drawings by subterfuge, the Soviet agent destroyed the device. Moray, a truly great pioneer who was unjustifiably ignored in his time, had expended several hundred thousand dollars and exhausted his funds on the first unit. He was never financially able to rebuild it.
Thus in 1939 the Soviets obtained the secret, detailed drawings for a 29-stage electromagnetic device far ahead of its time. Moray had made the first germanium transistor, an amorphous pellet of multiple, finely powdered ingredients, sintered under heat and pressure to lock-in stress, and containing minute interfaces (very tiny built-in cracks) which acted as tiny scalar EM interferometers. Over the years Moray had painstakingly constructed 29 special tubes, each comprised of a blown quartz envelope containing several (usually three) of his transistor pellets. Only one in 300 of Moray's tubes would work, and thousands had been built to obtain the 29 good ones used in Moray's radiant energy amplifier. Each of Moray's pellets in the tube produced a vacuum state far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and the tri-assembly functioned as a macroscopic scalar interferometer and collector. Moray's 55-pound amplifier curved local spacetime and produced 50 kilowatts of usable load power from the curved vacuum source itself. Additional power could be taken from intermediate stages as well.
In short, Moray had produced a "Prigogine" transistor, still slightly more advanced than the transistors of today. [Ilya Prigogine received the Nobel Prize a few years ago for developing a new thermodynamics of systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Negative entropy is possible in such a system.]. Greatly stimulated by Nikola Tesla's repeated pronouncement that the ether was a sea of energy, Moray had painstakingly developed his special transistors, and arranged an assemblage of them to form a scalar interferometer and collector of the disintegrated "energy" (virtual particle flux) of vacuum, integrating it into real observable energy fed to a load. Some day Moray, together with Tesla, will be recognized as the first great scientific geniuses who succeeded in engineering scalar electromagnetics, electrogravitation, local general relativity, and Prigogine's new thermodynamics.
So in 1939 detailed drawings of Moray's unit were obtained and forwarded to Russia, along with details of experiments that the Soviet agent performed with the device in Moray's laboratory. Moray's lab still stands in Salt Lake City, Utah, operated by his son, John Moray, who has faithfully carried on his father's work.
However, in 1939 World War II was looming ominously on the horizon. Japan had started her expansive march in the Far East in 1931. In Germany, the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler had risen to power in 1933. Italy had moved against Ethiopia in 1935-1936. From 1936 to 1939, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union were unofficially involved in the Spanish avi1 War, testing weapons for a wider new conflict in the future. The Sino-Japanese War in China (1937-1942) was proceeding. Germany had seized Austria and most of Czechoslovakia to the dismay of the West.
On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, and two days later Great Britain and France declared war. British and allied troops were forced off the continent, however, and miraculously evacuated at Dunkirk in May-June 1940. In June 1940 Italy, under Mussolini, entered the war and France surrendered shortly thereafter. In the latter half of 1940 a valiant Britain held firm against an onslaught of German bombers, and the restless Nazi juggernaut began to face toward Russia.
Thus in the cataclysmic events of 1939-1940, a Russia looking full in the face of a Nazi threat and raging war in Europe had little time or inclination available to pursue the bizarre, puzzling drawings and notes obtained from Moray's lab. The pace of events in Europe continued inexorably, occupying all the energy and attention of the Soviet Union. In attempting to sidestep attack by Hitler, Russia had signed a Nonaggression Pact with Germany in August 1939. Consolidating her position, Russia had engaged in a stubborn, bloody war with valiant little Finland from November 1939 to March 1940, suffering heavy casualties and leading Hitler to conclude that Russia was militarily weak. In April 1940 Germany had occupied Norway and Denmark, and in May-June 1940 German armies had disastrously routed the British and French at Dunkirk. As 1940 wore on, Hitler had moved into Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Greece. A beleaguered Russia signed the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact of April 13, 1941 so that Japan would not pin Germany in striking the Soviet Union. By early spring of 1941, German attack on Russian forces was imminent, with daily overflights of Russian lines and probing incidents.
On June 22, German divisions attacked in a mighty blitzkrieg, encountering little resistance, and the war between Russia and Germany had begun in earnest. As war raged on the Eastern Front and in Europe, on December 7, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United States entered the war against Japan and Germany.
The history of World War II is well-known and need not be repeated here.
However, during the war the U.S. developed the atomic bomb in a feverish and highly secret technical effort. During the Potsdam conference, the U.S. exploded its first atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert. At the conference, Stalin was informed of the bomb and its first successful test by Truman, who had replaced the deceased Roosevelt as U.S. President. An impassive Stalin showed no apparent concern, but inwardly he knew that his secret plan to conquer Europe a year or two after the war—by which time the West would have beaten its swords back into plowshares—now had to be abandoned. A short time after, the U.S. dropped two bombs on Japan by stunning surprise. Faced with total and certain annihilation, the heretofore fanatical Japanese capitulated.
