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RIR pack 2014.12.12 - 2015.03.04
Sally Fallon Morell - Weston A. Price & Nourishing Traditions
March 4, 2015
Sally Fallon Morell is founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, founder of A Campaign
for Real Milk and author of the best-selling cookbook Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that
Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. She is also the author of The
Nourishing Traditions of Baby & Child Care and Nourishing Broth. Sally is with us to discuss the
culinary customs of our ancestors and wise food choices that contribute to excellent overall health.
She begins with the story of Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist who studied nutrition and traveled to
remote parts of the globe looking at dental health and overall health. Dr. Price discovered that
groups who consumed foods with high levels of the fat soluble vitamins A, K & D had excellent teeth
and general health. Sally explains how the foods that are commonly consumed today are missing the
proper fats that supply these vital nutrients, leading to an appalling epidemic of chronic disease,
infertility and children who suffer the consequences of parents with poor nutrition. We talk about
the importance of grass-fed animal fats, the dangers of pasteurized dairy products, and the
detrimental effects of following a vegan diet, particularly during pregnancy. Then, Sally explains
the basic rule of nature and how flooding the body with foods that deplete vitamins, minerals and
fats along with restricting essential fats leads to disease. We consider the harmful effects of
fluoride as well as the vilification of raw milk. We end by looking at the importance of cholesterol
and fats for healthy brain functioning, the long-term, damaging effects of GMO foods, and ways to
integrate the wisdom of the ancients into our daily nourishment.
shtar Babilu Dingir - Blood & DNA: Preserving the Ancestral Spirits and Wisdom of our Race
March 2, 2015
Ishtar Babilu Dingir is a former journalist from England, specializing in holistic health and
environmental issues. She is now a shaman in her home town of Glastonbury in Somerset, where she
concentrates on working with the spirits of the land, in order to reaffirm the sovereignty. She's
also the author of The Sacred Sex Rites of Ishtar: shamanic sexual healing and sex magic, and Lord
of the Dance. More recently, she has been writing about the importance of preserving race in order
to access the wisdom teachings from the ancestral spirits, which is the focus of our discussion.
Ishtar begins by describing the initiation, training and practices of the shaman, one who journeys
into other dimensions to get guidance from entities and bring back information to the community or
individuals as a form of healing. She explains about information contained in our DNA that holds the
wisdom of our ancestors, and how long ago an impetus from Rome largely eradicated this knowledge. We
discuss pre-Christian civilizations, the Abrahamic narrative, the Protestant movement, and hidden
information that is used to disempower the masses. Further, we'll consider the identity crisis of
the West, mainly caused by the metaphysical being left behind, a lost connection to our ancestors,
and an unhealthy focus on materialism. Then, Ishtar speaks about the three worlds of shamanic
journeying, the Fae of the Middle World who works in partnership with man and the land, the
worldwide importance of the shaman in tribes prior to the agricultural phase, and the merchant class
rule that is achieved by the propaganda machine. In the members' section, we explore human
diversity, the shamanic consciousness, the awakening process, and ancestral wisdom that has been
lost in the half-reality of the surface world. Ishtar tells about the indigenous culture of England
and the ancient sites of Burrow Mump, Avebury and Glastonbury. We look at the destabilization agenda
of uncontrolled immigration, the need to develop a consciousness of human biological diversity and
race, and the contrived experiments of monoculture. At the end, Ishtar underlines the urgency of
staying in touch with our ancestry and learning the way of the shaman as a means to awaken to one's
true identity and destiny.
Nicholas Kollerstrom - Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality
February 25, 2015
Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD, is an English author, historian of science, and political activist. He
was an honorary member of staff at University College London (UCL) for 11 years. Dr. Kollerstrom has
always had an interest in Hermetic-alchemical issues and is presently managing New Alchemy Press. He
is the author of several articles and books, and joins us to speak about his latest publication,
Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality. We begin our discussion with an analysis of the
real physical data that exists relating to the purported existence of huge cyanide gas chambers in
Nazi concentration camps. Nick gives details of the numbers and causes of deaths at Auschwitz that
were recorded daily and then published, figures that are staggeringly less than the 6 million number
that has been seared into the 'official' storyline. We talk about the outbreak of typhus in 1942,
the delousing chambers that were created to deal with the disease infestation, and how this ordinary
hygiene technology was used in an attempt to decrease mortality rates of valuable workers in the
labor camps. Nick brings light to the real purpose of the camps and how the horrific stories
developed during the nightmare and confusion of war. Further, he'll explain the lack of any
documents or intercepted communications indicating orders to exterminate prisoners, and the
reconstruction of history that has created an undebatable transcendental mythos of death by gas
chambers. Then, we'll consider the motivations for perpetuating the Holocaust myth and who has come
to benefit from what was certainly the worst collective experience that European Jews have endured.
Nick breaks down the holocaust narrative that is the direct result of the academic world dismissing
evidence multiplied by Hollywood's mythologizing of events. Later Kollerstrom describes signs that
people are beginning to wake up to the motives of the holocaust industry. We end with thoughts on
sacred war ratifying myths, the persecution of truth seekers, and the need for open discussion and
debate regarding one of the most important events of world history.
Ole Dammegard - Templates of False Flag Operations: Paris & Copenhagen
February 23, 2015
Ole Dammegård, is an author, investigator, former journalist, and the creator of the website Light
On Conspiracies. Ole returns to the program to discuss the recent events in Paris and Copenhagen,
along with the patterns of many other false flag operations and how they tie together. Ole begins by
breaking down the themes and elements of major false flags operations and the reasons why the Global
Elites are using this mechanism to create chaos, instill fear and take control. We'll look at the
tactics of these high level, hidden criminals and who could be benefitting from these sinister
plots. Ole explains the components of filmmaking and how to decipher the telltale signs of the
propaganda machine working behind the scenes of the corrupt events we're seeing take place across
the globe. Then, he takes us step by step through the recent shooting events in Paris, pointing out
unmistakable clues of staged scenes. We talk about the media's use of repeating and looping to pump
the details of these 'attacks' into our subconscious as a means for conditioning the acceptance and
even the desire for a more controlled, policed, militarized and surveilled world. In the members'
hour, Ole draws a clear analysis of the latest false flag event in Copenhagen, highlights clues of
an impending 'event' that were placed in plain sight, and makes comparisons of the logistical pieces
of the puzzle that have been echoed in similar past events. We'll look at the many identical
elements that show up in these very connected events. We conclude by exploring how we can take our
power back as a united, sovereign human race by becoming more aware of and alert to these trends. We
discuss what can be done to disrupt the important timelines of these highly orchestrated crimes to
derail these evil games and bring peace and healing to our war torn world.
