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The Secret Government - By William Cooper May 23 1989

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The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12
By Milton William Cooper

* The Truman Years
* 13 Crashed Alien Space Craft in U.S.A.
* Above Top Secret Classification
* Project SIGN and GRUDGE
* Truman Creates CIA by Executive Order
* Directive Defines CIA Authority Under NSC-4
* Covert Abilities Expanded
* Secretary of Defense Forrestal Objects to Alien Secrecy
* Living Alien Rescued at Roswell, New Mexico, 1949
* Alien Biological System Based on Chlorophyll Process
* Truman Creates NSA to Decipher Alien Language
* NSA is Above the Law
* U.S.A. Shares Alien Secret with Soviet Union
* President Eisenhower tackles the Alien Problem
* Eisenhower and Rockefeller Join Forces
* Rockefeller Appointed Chairman of Advisory Committee
* Space Visitors Discovered by Astronomers
* Aliens from Plieades Warns U.S. about 'Grays'
* Aliens from Orion Greet President Eisenhower
* Treaty signed with Alien Nation Ambassador Krill
* Alien Personnel Exchanged & Underground Base Constructed
* Alien Space Craft Tested In Nevada: Project REDLIGHT
* Secret Fund Finances 75 Underground Bases in USA
* Rockefeller assumes post as Cold War Strategist
* NSC-5410 Memo defines Scope of Majority Twelve
* Key members from the Jason Scholars, Secret Society
* MJ-12 Known Under Many Names
* Aliens Break Treaty, Mutilate Human Bodies, 1955
* NSC-5412/2 Creates Contingency Plan to Study Alien Problem
* Second Phase Meeting of 'Study Group'
* Major Finding resulted from Alien Study: Economic Collapse
* Second Major Finding: Genetic Experiments upon Humans
* Current Weapon Technology Useless against Aliens
* Vatican Archives reveals 'End Times' Prophecy True
* Aliens Confronted with Biblical Prophecy
* Jason Scholars are asked to develop Alternative Scenario
* Rand Corporation Symposium on Underground Shelters
* Illegal Drug Markets become Financial Resource for CIA