As one aftermath of the U.S. development and use of the atomic bomb, Stalin—ever the total dictator— lashed his Soviet Academy of Sciences furiously. Undoubtedly he pointed out that the destiny of Communism had been frustrated by this great technical breakthrough made by the Americans (with help from the British and from political European refugees.) He informed his scientists in no uncertain terms that the next such breakthrough had better be Soviet. He planned to do exactly what the U.S. had done: Find a new area for a great technical breakthrough and superweapon, put the entire resources of the nation behind it, develop it in great secrecy, and thrust it upon the U.S. and its allies at the eleventh hour. The West would then be forced to capitulate, just as was Japan. We had already shown Stalin the successful scenario by which to win the next war.
Several years after WWII, then, the Soviets should have been embarked on experimentation with a Moray prototype amplifier. They should have been deeply involved in time-reversed EM wave experimentation to rediscover what Tesla actually had done in wireless transmission of energy without loss. Also, the earlier Kaluza-Klein unified electromagnetics and gravitation theory(1921-1926) could not have eluded the Soviet scientists, who have consistently led the world in nonlinear mathematics. Of necessity, the search for a new breakthrough area would have initiated intensive review of the foundations of physics and electromagnetics, in an effort to discover any "holes" that might exist. Thus the short debate at the turn of the century, that established Heaviside's limited version of Maxwell's EM theory—largely because of Western repugnance for Maxwell's use of Hamilton's difficult quaternions— would not have gone undetected. Careful review of that situation would immediately have revealed that
(1) Maxwell's theory, which was worked out in quaternions rather than vectors, had actually not been completely captured by its translation into Heaviside's vectors by none other than Heaviside himself. [Heaviside was the cofounder of modern vector analysis and almost single-handedly produced what today is the recognized vector form of Maxwell's equations. He also nearly single-handedly transformed Maxwell's theory into its modem form.].
(2) The effects of stresses in the vacuum medium had been eliminated by Heaviside, while Maxwell certainly had pointed out additional terms required to address this issue. [A Soviet team addressing this omission, would have inevitably connected it to Whittaker and Kaluza-Klein theories, revealing electrogravitation (scalar electromagnetics).].
(3) A quaternion, which contains a scalar part in addition to a vector part, could maintain** its non-zero scalar part when the vector was zeroed, whereas in vector analysis, when the vector is zeroed, it is assumed that no residue exists. [This is also directly connected with the mistaken assumption that an abstract vector space itself can have no substructure.]
**and even vary and oscillate, its internal EM stress.
(4) The direct connection could be made with Whittaker theory to produce scalar vacuum stress gravitation when the EM vector fields were zeroed.
(5) The West had missed this unified theory because of its total aversion to quaternions, and its elevation of the curtailed Maxwell's theory to cult status.
(6) Investigative experiments to explore bucking EM force fields which neatly zero sum would have almost immediately revealed highly anomalous behavior of materials and circuits. [Such simple investigations of zero-vector EM force field summation do not seem to appear in the Western literature at all, so far as can yet be established.]***
***with the single exception of the Aharonov-Bohm effect, which has finally been proved after 27 years of controversy, and Hooper's work which was obscurely published.
In January 1960, Khrushchev announced the development of a new, fantastic weapon—one so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used. The New York Times printed part of the story. Khrushchev, of course, was referring to the newly emerging scalar EM weapons. So in early 1960 the Soviets were in at least what we call the engineering development stage for large scalar EM beam weapons, which would be deployed when finished.
On May 1, 1960 Soviet defensive radars—rigged as prototype scalar EM beam weapons—probably downed Francis Gary Powers's high-flying U-2 reconnaissance plane over the Soviet Union, precipitating a major diplomatic incident. At the time, no Soviet surface to-air missile could reach the high-flying U-2, but of course it was extensively tracked on Soviet defense radars. Powers reported that a flash occurred behind his plane and persisted—almost certainly the signature of time reversed wave real-time holography. Eisenhower first denied, then was forced to admit, the photo-reconnaissance nature of Powers' mission when Khrushchev revealed that the Soviets had captured Powers alive. Khrushchev then cancelled a major summit meeting with President Eisenhower. Powers was imprisoned, and released in February 1962 in exchange for Rudolf Abel, a convicted Soviet spy.