Mike King - The BAD War: Chronology of Events, from 1848 - WWII
February 20, 2015
Mike King is a private investigative journalist and researcher based in the New York City area. A
1987 graduate of Rutgers University, King's subsequent 27 year career in Marketing & Advertising has
equipped him with a unique perspective when it comes to understanding how "public opinion" is
scientifically manufactured. His website, Tomato Bubble, is a platform for disseminating alternative
history, philosophy and current events. Mike returns to Red Ice Radio to enlighten listeners about
his groundbreaking book, The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War 2. Mike illustrates the
timeline of events of this shameful episode in history beginning in 1848, where the story of WW2
begins – the year known as "The Springtime of the People," when "spontaneous" revolts broke out
across Europe and South America. He explains how during this time the Rothschild family and their
web of British operatives began hijacking Europe in an attempt to destabilize the Old World and
bring about Democracy. We look at the establishment of the Reuters Telegram Company, the first
Zionist news giant to take control of the press and the official narrative of the events leading up
to WW2. Mike takes us back to the period prior to WW1 when the German Reich was formed and through
its unification, Germany began to grow and out-produce both France and Britain, attracting a lot of
envy. He talks about the League of the Three Emperors, an alliance organized to defend Eastern
Europe by blocking British and French intrigue and suppressing internal communist movements – a
defensive whose destruction would lead to the formation of the New World Order. We examine NATO, the
alliance formed between Britain and France after WW1 – a corrupt and deceitful organization who
sought to provoke war and dismantle empires throughout Eastern Europe. Then, Mike will explain the
events leading up to WW2, including Germany's pleas for reason and peace up until the 11th hour, the
blame for instigating the war Germany was tricked into accepting, the monstrous Treaty of
Versailles, and the formation of the Zionist Arab Spring enclave by Lord Rothschild. In the second
hour, Mike explains Poland's important role in WW2, a country that is always portrayed as a helpless
innocent and a victim of Hitler's bullying, and the myth of Belgian/Dutch neutrality. Then, we'll
talk about Hitler's stance against the war, his letters to the Vatican pleading for peace, and
Britain's refusal to hold mediations. Further, Mike tells us about the propaganda of the controlled
Western press, the vilification of Hitler, and the real Hitler who ruled the people's hearts, held
nearly universal support, and was considered a national hero at the time. We'll end by discussing
the genocide of Germans after the war, the atrocities and crimes against Northern Europe that have
been erased from the pages of history, and what we can do to bring light to the big lie of the past
75 years of history.
Jon Rappoport - Vaccine Wars, Disneyland Measles “Outbreak” & The Synthetic Population
February 18, 2015
Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of the website He has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on
politics, medicine, and health. He returns to give a continuation on the unfolding vaccine scandal.
This time we look at the claim that Disneyland was at the center of a recent measles outbreak. Jon
details the fraud of so called "herd immunity." We also discuss the attack on parents who choose to
not vaccinate their children as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the media have joined
forced to begin the push for mandatory vaccination. We'll talk about the key studies, the efficacy
of vaccinations and real statistics when it comes to vaccine damage in the United States. The MMR
vaccine and autism has been known by the CDC for many years, but continues to be denied. Jon tells
us more about what he calls the advent of the "synthetic population." In the second hour, we discuss
what you can do to opt-out of vaccinations and what options are available to parents who don't want
to jeopardize the health of their children. We continue on the incentives for the vaccine lobby and
the political revolving-door between government and the pharmaceutical industry. Further, we speak
on the pathology of ABC news anchor Brian Williams, who recently was caught lying and exaggerating
his involvement in certain stories. This brings us to the issue of the crumbling US health care
system and how Obama Care will be the final nail in the coffin of health care choices. We end on the
control of the media and how many stories that should be major exclusives are simply avoided and
Chris Fogarty - The Irish Holocaust
February 16, 2015
Chris Fogarty was raised on farm in Ireland where he worked the land with his father, and later went
on to reside in the US. Mr. Fogarty has been a regular Columnist for the past nineteen years in
Irish American News and is a citizen-investigator of Chicago aldermanic crime. He is the author of
Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect' and he is behind Chris joins us to speak about the Irish Holocaust and the cover-up that is
accomplished by the same British terrorism and bribery that perpetrated the genocide. He explains
the dark time during 1845-1850 when Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per
day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia. Chris
describes how the British completely took over 95% of Ireland’s territory, extracting all goods
and wiping out at least half of the indigenous population. We’ll discuss the lie of Ireland’s
“potato famine,” the official story used to explain the deaths of over 5.2 million people, which
is propagated to this day – even by the Irish government, academia, and the Catholic Church. Chris
gives details of his extensive research into the locations of British food removal regiments and
over 170 mass graves across Ireland. He’ll explain the fear of persecution and intimidation that
continues to infect Irish society in modern times. We end by considering Ireland’s long history of
ethnic cleansing, the role of the government and Catholic hierarchy, and the notion that the IRA are
Jeff Gates - How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
February 13, 2015
Jeff Gates is an attorney, acclaimed author, and former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on
Finance. Our guest has also served as an adviser to some 35 foreign governments. Jeff joins us to
talk about his third book, Guilt By Association -- How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to
War. He begins by explaining his personal awakening to the endorsed, systemic criminality going on
in the background of politics. Jeff illustrates the US’s long-term relationship with the Israeli
Zionist enclave that was recognized in 1948 during Truman’s presidency – a group responsible for
expanding organized crime to a global scale behind the façade of a sovereign state. He’ll give
details of how this core allegiance of parasites have successfully victimized America and waged an
unconventional war against the American public through domination of the “in-between domains” of
media, pop culture, politics, think tanks and education. Jeff discusses the ideas of an embedded
consensus, the simple math of campaign contributions, assets, and groomed politicians. We’ll
consider how the US came to stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and the role of the Israeli Lobby
to take control of Congress. Then, we’ll look at Hollywood’s role in advancing the narrative,
extremism in faith communities, and the challenges of a society and government that operates by a
consensus. Later, Jeff talks about the war with Iran that has been ongoing since 1979, and the
manipulation of intelligence that could lead America into another war. We’ll end by examining
strategies that can be used to combat and bring attention to the Zionist storylines aggregated in
our minds through master mythmaking and sophisticated storytelling.
