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RIR Red Ice Radio study pack 2012.06.22 - 2012.07.08

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RIR Red Ice Radio study pack 2012.06.22 - 2012.07.08

Alex Newman - Rio+20, UN Conference on "Sustainable Development"
June 22, 2012
Alex Newman is an American freelance writer and the president of Liberty Sentinel Media Inc., a small media consulting firm. He is currently living in Sweden and has spent most of his life in Latin America, Europe and Africa. He has a degree in foreign languages and speaks Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian and a little Swedish and Afrikaans. Newman also earned a degree in journalism from the University of Florida, with emphasis on economics and international relations. He joins us live from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at the Earth Summit UN conference on sustainable development to give us up to date information about who is in attendance and what is being negotiated. We’ll discuss the global green movement’s push forward and what that entails. Newman also talks about the events and crowds surrounding the conference.

Petur Halldorsson - Hour 1 - The Measure of the Cosmos
June 30, 2012
Petur Halldorsson is an Icelandic artist and author of The Measure of the Cosmos. His book explains how men in antiquity marked an Image of Creation in the terrain of new settlements. The book is based on Einar Pálsson's hypotheses concerning the use of numerology and symbolism by ancient cultural communities to calculate the placement of their sacred Images of Creation. The principal reference points were the motions of the heavenly bodies, the cardinal directions and the proportions of the human body. Man's Image of Creation was a projection on the terrain of the zodiac, anchored to prominent landmarks on the ground and the sun's annual path around the zodiac. Pétur explains how the ancient approach is akin to a yardstick, which applies not only to the ancient Image of Creation discovered in Iceland but was also used in ancient times in all parts of the globe.

Petur Halldorsson - Hour 2 - The Measure of the Cosmos
June 30, 2012
In the second hour with Petur Halldorsson we begin discussing the Devil's Bed and Bolster in England, and how it aligns with Burrows Mump, Stonehenge and Avebury. We move on to looking closer at this same image of creation in Denmark, France and Italy. Later we discuss the destruction of this knowledge as Christianity spread further North in Europe. Yet they placed their cloisters, monasteries and churches on the exact same spots as the ancient monuments and landmarks tied to the original image of creation, so it still can be recognized today. Petur tells us about the cube of Rome. A part of the ancient measuring system used natural reference points, such as the 72 "normal" number of heart beats per minute. Today we still use feet, but back then, also hands and thumbs was used to measure.

Les Visible - Kali Yuga: The Age of Darkness
July 1, 2012
Les Visible is a writer, poet, musician and recording artist. He has had a lifelong love affair with the hermetic sciences and the martial arts and is a seasoned traveler in psychedelic realms, preferring the Devic Kingdom over the suffocating confinements of the sub-matrix. Visible joins us to discuss God and the current state of our world. He'll talk about the age of darkness and the force that is guiding us. Visible speaks about God in form, waking up and inner teachings. Les explains the trickery of a reverse Kabbalah. He talks about the reality of perception, focus and breaking free from a world defined by darkness. Later, Les discusses the war between heaven and Earth, Shambhala and the Bible, altered by Zionists.

Helen Caldicott - Fukushima & Nuclear Energy
July 3, 2012
Helen Caldicott is an Australian physician, author, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and an anti-nuclear advocate who has founded several associations dedicated to opposing the use of nuclear power, depleted uranium munitions, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons proliferation, war and military action in general. Dr. Caldicott has written books, developed dozens of video tapes and films, written scores of articles which have appeared in nearly every major newspaper and magazine; spoken at major universities throughout the world and has met with heads of state everywhere. She founded and headed Physicians For Social Responsibility and Women's Action For Nuclear Disarmament (WAND). In this interview, she'll discuss the Fukushima disaster and nuclear energy.

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Hour 1 - The Mayan Ouroboros
July 7, 2012
Drunvalo is the author of five books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and his newest one The Mayan Ouroboros. Drunvalo is the first person in the world (in modern times) to mathematically and geometrically define the human body light body called in ancient times the Mer-Ka-Ba. He is the founder of the Flower of Life Facilitators that have been teaching his work in over 60 countries. He joins us to discuss the end of the Mayan Calendar and what the Earth is leading into as one cycle closes and another begins. Melchizedek tells us about a transformation on Earth that will take place, unlike any other. We’ll experience physical, spiritual and frequency changes as we mature and transfigure into different beings. Drunvalo also talks about the sun, crop circles, catastrophe and Atlantis.

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Hour 2 - Transmutation Into 4D Beings
July 7, 2012
In the member’s hour Drunvalo explains how he was given the name Melchizedek. He talks about the Melchizedek Order, which he says is in place to help dimensional problems such as the one we are currently experiencing. We’ll discuss in detail what it means to move into the 4th dimension and how it is vital for our survival. He explains how transmutation into 4th dimensional conscious beings can happen. Drunvalo also explains our connection to the sun and how we perceive reality. Then, we’ll discuss ET presence, our ET origins, conflicts and benevolent helpers. Melchizedek says the 4D is a parking lot full of various beings. Also, he discusses how temporal interference is being used by our government and other groups to alter the timeline. Later, Drunvalo tells us how within the Merkaba there is the blueprint of life, all the laws of physics and sacred geometry. At the end, he gives us a timeline of events that will occur provided the Mayan and Hopi prophecies are accurate.

Jeanice Barcelo - Hour 1 - Conscious Conception & Possession in the Womb
July 8, 2012
Jeanice Barcelo, M.A., is a birth doula and independent childbirth educator, specializing in the prevention and healing of birth trauma. She is an international speaker, TV and radio show host, and founder of the forthcoming "Birth of a New Earth Preparatory School for Conscious Procreation." Jeanice has been an independent childbirth educator for the past 7 years, offering educational seminars and teacher trainings. She'll discuss the importance of having a conscious conception. She talks about how we can influence what being enters the womb. Today, with the abundance of accidental conceptions, more sinister beings are possessing wombs and being born. She also talks about how induced labor interferes with the natural course of the soul entering the body. Therefore, a woman can give birth to a body without the soul fully embodied into it. Later, Jeanice discusses the soul-less-ness of science, depopulation and soft killing. She also shares her own personal pregnancy story.

Jeanice Barcelo - Hour 2 - Sexual Conditioning
July 8, 2012
In the member's hour, we'll begin discussing the future science of birth. Will science ever master creation as God made? Then, Jeanice speaks about birthing the wounded. She explains the ramifications of an over-sexed culture. We explore the definitions of masculinity and femininity and examine three different societies who define both a bit differently. She talks about how in our society men are discouraged from being sensitive. She also talks about the idea that says men are wired for sex only. We explore the flip side of how women are programmed to become sexual objects and what that creates. Jeanice discusses the "cultural prescription" given in high school. The average age for a boy to first view pornography is 11. Lastly, we talk about healthy sex verses destructive sex. We're living in a culture hypnotized by unhealthy ideas of sex and it's creating social decay.