In the fall of 1962, with his new superweapons nearing deployment, the ebullient Khrushchev could no longer contain his eagerness. He "jumped the gun" and attempted to change the international balance of power at a single stroke. The Soviets started inserting MRBMs—weapons which would blanket the U.S. like a glove—into Cuba at a feverish pace. From information clandestinely fed by Soviet Col. Oleg Penkovsky, John F. Kennedy was aware that Khrushchev's bombers and ICBMs were in woeful shape.***
***Penkovsky knew nothing of the Soviet Weapons program in energetics, using time-reversed EM radar wave weapons.
Not suspecting the Soviet superweapons, he knew that Khrushchev was bluffing—and proceeded to call the Soviet bluff, precipitating the Cuban Missile Crisis. Khrushchev was caught with his pants down. His superweapons were not yet ready, and the U.S. could have easily destroyed the Soviet Union. Reluctantly he backed down and removed the missiles, after first blustering enough to get an agreement from Kennedy not to attack Cuba.
In the Communist world, this was a serious loss of face by Khrushchev. He knew his days were numbered unless he did something dramatic to recoup stature.
Accordingly, as soon as his new superweapons were deployed and ready, Khrushchev did that "something dramatic." On April 10, 1963 he destroyed the U.S.S. Thresher with one of his new weapons. Scalar EM (electrogravitational) beams, focused through the ocean to interfere on the Thresher under the surface, recreated spurious EM energy in the sub's electrical control circuits, jamming them so that the sub lost control, sank to crush depth, and imploded. Spurious electromagnetic "splatter" surrounding the immediate vicinity of the targeted area left a signature of intense EM interference with multiple systems and multiple frequencies of the U.S.S. Skylark, surface companion of the Thresher. This anomalous EM interference was so virulent that it required over 1-1/ 2 hours for the Skylark to transmit an emergency message back to headquarters that the sub had been lost.**** The death of the Thresher was Khrushchev's first blow.
**** Some electronic systems mysteriously malfunctioned, then later completely recovered spontaneously. This again is clearly a scalar EM weapon signature.
The next day, April 11, 1963, Khrushchev struck his second blow. Two deployed Soviet scalar EM weapons fired massive scalar EM pulses through the ocean. The two massive pulses met and interfered deep under the surface, 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. The resulting giant underwater EM explosion hurled a mushroom of water half a mile up into the air, and the anomalous explosion was observed (and later reported to the FBI and the Coast Guard) by the pilot and crew of a US. Jetliner passing nearby, enroute from Puerto Rico to Florida.
Thus we know the year—and indeed probably the very month—that Khrushchev's new "fantastic weapon" was deployed: April 1963.
In the 1960s, Curtis detected a previously unknown, anomalous, weak electromagnetic radiation pattern over the ocean. This is the type of pattern consistent with the introduction of scalar signals with a small' impure normal EM component or residue. Such cruder implementation would have been expected early-on in the Soviet program.
On June 17, 1966 from the air near Teheran, Iran, several airline pilots sighted a brilliant sphere of light, "sitting on the horizon," so to speak, deep within the Soviet Union. The intensely glowing sphere expanded to enormous size, dimming as it expanded, always remaining "sitting on the horizon." The pilots observed the phenomenon for 4 to 5 minutes. A CIA report on the incident was released under the Freedom of Information Act.
In 1967-68, anomalous holes appeared in clouds over the U.S., possibly associated with the beginning of early Soviet weather engineering over the U.S. That winter was particularly severe.
In the late 1960's, Lisitsyn reported that the Soviets had broken the "genetic code" of the human brain. He stated the code had 44 digits or less, and the brain employed 22 frequency bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. However, only 11 of the frequency bands were independent. This work implies that, if 11 or more correct frequency channels* can be "phase-locked" into the human brain, then it should be possible to drastically influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions, and conscious state of the individual, even from a great distance.
*To translate this to VHF or radar/radio frequencies, see Bearden, Gravitobiology, 1989.
It may be highly significant that
(1) up to 16 of the giant Soviet woodpecker carriers have been observed by Beck and others to carry a common, phase-locked 10-Hz modulation, and
(2) such a 10-Hz signal has been demonstrated by Beck, Rauscher, Bise, and others to be able to physically entrain or "phase-lock" the human brain, if stronger than the Schumann resonance of the Earth's magnetic field.
A human brain entrained by a common, phase-locked 10-Hz modulation on 16 carrier frequencies would effectively have 16 frequency channels phase-locked into it. The potential for using the Woodpecker transmitters to phase-lock an appreciable percentage of human brains in a targeted area, and then induce effects in the populace similar to— and even more drastic than—the effects induced in U.S. Embassy personnel in Moscow, should be strongly pointed out. Coupled with the Kaznacheyev work on EM transmission of cellular death and disease, using the Woodpecker signals to induce death and disease in the targeted populace may also be a distinct possibility. Modification of DNA/RNA—and viruses themselves—is also a possibility.