Olav Torheim - The Symbolic Nature of Language
February 9, 2015
Olav Torheim is a Norwegian engineer and editor of Målmannen, a journal focusing on language,
culture and politics. Torheim has a PhD in Physics and worked at different research institutions in
France and Germany before returning to Norway two years ago. Using Målmannen as a platform, he
tries to promote a traditional Nordic and European worldview. Olav joins us to speak about the
symbolic nature of language, which he studied with professor Frode Jens Strømnes (1937-2012), who
used experimental methods to discover that the human brain and its functioning is conditioned by
mental imagery. Olav describes his ground-breaking theories on language learning, which prove that
different languages represent different mental geometries and, hence, different ways to see and
conceptualize the world. The theory is opposed to the Universalist view promoted by linguistics,
where all languages are seen as equivalent and, therefore, replaceable by other languages. He
explains the unconscious building of mental models that occurs when children learn language, and the
structural differences that exist amongst languages, such as vector vs. topological geometry. We
discuss how these variances in relating to the world spatially affect our world views and shape our
cultures, information that is being lost as languages disappear. In the members hour, we look at how
translations of Abrahamic religious texts can result in an alteration of the geometry of statements.
We consider seemingly contradictory political ideologies that all converge on the point of
egalitarian universalism – modern ideas that promote universal truths and break down cultural
identities. Then, we examine the rapidly multiplying problems of mass immigration in Europe, the
lack of attachment the migrant people have to their own culture, and radicalization that is the
result of a lost sense of belonging. Olav gives some of the alarming statistics of what is happening
to the native population in Norway. Further, we talk about our atomized society that is the product
of mass consumerism, slavery to the system, and our loss of connection to each other. We consider
the complimentary aspects of authority and freedom, the lie of liberalist independence, and our fear
of leadership. We end with some thoughts about rich cultural traditions and ideologies that are
being destroyed by modern man, the superficiality of “diversity,” and ways we can promote an
awareness of the misleading idea of egalitarianism.
Carl Lehrburger - Ancient Explorers: Discovery of America Before Columbus
February 6, 2015
Carl Lehrburger is an environmental activist, renewable energy entrepreneur, researcher and author.
He has studied archaeological and sacred sites in the Americas for over 25 years with a focus on the
ancient peoples who came to the Americas long before Columbus. The culmination of his investigations
is his book, Secrets of Ancient America, which is the topic of our discussion. Carl tells us about
the true history of Columbus, one that reveals the conquistador knew exactly where he was going and
what he would encounter based on a vast number of maps he possessed. He describes petroglyphs found
in North America that place the Celts in New England several thousand years prior to Christ. These
Ogham writings, found carved in stone on cave walls, address rituals around celestial days such
Equinox and Solstice. Carl explains archaeoastronomy and diffusionism, controversial studies that
have been the subject of much critique and discrediting. Then, he talks about many historical
accounts that have been largely suppressed and contrived by the Archaeo Priests, evidence encoded in
stone of our early European history that has been destroyed, and why the truth about our past is not
being told. In the second half, we learn about the studies of famous diffusionist Thor Heyerdahl,
whose most compelling work about the Americas has never been published in English. We discuss
evidence of Old World groups living across North America that were wiped out by drought, and the
remnants of European cultures that can be found in modern Native American tribes. Later, we consider
motifs found in Native American culture that can be traced to the Indus Valley people. Further, Carl
points to accounts of numerous maps uncovered in China and elsewhere that collectively prove the
ancients had knowledge of the Americas and the rest of the globe, and also held superior
technologies and capabilities. We end by considering evidence that humanity has in fact been in a
state of decline for thousands of years.
Octavian Grindean - The Stolen History of Romania: Dacia-Geate-Thracians
February 2, 2015
Octavian Grindean is a native Romanian who has been living in Sweden since 1989. Dealing with the
challenges of leaving his homeland at the young age of 13, paired with an innate fascination with
old history and mythology, Octavian had an early urge to know more about cultural differences
between the east vs. the west. After awakening to the truth seeking path in 2004 and following a
trip to Romania a few years later where he connected with his ancestors and history, Octavian set
out on an intensive research on the subject of our identity, the identity crises that have arisen in
many European countries, and the strong impact on the psyche that occurs when humans feel like they
don’t belong anywhere. Octavian speaks about the lost history of Romania, one that does not have a
lot of written detail prior to the Daco-Roman Wars and has been skewed since the Communist era. He
tells about the rich and complex Dacian civilization, with roots steeped in advanced technology,
agriculture and craftsmanship, and inhabited by a multitude of tribes extending throughout a vast
territory. Octavian explains some of the ridiculous claims and conflicting accounts of the accepted
history of the Romanization of Dacia. Then, he talks about the magnificent site of Sarmizegetuza
Regia, the most important religious and spiritual capital of the Geto-Dacians, consisting of an
enormous complex of at least 250 terraces, legends of an underground city, and a disputed, censored
history. In the members’ hour, we discuss connections to the origins of current day issues of
cultural erosion. Then, Octavian recounts some of the history behind Romania’s Roșia Montană,
home of the most controversial mining project in the world and a fascinating gold chronicle. Later,
we talk about the story of Vlad, a charismatic leader who overpowered the invading Ottoman Empire
and whose true legend has been bashed out of existence by Hollywood’s Dracula and vampires. We
wrap up with a look at Romania’s Christianization in the 3rd century and the Dacians’ refusal to
recognize the Vatican.
