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RIR pack 2013.08.30 - 2013.12.11

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RIR pack 2013.08.30 - 2013.12.11

John W. Whitehead - A Government of Wolves & The Electronic Concentration Camp
December 11, 2013
John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. Whitehead's concern for the persecuted and oppressed led him, in 1982, to establish The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization. Whitehead has filed numerous amicus briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also been co-counsel in several landmark Supreme Court cases. He joins us to discuss his book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. We'll discuss the shocking cases of police state brutality upon civilians, even upon children, the elderly and pregnant women. America was once a society that valued individual liberty and privacy. But in recent years it has turned into a culture that has quietly accepted surveillance cameras, police and drug-sniffing dogs in our children's schools, national databases that track our finances and activities, sneak-and-peek searches of our homes without our knowledge or consent, and anti-terrorism laws that turn average Americans into suspects. In short, America has become a lockdown nation, and we are all in danger. Sadly, the police state has gone global and there is no place to go to escape it. In the second hour, we discuss the role of media and education in teaching compliance to government violence. We'll also discuss John Carpenter's prophetic visions of the American police state and talk about other fiction writers and visionaries who predicted this would happen. Today the U.S. government and Supreme Court blatantly violate the U.S. Constitution and America has transitioned from a society governed by "we the people" to a police state governed by a strong arm of law and corruption and it will only get worse if "the people" remain compliant.

Jeva Singh-Anand & Josef Wäges - Translating the Rituals and Doctrines of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
December 9, 2013
Jeva Singh-Anand left teaching in 2005 to become a freelance writer, later branching out into technical and literary translation. He has translated two out of the three full-length German to English translations Illuminati source documents as well as Karl Krause's Higher Spiritualization of the True and Authentic Hieroglyphs of Freemasonry: In Twelve Lodge Lectures. Krause's work sparked his interest in Freemasonry and on the night of the 2012 Venus transit, he became a Master Mason. Josef Wäges' preoccupation with all things Illuminati goes back many years. He has collected all of the original writings of the Illuminati and is currently collaborating with Jeva Singh-Anand and Reinhard Markner on a translation of the complete ritual and doctrine of the Illuminati, which features previously unpublished documents. They have been called "apologists" for the Illuminati but are however among the few who have actually translated the ritual and doctrine of the real Bavarian Illuminati. They will discuss the origins, history and fate of the order. We'll talk about Illuminati rituals, the connection to freemasonry, the occult and their political legacy. In the second hour, we speak more about the rituals and the structure of the illuminati degrees. Also, we discuss the ideology of the Illuminati and where they would be on the political spectrum of today.

Gavan Kearney - The State of the Art, Corrosive Counter-Culture & Attack on Beauty
December 6, 2013
Gavan Kearney is a musician, artist and writer born in Cork, Ireland but relocated to London in the early 90's where he formed and played in various bands as well as honing his abilities as a painter. After completing a degree in Fine Arts/Sonic Arts Gavan began a recording career under the moniker Sand Snowman and has to date released 9 albums. Gavan is currently involved in a musical project with long term musical/life partner Moonswift. We’ll discuss the marketing of corrosive counter-culture modern art and the attack on beauty. Gavan discusses the cult of personality around empty artists that have put focus on rot and death. Art is degenerating into nothing but sensationalism. The success of modern art is judged by how much attention it can get and consequently the more subversive, disgusting and pornographic it is, the more the attention it gets by the “critics” and media pundits. Shock factor is mistaken for greatness. Gavan asks what happened to art that conveys beauty, holds veneration for life and is inspirational. Kearney says that the Frankfurt School has been instrumental in turning art into crude smut and emptiness. In the second hour, we discuss the origin of modern art and the movement of symbolic art. We discuss the conspiratorial aspect of art, including how the totalitarian state has used it for propaganda. Also we talk about modern furniture, architecture, new art installations and bizarre statues and monuments. Later, we discuss violence and sexual perversion in TV and movies. We also go into how the “new hero” we are to identify with is the evil villain.

Johan Oldenkamp - Creation of Man & Understanding God’s Ten Commandments
December 4, 2013
Johan Oldenkamp is an all-round scientific researcher, based in the Netherlands, who has successfully unified all sciences, philosophies and religions into a logical whole that he has named Wholly Science. Wholly Science integrates all knowledge concealed in ancient scriptures with all modern-day findings. Oldenkamp is the author of 27 books, including 'Understanding God; The Wholly Science Handbook' and 'Wholly Science – Understanding the Process of Creation.' Johan was a professor of knowledge transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship at the Stenden University. In the autumn of 2008, he consciously resigned that appointment, in order to devote all his time, energy and savings to the further development of Wholly Science. In this program, we discuss the creation of man, the structure of reality, God's Ten Commandments and the human experience. As we proceed in the second hour we speak more about the perfection of nature and the balance in the natural system around us. Johan will discuss what he aspires to change and transform. We talk about the world as a teacher and how our aspiration to change it, may not be something that will benefit us in the end. We observe brutality in nature and feel separated from it. Later, we discuss gain, power, the need for control and the fear of death. Johan explains the structure of reality, the purpose of man and the goal.

