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RIR study pack 2012.07.22 - 2012.08.16
Jan Irvin - Gordon Wasson & The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms
August 9, 2012
Jan Irvin is an independent researcher, author and lecturer, speaking at both academic and public venues. He is the host of Gnostic Media and the curator of the official website for John Marco Allegro. Jan returns to discuss his latest research on Gordon Wasson, an influential New York banker and the godfather of the modern psychedelic movement. According to the historical record Wasson, an amateur mycologist, first ‘discovered’ ‘magic’ mushrooms. Irvin shares his evidence which points to the possibility of a secret history of the mushroom in the elite power structures of the west. Jan explains how the psychedelic/hippie movement was a psyop and can provide a window into how the elites run their mind control systems. He’ll talk about how the mushroom and other mind altering sacraments can be used to control the illumination of the masses. Jan questions the foundations of psychedelic history, the new age movement and UFOs.
Daniel Pinchbeck - Change, Transformation & Tamera
August 12, 2012
Daniel Pinchbeck is an American author living in New York’s East Village, where he is editorial director of Reality Sandwich, a blog website centered around New Age philosophy and activism. He is the author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on indigenous prophecies and consciousness transformation. He is a contributor to the New York Times Magazine, Esquire, and Rolling Stone, among other publications and is currently the editorial director of Evolver magazine and the Evolver Project. He joins us to discuss aspects of the new paradigm which will transform human society. He explains how we are leading into a reality we collectively co-create. We’ll discuss consciousness and the direct effect on our environment, re-synchronizing with cosmic time, non-duality, belief and spiritualized ego. Proceed with caution in the member’s hour as Daniel positively discusses Eros Unredeemed by Dieter Duhm, a sociologist, psychoanalyst, art historian, a Marxist and one of the co-founders of Tamera. Dieter Duhm places the unsolved issues of jealousy, free love, faithfulness, longing, impotence, morals etc. at the center of the question of true non-violence and peace. From the experience of free love, he developed perspectives for a new way of living, where love between two people no longer excludes free love. He describes the philosophical and social basis for a culture in which jealousy is no longer a natural law, where sexual desires no longer have to be suppressed and where faithfulness between two lovers no longer breaks down because of a too narrow vision of love. "Knowing love" is the term he uses for the process of developing a culture without sexual repression. Daniel argues we need a “love revolution” through non-monogamous relationships, which he says will aid in the planetary paradigm shift.
Rosa Koire - Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21
August 16, 2012
Activist, speaker, and blogger, Rosa Koire is a forensic real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. Her research into and fight against redevelopment led her to UN Agenda 21 and was the genesis to co-found the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Post Sustainability Institute. She has been speaking and inspiring groups nationally to take action. She is the author of Behind The Green Mask. Don’t miss this important program as Rosa details how Agenda 21 is being used to transition the world into a global totalitarian state where one must pay to live. She’ll explain how this agenda is the biggest public relation scam in history. We’ll cover how this plan is designed to destroy the individual, create scarcity and make us vulnerable to control. Rosa talks about the ideology of Communitarianism, which is similar to Communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. Later, we’ll discuss the hypocrisy, the propaganda and how to fight back. In the second hour, we’ll talk about how we’ll see Agenda 21 in our towns as well as the different names gives for the agenda. We’ll speak more about Communitarianism. Agenda 21 calls for people to be moved out of the rural areas and into the cities, living in high rise gulag-esque apartments. Rosa talks about the covert ways in which they’ll fulfill their agenda. She’ll speak more how this agenda is a comprehensive plan for every part of our lives from exercise, to diet and lifestyle. We’ll also discuss how eugenics, surveillance, mind control techniques and corrupt companies are connected to Agenda 21. The middle class is now deemed “un-sustainable” and must fall far for “social equity.” Later, we’ll discuss newspeak, religious aspects of the green movement and what the world will look like post sustainability. Rosa speaks more about what the resistance to Agenda 21 can do.
Peter Lindberg - The Mysterious Baltic Sea Object
August 5, 2012
On June 19th the Swedish-based diving company Ocean X Team discovered something unusual on the sonar while they were exploring the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland looking for sunken treasures. They found a 197 feet diameter cylinder shaped object at the depth of approximately 275 feet. Much mystery surrounds the object. Peter Lindberg from the Ocean X Team joins us to discuss the details and anomalies of the object. He’ll talk about how the object is giving off electrical interference and disturbing their research gear. Peter provides us with up to date information on their research results and current news. We speculate on what this mysterious object may be.
Linda Moulton Howe - Baltic Sea Object, Göbekli Tepe & Creation of Homo Sapiens
August 3, 2012
Linda Moulton Howe, is an American investigative journalist and documentary producer-writer-director-editor who is currently based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In addition to television, Linda produces, reports and edits the science, environment and earth mysteries news website, Linda also reports monthly science, environment and earth mysteries news for Coast to Coast AM and weekly news updates for Dreamland Radio, Linda has written four books. She joins us to discuss how the mysterious Baltic Sea object, Göbekli Tepe and the creation of Homo sapiens all connect together to form a vivid picture of humanity’s past and other intelligent life. In the second hour, Linda describes in detail the eerie stone totem depicting an image of a mysterious animal like being found on the hilltop of Göbekli Tepe and the human infant coming out of it. Then, she explains how Göbekli Tepe ties into the last ice age. She describes how humanity may have been kickstarted after catastrophe. We also discuss the Squatter Man hypothesis and the effects of trauma being imprinted onto the psyche of humanity 12,000 years ago. Linda speaks about animal mutilations, genetic manipulation, and the possibility of alien intelligence re-constituting life on Earth if humanity destroys itself. She says we are at the crossroads. Later, we’ll discuss our relationship to our creator and what happens if they return. We end the hour on the giant underground pyramid found in Alaska.