Richard Spencer - Surviving The Global Monoculture
January 30, 2015
Richard Spencer is President of The National Policy Institute and Editor of Washington Summit
Publishers, Radix Journal, and He was formerly an Assistant Editor at The American
Conservative magazine and Executive Editor of Taki's Magazine. In 2010, he founded, which he edited until 2012. He attended University of Virginia and University
of Chicago and was a doctoral student at Duke University before dropping out to pursue a life of
thought-crime. Richard joins us to discuss the world of multiculturalism, how the elites are moving
us towards a monoculture, and what Americans and Europeans can do to encourage a more traditional
culture that honors our Western roots. We talk about the march in Paris following the January 2015
shooting attacks, an event staged as a rally for free speech and led by leaders who are the farthest
from advocating this liberty. Richard underlines some of the problematic policies that are promoting
a perpetual state of culture clash in Europe. We consider the failure of the West to fully
understand Islam but also discuss how defending Zionism is not our fight. Richard suggests reasons
why Liberalism is inherently intolerant, and how we can embrace letting other cultures who do not
hold our values live out their own destiny. Further, we speculate about the end of the Leftist era
and the beginning of a spiritual awakening that could take us past the current negativity
surrounding our existence. In the second half, Richard gives the background on NPI’s 2014
convention of nationalists, traditionalists and identitarians in Hungary that was partially botched
by the country’s Prime Minister. He explains how the usual suspects issued backlash and criticism
in the weeks leading up to the event, and how it was stereotypically billed by Western mainstream
media as a racist, white supremacist gathering. Later, we get into the positive aspects of
Pan-Europeanism and the negative consequences of Nationalism. We end by weighing up the
contradictory forces that must be overcome in order to unite as a race with similar goals and ideals
by fostering beauty, pride in heritage, and the strong character of the great people of the West.
Eric Karlstrom - New World Religion
January 28, 2015
Dr. Eric Karlstrom, emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus,
recently completed a 30-year teaching career. He taught physical and environmental geography
courses, as well as courses cross-listed with the Geology department and an honors course.
Throughout his career, Dr. Karlstrom has continued his research program in soils and geomorphology
as means of reconstructing Quaternary paleoclimates. He is also the author or co-author of many
earth science publications. Eric joins us to speak about his extensive research into an
investigative series called, Is Crestone/Baca the "Vatican City of the New World Order?" An Expose
of the New World Religion, which can be found on his website, 911 New World Order. Eric begins with
a brief geographical sketch of the Crestone/Baca region, along with the reasons why he decided to
delve into this inquiry. He talks about the radical contingent of environmentalists and Elites
living in and connected to the area. He gives us a sketch of the key players in the UN's global
property rights regulations, adopted as soft law by 179 nations in 1992-1993, including Maurice
Strong, the man behind Agenda 21. Then, Eric talks about the New Age Religion movement that has
jumped on the "sustainability" bandwagon, their use of psychological warfare as a means of promoting
depopulation, and the arrogant, chauvinistic mindset of The Chosen Ones. We consider the corruption
of culture by the Jewish Elites and their secret societies, New Age religions ruled by Ascended
Masters, the use of occult magic, and the controversy of Zion and the system of the Kabbalah. In the
second hour, we discuss the New World Order and the creation of a new society out of the ashes of
chaos. Eric talks about dangers of Tibetan Buddhism, the perfect religion to transition into the
coming government that will take advantage of the "blank mind" of collective consciousness. Further,
we get into the corrupt environmental movement, the protocols of Zionism, the Elite "custodians of
the planet," and geoengineering. We end with Eric's take on the new epidemic of gang stalking, a
worldwide program of citizen spying, and reflect on the importance of preserving American culture.
Patrick Le Brun - Analysis of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre: False Flag or Genuine Terrorism?
January 26, 2015
Patrick Le Brun is a writer and activist who has written many articles for Counter-Currents. He has
extensive experience with the French Identitarian movement. He is currently based in the United
States, where he mentors college students who wish to engage in activism. Patrick joins us to give
his unique perspective on the string of Paris shootings related to the Charlie Hebdo massacre. We
begin with a look at some of the varied American alt media views on the events that transpired. We
consider the Elite’s spin on the attacks used for their long term goals, with the general push
that Mossad/Israel is behind the plot. Patrick spells out a number of details that would rule out
Israeli involvement, and describes how Israeli false flags work. We talk about the history of the
Kouachi brothers and Amedy Coulibaly, the many puzzling parts of their separate, violent sprees, the
odd tactics of the police, and clues that the killers may have been linked to intelligence agencies.
Patrick then explains the typical circumstances of young immigrants who turn to terrorism, the path
of the Jihadist, and culture clash issues that are the result of a failed multicultural society. We
look at what the conspiracies behind these events really could be, and shine a light on the rampant
hypocrisy and sloppiness in government and police work. In the members’ section, Patrick gives a
lesson on Jewish demographics and the Jewish destiny, underscoring the differences in Orthodox vs.
Secular Jews, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, and the tremendous double standards that keep many of
the sub-groups divided. Further, Patrick illustrates the rising tide of Jewish citizens leaving
France and Europe, and how a new influx of Jews into Israel is what is needed to strengthen
Israel’s rank. In conclusion, we talk about Marine Le Pen’s well-poised position as a centrist
candidate for France’s upcoming election. We also reflect on the growing numbers of people turning
towards alternative news and information sources.