Many other Soviet scalar EM testing incidents are documented in Bearden, Fer-de-Lance. 1986, and in AIDS: Biological Warfare. 1988. Repeated presentations on the Soviet scalar EM weapons and their testing have been given at national symposia since 1978. The exact mechanisms utilized by these superweapons have also been given. A complete and consistent series of many anomalous events exists over the years, showing the continuing development, testing, and deployment of massive scalar EM weapons by the Soviet Union.
Actual use of the weapons to create a giant interference grid over the U.S. and severely affect world weather is documented in a videotape, Bearden, Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America, 1985. This videotape also includes several other major accidents, and also U.S. weather satellite photographs of anomalous exhausts from the Soviet Union's Bennett Island.** The exhausts are often in jets 150 miles long and nearly horizontal (about a degree and a half in elevation). They have been photographed coming from Bennett Island and the sea nearby, since 1974.
** Which actually belongs to the U.S.
On Jan. 28, 1986 the Challenger disaster occurred. The Challenger was positively killed by the Soviet Union, using the scalar EM weapons through the Woodpecker grid. A host of indicators occurred.
1. The anomalous cold weather in Florida was definitely engineered by the USSR,
2. Specialized cloud patterns associated with Soviet grid engineering and weather engineering were observed and photographed in Los Angeles, California and Huntsville, Alabama, beginning several days before the incident, and particularly on the evening before the launch,
3. The normal "pivot point" for turning the jetstream northeastward was moved south from Huntsville, Alabama to Birmingham, Alabama by the Soviets; this was to force the jetstream much further south, and consequently move unusually cold air into the Florida panhandle, exposing the shuttle to undue cold stress,
4. About 4 hours before launch; all Soviet ships off shore suddenly left the area at speed; this was the first shuttle launch not "shadowed" by Soviet ships,
5. On the morning of the launch, higher frequencies were added to the interference grid to enable much-enhanced localization. The brains of small birds are very sensitive to these higher frequencies, due to their small diameter (wavelength) as a scalar EM receiver. If they remained in the area of localization, the birds would be in intense pain or killed. On the morning of the launch, national TV network news, announcers, noted that no birds at all were flying in the area, something which had never happened before.
6. At the time of the shuttle's destruction, a giant radial cloud pattern was actually in the general vicinity;
7. Three previous shuttle launches—the last on Nov. 26,1985—had been used as direct test targets for tests of the Soviet launch phase ABM/antibomber defense system so the weapon was "zeroed in" on the launch site,
8. The anomalous destruction of the Arrow DC-8 on Dec. 12, 1985 had already indicated a Soviet decision to elevate the testing to the actual destruction of targeted vehicles,
9. At the time of the launch, anomalous electromagnetic phenomena occurred in nearby restaurants,
10. A metal-softening signal was on the grid, as previously detected by Golden. This signal would be detected by the launch flame, and after ignition would result in a steady weakening of the metal in and around the booster flame. Note that the metal was already cold-stressed beyond what it had been tested to withstand,
11. Almost immediately after ignition, the booster seals vented, giving evidence that the cold stress and the metal-softening signal were weakening the system,
12. An anomalous 10 second or so burnthrough of the weakened booster occurred,
13. An anomalous "1ight"—possibly a Soviet EM missile —was observed to play on the rocket before it blew up,
14. An anomalous "flat plate" earthquake over about 11 states occurred within days after destruction of the shuttle. This type of quake is strongly suspicious, and it was probably the test of the grid/howitzers in a ground wave interferometry mode,
15. Substantial winds and air turbulence over the launch site increased the stress on the Challenger as it rose through this region. With a giant cloud radial in the area, one strongly suspects that the turbulence may have been deliberately created or augmented by the Soviet scalar EM grid,
16. A few days later, from 1-4 February 1986, many birds inadvertently flew into the new, localized "pivot point" at Birmingham, Alabama, encountered the high frequency components, and dead birds fell from the sky in substantial numbers. Many different kinds of birds were involved.
17. Most significant of all, General Daniel Graham has reported that, on the evening after the death of the Challenger, the Soviet KGB gave a party and celebrated the success of their perfect active measures against the Challenger! Note that all development, deployment, employment, and command and control of the Soviet scalar EM weapons are under the KGB. Finally, a U.S. classified investigation of the Challenger disaster was ordered by Congress, but its results have not been made public. Beyond any doubt the Soviets destroyed the Challenger, and killed the seven brave astronauts aboard the spaceship.
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