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FOR skeptics and believers alike, the secret rituals of occultism, and later, of trance mediumship, have always been something of a puzzle. The reason for all these profoundly bizarre goings-on became apparent only when we cracked the key secret cipher used in such rituals and spontaneous encounters. Once realized, a bizarre design, previously suspected by only a few diverse researchers working in widely differing fields, was fully exposed. It revealed an intricate worldwide pattern of communication between Ultraterrestrial Forces almost totally beyond our comprehension and human adepts, stretching from remote antiquity to the present moment. The entire literature of magical invocation and evocation, seen in this light, is revealed to be a disguised transmission of these technologies.
Greenfield's main thesis -- that occultism and UFO phenomenon are part of the same continuum -- is a useful context for understanding both. In some ways, this isn't a new suggestion. Robert Temple, R.A. Wilson, and Kenneth Grant have been writing about these connections since the seventies.
Books like Secret Rituals of the Men in Black challenge us to keep this quest at the forefront of our work and suggests solutions, albeit unconvential ones, to this enigma.
“All that I have learned in UFOlogy, where I started out looking for “advanced beings from other planets” like everyone else - has taught me that we humans are,in potential, the most advanced, developed beings in the galaxy. The positive aliens are here not to help, but like the Magi in the Nativity Story, to witness the birth of The New Being. The Grays, insectoids and other vampiric nightmares from dying stars are here to suck out a little of the life energy that they themselves have so little of, and to delay the inevitable evolution of humanity triumphant… We, as they tell us, and as intercepted cipher messages have told me and all with eyes to see, will someday be the Coming Guardians ourselves.”
Greenfield wrote the introduction to the late Gray Barker's surrealist exploration of the heart of the UFO, "Mothman" and "Men in Black" mythos, The Silver Bridge (Saucerian Books, 1970) and privately published an informal history of UFOlogy, Saucers and Saucerers (PANP Press, 1976). As mentioned above his interest in UFOs is rooted in the modern "mythic quality" of the subject, and its link to earlier myth cycles and folklore. His approach is to investigate a mythos "from the inside".
He is quoted (and occasionally misquoted) and referred to in many books, including
Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon,
Hans Holzer's The UFOnauts,
Timothy Green Beckley's The UFO Silencers,
John A. Keel's Strange Creatures From Time and Space, and
Keel's Disneyland of the Gods,
Neal Wilgus' The Illuminoids,
Jacques Bergier's Secret Vaults of the Earth,
Robert Scheafer's The UFO Verdict,
The Theosophical Enlightenment and
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, by historian Joscelyn Godwin,
the late Jim Keith's Casebook on the Men in Black.
Robert Anton Wilson's Everything Is Under Control.
Jim Moseley's Dangerously Close to the Truth.