Dennis Fetcho - Secrets of the Hidden Kosher Mark & The Rabbinical Tax
January 23, 2015
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch," is the author of the Illuminatus Observer, a blog focusing on the
Hermetic Qabalah. He is also the host of Inside the Eye - Live!, a news and current events streaming
media radio talk show. Dennis is an American expat living in Amman, Jordan, working by day as a
business strategist, specializing in telecommunications, aerospace, and defense. Dennis is here to
speak about the secrets of the Kosher tax along with some of the other big anti-trust issues that
are corroding Western values. Dennis begins with an explanation of the Dietary Supplement Health and
Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, a deregulation law that allows the sale of supplements as food with
no need for proof of effectiveness or safety, resulting in an explosion of sales. Then, he describes
how Kosher food certifying organizations crept in and took advantage of the boom, creating a
multi-billion dollar annual market. Dennis tells about how the entire supply chain of any product
that carries the prestigious Kosher mark must be certified, right down to the utensils used in
processing facilities. He clarifies the differences in non-Kosher vs. Kosher standards in food
processing, and explains how these Laws of Kashrus are simply superstitious traditions passed down
from the Bible. Further, Dennis illustrates the countless items of food that are already inherently
Kosher, along with items that are impossible to substantiate and place into this category. We also
take a look at where the profits are going, the preferential treatment given to Kosher certified
products in stores, and the extortion-type fees that are paid to Rabbinic Field Representatives. In
the second hour, we look at the reasons why consumers buy into the Kosher racket and consider the
tricks of the trade in this Jewish monopoly. We chew over many other significant issues related to
this elite game and how the hypocrisy involved has held Western values under siege for years. In
conclusion, we deliberate tolerance and the need to decentralize the media.
Tom Goodrich - Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains
January 19, 2015
Tom Goodrich has been a professional writer for the past thirty years. In addition to articles,
blogs and movie scripts, Tom has written a dozen books. After serving in the US military during the
Vietnam War, he traveled and lived abroad, including stops in Greece, Germany and Morocco. The
author now lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Tom returns to Red Ice Radio to discuss his latest
book, Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains, 1865-1879. This historical story, which draws
greatly from diaries, letters and memoirs of American Plains settlers moving west after the Civil
War, serves as a corrective account of a pivotal period that has been sensationalized and
propagandized in Hollywood movie portrayals and in American Marxist Academia. Tom outlines some of
the mantras about American Indians that have been hammered into the mass consciousness of Americans
and used to perpetuate White guilt. Then, Tom talks about key points left out of the narrative,
including the circle of violence and war that already existed amongst various tribes, and the fact
that when it came to fighting the settlers, it wasn't always all White against all Red. We discuss
the nature of rape amid the Indian people, and their use of bloody, sadistic torture that was
considered the highest art form. Further, Tom details accounts of enslavement, rape and torture of
captured White women, widely recognized as a fate worse than death. We look at this atrocious part
of history that has been romanticized and skewed in trashy American novels and propaganda films. Tom
explains why the White people were so furious with the Indians, carrying out atrocities that were
retaliation for unimaginable crimes against them. In the second hour, we talk about the many
sacrifices made by the European people in the creation of America. We consider the exploding
population of new American immigrants, the general distrust and hatred for the current government,
and the undeniable signs of a country at the precipice of collapse. We discuss Christian mantras
such as "turn the other cheek" and "forgive and forget," which are in truth philosophies of slavery
and tools for disassociation. Later, Tom tells us about the fine points of his upcoming book, Rape
Hate, a cumulative piece that looks at the prevalence of rape in war, the undeclared war on women,
pornography's spiritual massacre of women, and culture clashes that are exacerbating this radical
plague. We conclude with some thoughts on the White people disease of paranoia, and reflect on the
true history of progression.
Conrad - The Political Battle for the Future of Sweden
January 16, 2015
Conrad from Gothenburg in Sweden joins us to speak about some of the numerous disturbing issues
plaguing Swedish politics. He begins by sharing the awakening he experienced while researching the
leftist ideas that shaped his previously accepted wisdom of this once noble country. In the process,
Conrad stumbled upon many indications that the Swedish government was in fact committing cultural
suicide, mainly through its investments in mass immigration and reckless altruism. We discuss the
crumbling economy of Sweden, where there is no money to improve the services and infrastructure for
its own citizens, but plenty of resources available to support what is now one of the largest
welfare states in the world. Conrad outlines the main policies that are leading Sweden to decay,
including the rights and benefits granted to immigrants and those who aid them, at the cost of the
country's own identity. Furthermore, we look at the ideology of a melting pot, the predominate
opposition to unrestrained welcoming of foreigners seeking asylum in Sweden and other countries, and
the economic price that is paid to meet the demands of integration. Conrad goes on to summarize the
extremist attitudes that are transforming the culture of Sweden, and the criticism faced by those
who speak out against immigration policies. In the members' hour, we talk about the failure of
Swedish politicians and journalists to portray the true economic state of the country, and the
universalist view that is degrading culture worldwide. Then, we deliberate what looks like an active
plan by the Elite to push a White privilege agenda and the propaganda that has penetrated society at
large, creating a self-loathing White race. Later, Conrad gets into the real numbers of voters who
support the controversial Swedish Democrat party, and what it will take to organize a proper
opposition to current policies. At the end, we reflect on the true definition of genocide, the
alteration of Sweden's Constitution, and incentivized methods for censorship.
Jay Dyer - Charlie Hebdo False Flag & The Big Picture
January 14, 2015
Jay Dyer is a writer and researcher from the Southern US who obtained his BA in philosophy, while
his graduate work focused on the interplay of literary theory, espionage and philosophy. His
website, JaysAnalysis, is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our
globalist pseudo culture, illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret
societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion. In this special extended
segment, Jay returns to Red Ice Radio in the wake of the attacks at Paris satirical magazine Charlie
Hebdo, and the numerous events surrounding this bizarre scenario, all of which bear tell-tale signs
of a false flag. We take a look back at events in the recent past echoing similar patterns and
relationships to the “War on Terror.” We consider the glaring fact that the US is funding and
arming Islamist Al Qaeda in Syria, ISIS, Jihadists, etc. Jay describes some of the conflicting
reports, discrepancies, and significant details that have been edited out of the media narrative,
along with the big indicators of staged events. Then, we talk about Paris’ long history of
suppressing free speech and the hypocrisy of the Charlie Hebdo publication. Jay explains how large
terror events are psychological attacks on society that serve the interests of the Atlanticist
establishment, where we inevitably hear the call for more militarization, surveillance, security,
and policing, not just for the terrorists, but for all citizens. We look at the big picture of
globalization, the creation of reactionary consumers, the erosion of family values, and a
monoculture based around the new mythology of Hollywood. Additionally, we talk about the current
anti-human, self-destructive, centralization-seeking regime, the true inclinations of human nature,
and how to pull humanity out of its collective hypnosis. Later, Jay speaks about the confusing
details of the Paris shootings and similar events and how the polarized media is involved in playing
out a deep, psychological trick on the people in order to divert attention from the bigger picture.