Joseph P. Farrell & Scott D. de Hart - Alchemical Transhumanism: Grimoire Technology & The New Man
December 2, 2013
Scott D. de Hart has spent the last 20 years as a writer, teacher, professor, and researcher. He has dedicated much of the last two decades of his life as a college professor and is also an author, and high school English teacher. Joseph P. Farrell has a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Philosophy, an M.A. in Historical and Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in Patristics. He is the author of many books in the field of alternative research. Scott and Joseph will discuss their co-authored book, Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas. We'll hear about how the transhumanist agenda is rooted in old esoteric occult traditions that aim to reunify the fallen, broken man into the ultimate being. Joseph and Scott explain the primordial drive behind technology. Also, Scott ties in various works of fiction that reveal messages of alchemical transformation. Then, we'll discuss the creation of a new unified man through technology. In the transhumanist's world there will be no place for the individual and humanity is taken out of the equation. In the second hour, we'll talk about the 4 steps in the declension of mankind beginning with androgyny and the technological fusion with humanity at each of the 4 levels. We'll also discuss modern technology that is presenting questions of ownership and what nightmare scenarios may arise because of it. At what point are we no longer human but owned by a corporation or the state? Later, we question if artificial intelligence already have taken over. Yet in the end, a system that is unhuman, therefore means that no human can live in it.

Judy Byington - Jenny Hill: The Story of a Ritual Abuse Survivor
November 29, 2013
Judy Byington is a therapist, author and mental health supervisor and the founder and leader of Trauma Research Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information through CEU accredited seminars and lectures on Dissociation and coordinating ritual abuse survivor group, therapeutic and legal resources. She also works as a consultant on satanic crime with the Utah Attorney General’s office. Judy has interviewed hundreds of ritual abuse survivors and continues to pen books about survivors like Jenny Hill who suffer repressed childhood memories of forced participation in rape, torture and murder. She joins us to discuss her book, Twenty-Two Faces, the story of a survivor-intended-victim of a human sacrificial ceremony, Jenny Hill. Judy details Jenny’s story of alleged satanic ritual abuse and her consequent dissociative identity disorder. We’ll talk about mind control, programming of alters and similar ritual abuse survivor accounts. In the member’s hour, we continue discussing Jenny Hill’s story. Judy responds to therapists who claim ritual abuse survivors such as Jenny are suffering from “false memory syndrome.” We’ll discuss commonly recalled ritual ceremony scenes, which seem to always involve children and drugs. Judy also talks about her encounter with a former freemason who heard about her research. Later, we discuss police investigations into missing children and detectives who do not believe ritual abuse cases are real.

Andreas Bachmair - Unvaccinated Children Healthier
November 27, 2013
Andreas Bachmair is a German homeopath who lives in Switzerland. Because he saw more and more vaccine damaged patients in his practice he started the website to inform people about the dangers of vaccinations. The website was translated into English under the name of He authored the book Vaccine Free - 111 stories of unvaccinated children. Andreas conducted a thorough and comprehensive scientific survey on the state of health of unvaccinated children. More than 17,500 participants from all over the world participated. In this program, we discuss the results of the survey and how it was conducted. One of the biggest dangers with vaccines is the ingredients aluminum and mercury. There is a host of issues that have been attributed to vaccines, for example, behavioral problems, neurological disease, autoimmune diseases, autism and narcolepsy. Andreas will discuss homeopathic therapy of vaccine damages and vaccine injuries. In the second hour, Andreas tells more about the strange traits of tetanus and the claims that we need a tetanus shot after suffering an open wound.

Clif High - Bandwidth Caps, Bitcoin, ISON & Nummo Origins
November 25, 2013
Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, developed the Web Bot, or the Web Bot Project in the late 1990s. It's an Internet bot software program or a web spider that originally was designed to predict stock market trends. Eventually it developed into something different. Now it's claimed to be able to predict future events by tracking keywords on the web. In the first hour of the program Clif and Henrik discuss the looming internet bandwidth caps that are slated to limit, restrict and control internet data consumption. The control of the internet comes in many different forms and the cap is the latest trick by the ISP monopolies, enabled by government, to make more money and to shut down streaming services. Clif talks about hackers and other alternatives to circumvent these restrictions. Later, we discuss the "wings" that have sprouted on comet ISON in the last few days, as it's getting closer to the sun. We move on to discuss the positive aspects of Bitcoin, why you should get involved and how they continue to increase in value, as more and more people get aboard. In the second hour, we continue to discuss the technicalities of Bitcoin and Litecoin. High describes how to purchase Bitcoin, the incentives of Bitcoin mining and how to maintain your digital wallet. Finally, we discuss human origins. Clif speaks more about the origin myth of the Nummo as retold by the Dogon tribe.

