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Rudolf Steiner Audio Archive Mirror
Recorded and Read by Dale Brunsvold
Written Works:
* Anthroposophical Guidelines
* Anthroposophy: A Fragment
* Autobiography of Rudolf Steiner
* Christianity As Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity
* Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man
* Guardian of the Threshold (The)
* Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path (The Philosophy of Freedom)
* Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (1985 Recording)
* Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (2008 Recording)
* Outline of Esoteric Science (An)
* Portal of Initiation (The)
* Renewal of the Social Organism (The)
* Riddles of Philosophy (The)
* Soul's Awakening (The)
* Soul's Probation (The)
* Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and Humanity (The)
* Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World Conception (A)
* Theosophy
* Threefold Social Order (The)
* Truth and Knowledge
* Way of Self-Knowledge and the Threshold of the Spiritual World (A)
* According to Matthew (The Gospel of Christ's Humanity)
* According to Luke (The Gospel of Compassion and Love Revealed)
* Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
* Anthroposophy in Everyday Life
* Apocalypse of St. John (The)
* Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha
* Arts and Their Mission (The)
* Aspects of Human Evolution
* Bees
* Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul (The)
* Boundaries of Natural Science (The)
* Challenge of the Times (The)
* Chance, Providence and Necessity
* Child's Changing Consciousness as a Basis of Pedagogical Practice (The)
* Christ Impulse and the Development of Ego Consciousness (The)
* Christian Mystery (The)
* Cosmic New Year: Thoughts for New Year 1920
* Cycle of the Year as Breathing-Process of the Earth (The)
* Death As Metamorphosis of Life (1918)
* Discussions with Teachers
* Earthly Knowledge and Heavenly Wisdom
* Education as a Force for Social Change
* Education of the Child and Early Lectures on Education (The)
* Egyptian Myths and Mysteries (1908)
* Genius of Language: Observations for Teachers (The)
* Gospel of St. John and Its Relation to the Other Gospels (The)
* Gospel of St. John Lecture Cycle (The)
* Gospel of St. Mark (The)
* How Can Mankind Find the Christ Again?
* Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution (the)
* Human Values in Education
* Influence of the Dead on Destiny (1917) (The)
* Influence of Spiritual Beings upon Man (The)
* Initiate Consciousness
* Initiation, Eternity, and the Passing Moment (1912)
* Inner Impulses of Evolution - The Mexican Mysteries and the Knights Templar
* Inner Realities of Evolution (The)
* Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine (1920)
* Karma of Materialism (The)
* Kingdom of Childhood (The)
* Life Between Death and Rebirth
* Love and Its Meaning in the World
* Man and the World of the Stars
* Man's Being, His Destiny, and World Evolution
* Michaelmas and the Soul-Forces of Man
* Mission of the Archangel Michael - The Revelation of the Secrets of Man's Being (The)
* Origins of Natural Science (The)
* Pastoral Medicine (1924)
* Practical Advice to Teachers
* Principle of Spiritual Economy (The)
* Psychology of Body, Soul and Spirit (A)
* Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion
* Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric (The)
* Root of Education (1924) (The)
* Rosicrucian Esotericism
* Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature
* Spiritual Communion of Mankind (The)
* Spiritual Foundations for a renewal of Agriculture
* Spiritual Hierarchies and their Reflection in the Physical World: Reality and Illusion (The)
* Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms
* Staying Connected: How to Continue Your Relationships with Those Who Have Died
* Study of Man (The Foundations of Human Experience)
* Sun Mystery and the Mystery of Death and Resurrection (Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity) (The)
Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (25 or 27 February 1861 in Donji Kraljevec, then Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire, now Croatia – 30 March 1925 in Dornach, Switzerland) was an Austrian philosopher, social thinker, architect, and esotericist. He gained initial recognition as a literary critic and cultural philosopher. At the beginning of the 20th century, he founded a spiritual movement, Anthroposophy, as an esoteric philosophy growing out of European transcendentalism and with links to Theosophy.
Steiner led this movement through several phases. In the first, more philosophically oriented phase, Steiner attempted to find a synthesis between science and mysticism; his philosophical work of these years, which he termed spiritual science, sought to provide a connection between the cognitive path of Western philosophy and the inner and spiritual needs of the human being. In a second phase, beginning around 1907, he began working collaboratively in a variety of artistic media, including drama, the movement arts (developing a new artistic form, eurythmy) and architecture, culminating in the building of a cultural center to house all the arts, the Goetheanum. After the First World War, Steiner worked with educators, farmers, doctors, and other professionals to develop Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophical medicine as well as new directions in numerous other practical areas.
Steiner advocated a form of ethical individualism, to which he later brought a more explicitly spiritual component. He based his epistemology on Johann Wolfgang Goethe's world view, in which "Thinking ... is no more and no less an organ of perception than the eye or ear. Just as the eye perceives colours and the ear sounds, so thinking perceives ideas." A consistent thread that runs from his earliest philosophical phase through his later spiritual orientation is the goal of demonstrating that there are no essential limits to human knowledge.
-- Wikipedia (