In conclusion, we speculate about where our dystopian, mediocre, monoculture is headed and
contemplate the bright side of the transhumanist pipe dream.
Paul Gottfried - The Paris Attacks, Politics of Guilt & Hierarchy of Victims
January 12, 2015
Dr. Paul Edward Gottfried is an American paleoconservative political philosopher, intellectual
historian, columnist and retired Horace Raffensperger Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown
College, as well as a Guggenheim recipient. He is the author of many books, including Conservatism
in America, The Strange Death of Marxism, After Liberalism, Multiculturalism and the Politics of
Guilt, and Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America. Our discussion with Dr. Gottfried
begins with an overview of the recent shooting massacre at Charlie Hebdo in France. We consider the
ramifications of the growing Islam sect in Europe and the Neoconservative agenda that seems to have
welcomed this brand of “terrorist” activity. Paul talks about the blending of the Left and
Right, the push for multiculturalism, and the lack of any true opposition to the culture clash that
is occurring between Islam and the West on European soil. Then, Paul explains the politics of guilt,
tactics fueled by racism, social atomism, and the breaking down of traditionalist values while
pushing the new religion of political correctness. We discuss how cultural Marxist social
engineering is transforming Northern Europe and America by destroying any remnants of bourgeoisie,
White, Christian society while at the same time controlling all forms of speech and thought. We look
at the power structures of the elite, the manipulation of victim classes used to gain and maintain
power, and the demonization of homogenous societies. In the second hour, we examine the big enabler,
the state, and the various political parties, none of which seem to have any focus on preserving
cultural values. Paul makes comparisons of the brainwashing and war on human nature that is
occurring in the US and Europe and points out signs of the beginnings of change. Further, we talk
about immigration rates, the assimilation of radical, hostile populations, and the reformation of
democracy. Additionally, we consider the increasing emasculation of Western men, the priesthood of
the managerial class, and the hierarchy of victims and victimizers. In the end, Paul shares some
predictions for the fate of Western Civilization.
im Murdock - PSYOP Memes: Ancient Aliens, Egyptian Moses & Non-Indigenous Whites
January 9, 2015
Tim Murdock is the host of White Rabbit Radio and the voice of Horus the Avenger. He has also
produced the popular animations “How The Whites Took Over America,” “Anti-Racist Hitler,”
and “Johnny Racist.” Tim has been a guest on Radio 3Fourteen and now joins us at Red Ice Radio
to discuss some of the most popular themes and memes currently circulating and gaining momentum in
the mainstream. Tim begins by laying out the War of Deception that has been waged by the Elites and
explains how memes are used to shape the perceptions of the masses. He talks about the speed and
frequency these ideas are being introduced into society and speculates on the possibilities of the
larger scenario involving the New World Order. We look at the Ancient Alien and Out of Egypt memes
that have saturated network television and the expensive mockumentary productions that are being
used to test the boundaries of intelligent viewers. Then, Tim describes the keystone agenda of White
Genocide, one of the largest PSYOP schemes to ever take hold of humanity at such an alarming rate,
and the rising popularity of the idea that Whites are not indigenous to Earth. Further, we examine
the issues of new human rights laws designed to protect everyone except Whites, mass immigration,
and the forced blending of Whites. In hour two we assess the changing landscape of Europe due to
forced multiculturalism, the dramatic moves being made by the Neocon set, and the phasing out of
Zionism. Tim explains the tactics the Elites are using to regain the respect of the Managerial
Class. Later, Tim brings light to the huge con of Diversity and illustrates how Whites are waking up
to this crazy scenario. We end by looking at the big problems being faced by Western Media and the
White Rabbit’s goal of amplifying, bringing awareness to, and combating this psychological
Laird Scranton - Skara Brae: Orkney Island’s Blueprint of Civilization
January 5, 2015
Laird Scranton is an independent software designer who became interested in Dogon mythology and
symbolism in the early 1990s. He has studied ancient myth, language, and cosmology since 97. He has
been a featured speaker at national conferences on ancient mysteries, including the Paradigm
Symposium. He is the author of several books, including The Science of the Dogon and China’s
Cosmological Prehistory. Laird joins us to speak about his research on the magnificent site of Skara
Brae on Orkney Island in Northern Scotland, a Neolithic farming settlement that is thought to date
back prior to both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids. These findings tie in to the subject of his
new book, Point of Origin, which points to Gobekli Tepe as a center of civilizing knowledge for the
ancient world. He outlines the history of the Skara Brae site, which was covered over until the
1850s. Laird details the layout of the village and temple found at Skara Brae, a megalithic site
that appears to be linked to a cosmological blueprint for instructional sanctuaries used by multiple
ancient cultures around the globe. In the second hour, Laird explains what is believed to be the
purpose of the site and discusses how the myths and deities of Skara Brae connect linguistically to
the early agricultural kingships in Egypt, China, the British Isles, and South America. Then, we
look at the differences between Mother Goddess cultures and Creator God cultures, and consider the
parallels of prevalent ancient myths. In conclusion, we delve into the possible explanations for the
covering of ancient villages and megalithic sites, and what these sites may represent in the
progressive stages of creation.
Fredrik Andersson - The Swedish Surveyor
January 2, 2015
Fredrik Andersson is the founder and writer of the Swedish Surveyor blog, a forum for scrutinizing
the politically correct madness for the masses in Sweden. He has lived abroad and has resided in
Sweden since adolescence, where he has witnessed the massive transformation the country has been
going through over the past 30 years. Upon waking up to the radical ostracization of the Sweden
democrats and numerous controversial and political issues in Sweden, Fredrik changed his views about
the country and set out to expose politicians and other public figures in Sweden through his blog.