Kevin Annett - Historic Lawsuit Against Church and Crown
July 31, 2012
Kevin D. Annett is a Canadian writer and former minister of the United Church of Canada. Annett graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology and a Master's Degree in Political Science. Annett has written two books on the subject of residential school abuse in Canada. In 2006, Kevin produced a documentary on this topic called "Unrepentant." Additionally, he created and hosted "Hidden from History," a public affairs and human rights program on Vancouver Cooperative Radio from 2001 until the station shut him down in 2010. On previous programs with Kevin, we spoke about the world-wide system of abuse by church and state upon children and adults. He returns to the program to discuss the historic lawsuit which is being filed by Kevin Annett on behalf of the ITCCS (International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State) and Jason Bowman of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) in Federal Court against the Church and Crown.
Joseph P. Farrell - Yahweh The Two-Faced God
July 29, 2012
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". He is the author of seventeen books in the field of alternative research. In the beginning we’ll discuss the Baltic Sea find and the Russian hypothesis that says "the mysterious disc-shaped object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea could be a relic from a giant World War II device placed there by the Nazis to disrupt Soviet submarine navigation." We’ll also discuss the Russian announcement of a new human haplogroup, which questions the "Out of Africa" theory and the origin of Europeoids (Caucasoid) in light of new DNA genealogy. Then, Joseph will talk about his book Yahweh the Two-Faced God: Theology, Terrorism, and Topology co-authored with Scott D. De Hart. He talks about the psychopathic character known as Yahweh and the cultural effects and consequences of introducing Yahweism into the world. In the second hour, Joseph speaks about religious indoctrination and nightmare apocalyptic fantasies that are tailor made to serve the elite’s geopolitical agenda. We’ll discuss Putin’s opposition to western oligarchs and the threat of Russian power to the elite’s game. Farrell also talks about the European Union and eastern factions which are creating an obstacle for the elite game players. Later, Joseph talks the sub-standard individuals who are next in line for power after the Rockefeller’s and Rothschild’s. We end the hour discussing the positive aspects of our current state of the world. He reminds us that the problems are cultural, not political and ties it back to Yahweh.
Duncan Wordley - Calendars, Consciousness & The Shift of Ages
July 26, 2012
Duncan Wordley comes from a background in the Arts, Education, Juvenile Justice and Community Work but he has been teaching Shamanism, Dance and Medicine Wheel for the last twenty 22 years. His work combines shamanic teachings and techniques with leading edge psychologies and metaphysics to create something of true value that is both ancient and modern. He combines his knowledge of these in his one to one healing and teachings, lectures, workshops, articles and community practice. He joins us to give his unique perspectives on the 2012 debate, especially the perspectives related to the indigenous view. The Mayan Calendar as we have come to call it is a complex area filled with many misconceptions and incompatible projections from our own culture that tend to cloud the waters of this crucial subject. Duncan intends to clarify some of the key issues associated and gives a brief distillation of what the living Mayans themselves seem to be saying about this time. He’ll explain what a calendar is and why the Mayan counts are not calendars. In the second hour, we’ll begin discussing the current state of our collective consciousness and the soul of humanity. We’ll speak about how humanity would respond to events such as catastrophe, changing magnetic fields and solar related events. Duncan talks about a re-booting process to turn things around and get humanity back on track with the natural order. He also talks about Don Miguel Ruiz and The Four Agreements to shift out of the poisoned dream, which we are currently living in. Later, we hear more about what modern Mayans say about ET, the 2012 shift, previous shifts, the feminine cycle and more. Lastly, we discuss the hive mind of oneness and separateness as individuals.
Birgitta Jonsdottir - Financial & Political Update from Iceland
July 22, 2012
Birgitta Jonsdottir is a member of the Althing, the Icelandic parliament. Her district is the Reykjavík South Constituency. She was elected to the Icelandic parliament in April 2009 on behalf of a movement aiming for democratic reform beyond party politics of left and right, called "The Movement." Birgitta is a poet and has been an activist and a spokesperson for various groups, such as Wikileaks and Saving Iceland. She also acts as a spokeswoman for the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative. She returns to discuss the misconceptions surrounding the alleged debt forgiveness in Iceland. We'll address truth vs. rumor regarding the economy and democracy in Iceland. Ever since the Icesave dispute in 2008, Iceland's economy has been in shambles. In the recent year or so, it has somewhat managed to get back on its feet. Jonsdottir says Iceland's aspirations of joining the EU are low considering the shape the Eurozone is in. Birgitta argues that although some things have improved in Iceland, many from the "Icelandic financial mafia" are still in high corporate and political positions in Iceland. We also discuss what is true when it comes to how the citizens of Iceland participated in writing their new constitution, online.