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Robert W. Nicholson - Child Abuse in British Columbia

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CommentRobert W. Nicholson - Child Abuse in British Columbia Even though many therapists and law enforcement persons are aware of organized sexual abuse of children in British Columbia, Mr. Nicholson's book "Stolen Innocence" is the first to document the extensiveness of the abuse and the breadth of the corruption. A talk at the Festival of the Ages, August 3-6, 2001. Number of files: 1 Size: 22 MB Run time: 47 minutes Audio codec: mp3, 64 kbps, 44 kHz, mono, cbr Source: audio tape Visit -
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.04.29 15:44
Info Hashc001fe8f518501f9d321b240986b782925b64e30
NameRobert W. Nicholson - Child Abuse in British Columbia.mp3
Node ID4546
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces87
Piece Length256 KiB
Size21.67 MiB