Fredrik joins us today to speak about some of the most troubling issues in Sweden. We begin with a
look at the population replacement level of immigration occurring, the ethnocentrically charged
environment triggered by those seeking asylum in the country, and the ethnic identification that is
being bred out of the native Swede. Fredrik points out how integration has failed and the culture
has been eroded due to the double standards of the government. We discuss how it has become
acceptable to hate the Swedish Democrats, who are often accused of being Nazis, racists,
Islamophobes, Fascists, etc. Then, we consider the migration industry, the money involved, and who
is profiting. In the second hour, Fredrik explains the recent amendment of the Swedish constitution
that allows the censorship and suppression of publically expressed opinions on the internet.
Further, we talk about the rape epidemic and the rise in violent crimes that are occurring in asylum
homes and nearby communities. Later, we analyze the identity crisis of many European countries and
the more radical form of Islam that is widely taking hold. In the end, we talk about ISIS sleeper
cells arriving as refugees, the reason why Sweden is the country in the EU with the most Jihadists
per capita, and the generous welfare benefits immigrants receive. We close with some thoughts on the
EU’s hidden agenda and the rise of Nationalist parties in Europe.
Patrick Henningsen - The Ferguson Frenzy & The Technocrat War on Human Nature
December 31, 2014
Patrick Henningsen is the founder and managing editor of 21st Century Wire, an independent virtual
journal that delivers news and exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, climate change, the war on
terror, technology and Wall Street. Patrick has been a regular guest on the program and joins us
again today to discuss the Ferguson fiasco and some of the surrounding issues concerning race,
individuality, destruction of culture, and what the end game plan is for the technocrats as they
bring in more control by conjuring up more chaos with the aid of willing accomplices and naïve,
good intended people. We consider how modern activism is motivated by the influence of social media
and the dangerous divide that is being created in America through the weaponization of political
correctness. Patrick analyzes the compulsive behavior displayed by politicians who use crisis
situations as a way to grab as much political capital as possible. We look at the fallacies of mob
mentality, mob justice and inherent white privilege. Then, Patrick talks about how Americans are
becoming increasingly class conscious and narcissistic while at the same time falling into the traps
of political activist groups that are essentially promoting a war on human nature with their
collectivist agenda. In the members’ hour, we reflect on the militarization and mechanization of
the police force and situations like the Eric Garner incident that fuel the frenzy of the Hegelian
dialectic. We also ponder the rapid homogenization of culture, ethnic erosion, and white guilt.
Later, we’ll compare the similar views and goals of the left and the right as well as deliberate
the evolution of class and gender warfare, our oligarchic rulers, and the wide acceptance of
inherited wealth and fame. In closing, Patrick shares his views on the crab mentality of
ay Dyer - Dialectic Enlightenment & The Entertainment Industrial Complex
December 29, 2014
Jay Dyer is a writer and researcher from the Southern US who obtained his B.A. in philosophy, while
his graduate work focused on the interplay of literary theory, espionage and philosophy. His
website, JaysAnalysis, is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our
globalist pseudo culture, illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret
societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion. Our discussion begins with a
focus on mass media’s use of psychological warfare to indoctrinate world views on our culture as a
whole. Jay explains how philosophies can be engineered and used as forms of PSYOP, a trap of
empiricism that ultimately leads to false presuppositions. Then, we discuss hidden metaphysics, the
suppression of prominent thinkers, and the western elite’s technological techniques of dialectics
that are used to destroy the arts. Further, we consider the esoteric approach of linguistics, the
school of pragmatism, and the new prophets of modernity, Marx, Freud and Darwin. In the second hour,
Jay gets into the power of the entertainment industry, the new mythology of Hollywood, and pop
culture’s deconstruction, control and subversion of reality. We talk about the iconography of
films such as Independence Day, A.I., Interstellar, the James Bond series, and more. Later, Jay
describes the use of archetypes in movies and the socially engineered subversion that is taking
advantage of and manipulating the fears of society. Lastly, we chew over the current themes
circulating in the mainstream, many of which tout the fraud of “diversity” and forced
John Lash - Kalika War Party: Reemergence of the Warrior Class
December 26, 2014
John Lash has been a regular guest on Red Ice Radio since 2008, sharing the discoveries of his
collective studies in the fields of directive and sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy,
precession, the World Ages, belief systems, and his radical revision of Gnosticism. He has also
delved deeply into the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia and introduced the term Archon to the discourse
of humanity. Mr. Lash returns to the program to announce the formation of the Kalika War Party, a
band of self-selected men and women volunteers whose goal is “to strike offensively against all
variations of the evil and corrupt system that works against life, truth, freedom, beauty, sanity,
and the spirit of mutual aid.” John explains how his exploration of the Parsifal myth and the Holy
Grail question, “What ails thee?” led him to conceive of the KWP entity. We consider the wounded
species of humanity and the suffering caused by the psychopaths who are leading our world to demise.
Then, John describes how the use of magic and shamanism will shape the operations of the KWP, and
reminds us of the true abilities of the shaman, which can be to heal as well as eliminate. Later,
John gets into the social evils of mind control, the domestication and pacification of humanity in
the name of Christianity, the elite’s control of the narrative, and the gruesome, murderous,
destructive attacks that have been carried out by the USA and those who control it, against all
living beings and the earth itself. Then, John talks about the meaning of the Thunderbird Formation,
the symbol for the KWP, and the reemergence of the Warrior Class. At the end, we examine the true
violent tendencies of man, the popularity of war games, and the inevitable downfall of feminism.
Colin Liddell & Andy Nowicki - The Alternative Right
December 22, 2014
Colin Liddell and Andy Nowicki are co-editors and writers of Alternative Right, an online magazine
of radical traditionalism with a stimulating, hilarious spin. In addition to their blog, both men
are regular contributors at several other online publications, Colin has held various positions in
journalism and education, and Andy is the author of eight published novels. We’ll discuss some of
the major themes of their writings, many of which question, from different points of view, the ideas
that are forced upon society by the extreme left. Colin and Andy share their viewpoints about the
problems with egalitarianism and the rejection of science, nature and biology by the Establishment.