Jesse Ventura - The Assassination of JFK & American Geopolitics
November 22, 2013
Jesse Ventura is the former Independent governor of Minnesota. He is also a former US Navy Frogman, professional wrestler, movie actor, visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and New York Times bestselling author. He was the host and executive producer for TruTV's Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. He'll discuss his new book, They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK. 2013 marks the fifty-year anniversary of the tragic event that changed the way citizens view the honesty and integrity of their government. Today, the majority of Americans believe the government was involved in both the assassination and the cover-up. According to a 2003 Gallup poll, 75 percent of Americans believe some kind of conspiracy occurred. We'll discuss absurdities and suspicious behavior surrounding the case against Lee Harvey Oswald, who was accused by the Warren Commission to be behind the assassination of JFK, despite denying the involvement and not spending a single day in court. Two days later, while being transferred from police headquarters to the county jail, Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby in full view of television cameras broadcasting live. Later, we'll discuss current politics, including foreign policy, political parties, gun control and one world government. Jesse ends speaking about the words of the America forefathers who reminded us to remain vigilant in order to keep the country intact.

Richard C. Hoagland - Comet ISON
November 18, 2013
Richard C. Hoagland is a former NASA Consultant and former Science Advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News during the epic Apollo Missions to the Moon. He is author of two bestselling books on his 40 years of intensive research into the possibility of a former, ancient solar-system-wide high-tech civilization. He returns to discuss the fascinating symbols, rituals and mysteries surrounding Comet ISON. ISON has been billed as a potential "comet of the century," with some experts saying it could blaze as brightly as the full moon around the time of its close solar approach in late November. Richard says Comet Elenin was a forerunner of the big thing, Comet ISON. He'll address the intentional creation of "fear porn" about coming celestial bodies, which is ultimately coming from a secret religion grounded in the knowledge of how to change reality. In the member's hour, Hoagland continues on numbers and sacred mythology attached to important celestial bodies. Richard lays out how ISON is a pivotal part of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi Russia to fulfill a bigger ritual. He'll talk about how Comet ISON is a wonderful happening that can change the world for the positive. Later, we'll hear about other key dates and cultural connections connected to ISON's path.

Mike Mitcham - Dangers of the Smart Grid & the Artificial Biosphere
November 15, 2013
Mike Mitcham is a researcher and activist, with a background in IT systems consulting. In January 2012, he co-founded Stop Smart Meters! (UK) to raise awareness among the public about the dangers of Smart Meters and our rights to refuse them. To date, the campaign has served over 100,000 Legal Notices to entities and individuals pushing the Smart Metering agenda on behalf of nearly 1,400 people. Following concerted efforts to appeal to Government policymakers and advisors, Mike and co-founder Dr. Elizabeth Evans were asked to give evidence at a televised Parliamentary Select Committee Hearing at the Palace of Westminster in April 2013. Mike was recently featured in Take Back Your Power, a documentary by Josh del Sol which examines the realities of the "Smart Grid." Our discussion centers on the major privacy and health concerns with the smart grid and the development of "the internet of things." We also talk about the new IPv6 internet communications protocol and RFID development. Mike explains the security vulnerabilities of the smart grid and how the smart meter could allow government, corporations and hackers to monitor your behavior based on electricity usage. In the second hour, we discuss DARPA's development of mechanical bees as a means to solve colony collapse disorder. Later, we discuss the rise of infertility and the possible future scenario of state or corporate control of human reproduction. With the developments of such things as the artificial uterus and artificial sperm, mankind might be heading down a very dark road.

Freeman - Aliens From Hell, Rise of the Dark Hero & NWO Capitals
November 13, 2013
Freeman is an internationally-known TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. He is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, government conspiracy, and ancient civilizations. At the start of this interview, Freeman talks about the influx of intelligence agencies involved with entertainment and what programming we can see coming out of film and TV. He points out signs and symbols used in entertainment that come from the O.T.O. Then, we discuss trauma based mind control of celebrities and how it has become a part of modern pop culture. In the second hour, Freeman explains the origins of the "Mark of the Beast" and how it relates to popular culture, new technologies and human cloning. Then, Freeman tells us about the "New World Order global capitals" and how Kazakhstan is at the very forefront of these new extraterrestrial preplanned cities. These capital cities are designed to reflect an ancient magical seal of Solomon to bind demons and to perform magic.

Brian Kannard - Steinbeck: Citizen Spy
November 11, 2013
In 2009, Brian left his career to finish his first book, Skullduggery: 45 True Tales of Disturbing the Dead, and in early 2010, opened the independent publishing house Grave Distractions Publications. In the last three years, Grave Distractions has published over fifty books for nineteen different authors. He joins us to discuss his new book Steinbeck: Citizen Spy. Brian obtained two documents from the CIA via the Freedom of Information Act that blows away everything we thought about Steinbeck. The first piece is a letter, in Steinbeck's own handwriting, offering to work for the agency. The second is a reply from Walter Bedell Smith accepting Steinbeck's offer. In his investigations he's also uncovered that the FBI has destroyed portions of Steinbeck's FBI file. