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Scientists Admit Super Psychic Kids Are New Human Species [pack]

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Scientists Admit Super Psychic Kids Are New Human Species [pack] videos Alien Abductee Describes the REAL Agenda of Off Planet Civilizations.mp4 Ninety minutes of missing time resulted in this abductee's discovery of an alternative reality – time spent with extraterrestrials on-board their craft since childhood, and in fact, since her inception as a soul. This video addresses issues of spirituality, consciousness, modes of telepathy and alien culture, alongside scientific concepts of advanced physics, holograms and organic “conscious” technology – all within the framework of contact with these non-human species. Significantly, the she outlines human participation in complex alien programmes that assist and advance humankind, and Hansen’s experience of a dual soul identity central to this positive agenda. Hansen’s clear empirical approach gives the fullest description of how this off-planet civilization seeks to prepare us for contact, and answers the “why” question by describing in detail the “how”. Alien Artifacts Recovered from Crashed UFOs are NOT of This World.mp4 With a new focus on physical proof via the scientific study of known UFO crash artifacts, Jacques Vallee has been organising isotopic and elemental analysis of evidence. Some of the samples Vallee had tested were found to be outside of the terrestrial norm, and so pure in their form that they appear to be fabricated in a method not possible on Earth. There are many remarkable alien artifacts that have been hidden away in secret vaults, they could re-write history as we know it. These artifacts are highly controversial and need to be tested. We are constantly finding new ufo artifacts that defy our current understanding of the universe. Ancient Giants Were Real According to this Very Strange Evidence.mp4 Uncovers a lost legacy of extremely tall and powerful individuals who once ruled this part of the world. Giants were said to have gradually consolidated their position in Britain, ruling the land for hundreds or possibly thousands of years. Hugh Newman has collated over 150 accounts of giant bones, skeletons and skulls throughout the British Isles. Although the founding of Britain is still shrouded in mystery, and Geoffrey’s Histories is clearly jumbled-up versions of older books and myths, the stories of the giants seem to go very far back. The Legends and foundations myths of Britain are so strongly associated these local titans, we hope this introduction to giant-lore gives some indication that they could be the ancestral memories of real-life giants who ruled here long before us ‘Brits’ ever lived here, and could have been responsible for the thousands of megalithic constructions that grace this ancient landscape. Astral Travel Secrets, Out Of The Body Experience Explained.mp4 Mind-blowing lecture that will take your understanding of the multidimensional Universe, the ‘Earth-Life-System’ and the ‘Human Experience’ to the leading edge of what’s been discovered by modern day pioneers in the field of out-of-body exploration; revelations about time travel and everyday humans who are time travellers; the uncovering of nonhuman technology that saturates the Earth Plane in a magnetic force designed to distract you from experiencing higher consciousness by keeping your “illusions” intact and much more. Trained remote viewer, out-of-body explorer and brainwave entrainment researcher Todd Acamesis shows how, just as in the 1999 film The Matrix, we’ve all been living double lives – but that’s where the comparison ends. Because, unlike the characters in the movie, we remain totally oblivious to our other life. Todd’s talk uncovers the single biggest conspiracy of all time: the systematic suppression of Multidimensional Reality and Multidimensional Consciousness, with answers that involve astral travelling, remote viewing and experiments in synchronicity. Biggest Antarctica Mysteries That Defy Explanation.mp4 So what is going on in Antarctica? From secret pyramids to hidden Nazis, and speculation about military operations, the inhospitable continent is a favorite topic of discussion for many people across the internet. Few viewers are going to have the chance to explore Antarctica any time soon, so we’ve collected together some of the mysteries which have intrigued scientists — and a few of the theories which have lit up the internet. The land of snow and ice was once a flourishing continent. Although today it is considered inhospitable, it exerts an almost magical attractive force over mankind. It’s no wonder the continent is entrenched in so many legends – from the entrance to fabled “Shangri La” located in the earth’s interior to the obscure stories about secret UFO bases not inhabited by extraterrestrials. Consciousness Explained Has the Most Unique Scientific Puzzle Has Finally Been Solved.mp4 Consider the evidence that our consciousness does not always reside in the physical body – considering the testimony of people who have had near-death experiences. What is the meaning of these experiences? Can an understanding or knowledge of them “expand our reality”? We will look at some cases of the “idiot savant” syndrome – “the foolish wise ones” – who are able to automatically perform great mental feats. Looking at the research of people like Rick Strassman, Graham Hancock, Anthony Peake and Dr Gary Schwartz. We will also consider people’s other experiences of altered or expanded consciousness and how there seems to be an effort, in organised western cultures to discourage or prevent us from experiencing these altered states of consciousness. This presentation will make you consider the nature of consciousness and its fundamental importance. Creepy Navajo Rangers Cases That Will Keep You Awake All Night.mp4 Navajo Rangers are well trained officers of the law but no amount of training could prepare them for some of the strangest reports of the unusual paranormal suspects they were to come across, such as ghosts, Bigfoot and UFOs, and they have also investigated sightings of creatures of Navajo lore, such as Skinwalkers who are believed to be witches that have learned to shape shift into animals. John Dover and Stan Milford have taken paranormal reports from Navajo people very seriously. Together they managed a section called the Special Projects Unit. This special unit not only dealt with the typical day to day law enforcement investigations, it also was tasked to manage those investigations and cases on the fringe of reality, those cases deemed “paranormal.” They have investigated some very interesting cases, and in a few cases found physical evidence to back up the paranormal claims. David Wilcock Decodes Ancient Prophecy and Reveals the 'Solar Flash' is Coming Soon.mp4 David Wilcock thinks we may be on the threshold of the single greatest moment in human history. Everything we thought we knew could transform, and the greater galactic community might soon be open to us, along with its fascinating technology. David will lead you through a stunning presentation of scientific evidence that such an event is really going to happen, drawing from a variety of little-known pieces of evidence, both ancient and modern. Based on ancient prophecies David Wilcock has been able to decode solar flash as the harbinger to our Ascension. The Book of Enoch (removed from The Bible) says about this that "the wicked and godless shall be removed from the Earth", "the sun shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light", and, "the planets orbits and tasks will change". King Solomons Temple The Big Secret They Don't Want You To Know.mp4 Moving through the revelations of the Bible, the Koran and other religious texts Gardiner also delves into the “hidden” knowledge of the alchemists and the infamous Knights Templar to make public the secret once and for all. There is no Temple of Solomon and there is very little evidence that there was even a Solomon. We are left with only one solution: that the whole story - and many others like it - are symbolic. Thousands of years after this fabled King of Israel supposedly built his huge edifice, Philip Gardiner reveals the startling truth which has ramifications not only in historical and religious circles but also for world peace. New Planet X Discoveries We Have 2 Suns in the Solar System.mp4 We have been searching for a lost planet known to the ancients as Nibiru where the ancient Sumerians clearly stated their gods the ANNUNAKI claim as their home world. New evidence about our solar system changes the traditional model for a planet x traveling billions of miles into space on an elliptical orbit around just one sun. A new model to explain not only how w planet x could exist but also why we have a rise and fall of civilization here on earth which is caused by an astronomical effect. Over 30 ancient cultures spoke of earth having 2 suns. New evidence confirms this idea from the Binary Research Institute in Newport Beach, Ca and shows a new model for our solar system having 2 suns. It also shows that our sun is currently in orbit around our 2nd sun and this is the reason why we have “precession of the equinoxes”. Nibiru Returns the Proof They Dont Want You to See About Planet X.mp4 So, what if this Brown Dwarf in fact had planets circling in close proximity around it? Surely this would better explain the presence of life. After all, the Nibirians are supposed to have lived on the Earth and then fled to their home planet, which takes it on a 3600-year orbit out of the known solar system. If that was the case, and it was just a planet and not an actual Brown Dwarf/Planetary system, how could life be sustained in the far reaches of our Solar System? The Brown Dwarf theory makes much more sense and has a correlation with the Hopi Prophecies. Out of Body Forbidden Knowledge Discoveries this World is NOT What We Think It Is.mp4 This reality is not what we think it is, the forbidden knowledge is there for all to see if you know how to access it. This information will help you, it has been gathered through his life long experiences of OBE's, contact with many different ET and dimensional beings and his astral travels through time and space. Insights are shared on what has been learned from having access to the worlds that are just outside our physical senses. This is a very large topic that goes into past lives, the awakening process, dimensional & ET Beings, control, time travel our hidden history and our spiritual development. There are millions of people around the world who are currently having contact and other worldly experiences when they go to bed at night. Visitations, journeys and information is accessed once the body falls asleep. Many are taken out of their bodies by unknown beings to explore new dimensions and worlds. There are both positive and negative experiences in these dimensions, it is our job to learn how to discern and navigate these realms safely. Paul Hellyer Earthshaking Confession 'Four Alien Races are Here on Earth'.mp4 Paul Hellyer, a former, well-regarded, Canadian defense minister, has claimed that aliens are, in fact, real and walk among us on Earth. He has accused world leaders of concealing vital information about the existence of aliens who have "been visiting our planet for thousands of years." It's shocking to hear somebody claim that at least four different species of aliens have visited the Earth, for thousands of years. He is probably the highest ranking official of a western country to openly state that ETs and alien UFOs are real and are present on Earth. While skeptics dismiss Hellyer’s claims, he is highly regarded among alien and UFO enthusiasts as a primary witness or “insider,” having been a member of Parliament for many years and former defense minister. Scientists Admit Super Psychic Kids ARE a New Human Species.mp4 The 'New Humans' are new generations of psychic children whose DNA is not like that of other humans. They contend that they have come from star origins to bring about change and spread the truth of who we really are. They tell us that the star visitors are the ancestors of humanity, and created us. They are hybrid humans. They say most of our species are still asleep and need to be awakened to our true heritage, and that they have come here to help, particularly with new ecologically and spiritually based technologies. Not only are there star children amongst us, but the entire human race has been advanced forward at a rate that is unlikely to be due to slow evolutionary forces, but far more likely that this rapid advancement of the human species is due to alien intervention of our bodies and minds. The Worlds BIGGEST Secret We Are Locked in an ALIEN Computer Simulation.mp4 An in-depth look at the bizarre evidence that the universe could be a computer simulation. Some alien abductees have reported that ETs describe our universe as a 3-D hologram projected from another dimension by a Super Intelligence. There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it — are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own it is literally beyond both space and time. Several physicists, cosmologists and technologists are now openly entertaining the idea that we are all living inside a gigantic computer simulation, experiencing a Matrix-style virtual world that we mistakenly think is real. We carry out computer simulations not just in games but in research. Is the universe just an enormous, fantastically complex simulation? If so, how could we find out, and what would that knowledge mean for humanity? tags: aliens, giants, astral, OOBE, prophecy, consciousness, Solomon, psychic, children, Nibiru
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