We take a look at the diminishment of humanism by the forces of modernity in the name of economic
growth, one of the key concepts behind the Alt Right movement. Then, we consider the general loss of
control and blind coherence that occurs with exponential progress fueled by ego. In the member’s
hour, Andy and Colin talk about the importance of encouraging art and literature that challenges the
mainstream issues and shows the movement to the masses while avoiding didacticism. Further, we
discuss the constant suppression of anything that may offend the masses, a sort of de facto Fascism
played out against those with a provocative message. In conclusion, we analyze the waning of
America’s global power and the US involvement with the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.
Joaquin Flores - Political Syncretism: Where Radical Left Meets Traditional Right
December 19, 2014
Joaquin Flores is an American expat living in Belgrade. He is a full-time analyst at the Center for
Syncretic Studies, a public geostrategic think-tank, where his work centers on Eastern European,
Eurasian, and Middle East affairs. Flores is particularly adept at analyzing the psychology of the
propaganda wars and cutting through the noise of 'information overload.' He also serves as the
Europe-wide coordinator for New Resistance, a US based revolutionary movement. In the first hour,
Joaquin explains the impetus for the founding of the Center for Syncretic Studies, formed in 2013 as
platform from which to view the various social and ideological movements that exist today with a
broad lens. We discuss the commonality between the radical and progressive left and the radical and
paleo-conservative right, which hold the same values and also see the same things wrong with
society. Then, Joaquin breaks down the divide and conquer tactics of our leaders, the dictatorship
that exists within the US, and the importance of waking up to the delusion that there will be a
government reform. In the second hour we consider what it is that can be done by the people in the
USA to overcome the dilemmas of Government. Joaquin gives some insight into commonly held criticisms
of the Powers That Be, the US’s misinterpretation of revolutions around the globe, and the
importance of getting past the idea that the mainstream view is the majority. Then, we examine the
propaganda surrounding multiculturalism and the deracination that is occurring within European
cultures. Later, Joaquin talks about the media war that is occurring within the Ukraine and Russia,
Operation: Gladio, and the New Inter Nationalists. Further, we deliberate the Ukrainian Civil War,
US involvement with Pravy Sektor Coup, the push for a Ukrainian failed state, and the role of Islam
in this artificially created social movement. In conclusion, Joaquin describes how The New Media is
the primary weapon in 4th generation warfare.
Martin Biddle - The Vikings at Repton & Ivar the Boneless
December 15, 2014
Martin Biddle is a British archaeologist and academic whose excavation and recording techniques have
revolutionized the field. He is an Emeritus Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford, and Honorary Fellow
of Pembroke College, Cambridge, as well as Archaeological Consultant for Canterbury Cathedral and
St. Albans Cathedral and Chairman of the Fabric Advisory Committee of Winchester Cathedral.
Professor Biddle joins us today to speak about exciting evidence of Vikings found at an excavation
in Repton, England. Martin starts with a brief history of some of his most treasured projects in
England, where he began his career in the 50s. He then describes the dig at Repton, which began in
the summer of 1974 as a study of the structure of the Anglo-Saxon Church of St Wystan and an
investigation of some odd stories of discoveries in the garden of Vicarage near the church. The
church stands on an Anglo-Saxon crypt and is one of the most important sites to survive in England
from before the Norman Conquest. At this location Martin and his late wife, Birthe, unearthed the
remains of the Viking Great Army that had overwintered there in 873-4. Martin goes into detail about
the many extraordinary finds at Repton, including a massive warrior burial mound, Viking tools, a
central coffin containing what is believed to be the remains of Ivar the Boneless, and the bones of
a giant skeleton. Then, Martin illustrates the historical significance of the findings at Repton, a
quintessentially English place that was the backdrop for momentous social and religious change in
the 8th and 9th centuries. We conclude with an overview of the next stage for the Repton project.
Robert Ferguson - The Hammer and the Cross: Vikings and Christianity
December 12, 2014
Robert Ferguson is an author from the United Kingdom, where he completed the Scandinavian Studies
program at University College, London, specializing in Norwegian. He eventually emigrated to Norway
where he began his literary career as a radio dramatist, writing eleven original radio plays and
going on to write several biographies, two histories of the Vikings, and two novels. Robert joins us
to speak primarily about the topic of his latest book, The Hammer and the Cross: The New History of
the Vikings. We begin our discussion with a look back to when the Viking era began, which coincides
with the rise of the Charlemagne Empire and the forcible conversion of the Saxons to Christianity in
the late Iron Age. Robert explains how the Scandinavians revolted when Christianity began to take
hold in Northern Europe and the Heathen culture was being annihilated, resulting in the outbreak of
the Viking Era. Then, Robert talks about the conversion to Christianity, an accepted modernization
process that took advantage of the lack of dogma and unifying word of worship in Heathenism, leading
to the control and institutionalization of Pagans. In the second hour, we consider the most trusted
sources for Viking Age history, the etymology of Viking place names, and the oral history that
defined these peoples. Robert elaborates on the societal changes that occurred with written law and
the recording of history. In conclusion, we reflect on the rich culture of Heathenism with its
history of violence, strength and honor. We also speculate about the location of the great Heathen
temple, which was destroyed in 1080, marking the beginning of the end of the Viking Age.
tags: RIR, radio, secret, occult, humanity, society, future, history
I have nothing against Red
I have nothing against Red Ice - Henrik and now Lana - defending White people from genocide, but the theme of the program has completely shifted away from the occult / esoteric to purely racial issues, which frankly I find mundane and boring to hear about all the time. They started this shift around April 2014 and it has completely transformed their website. It's a major loss. And it really makes me wonder if they have sold out to "intelligence" and are merely acting as 'agents of change' now.
I have a request: Henrik please do at least half of the shows on occult / esoteric so I still have a reason to listen!
always look forward to these
Sweden attacked
Henrik seeing Sweden raped by immigrants - Norway invaded by young swedes looking for work - I see Henrik's priority.
Pants down
Yah love rir but starting to get the craps about the focus on the whole white dilution thing. Henrik was a good interviewer but he keeps steering the interviews towards his own view. Pretty tragic imo. The interviewers views are irrelevant and should not be expressed.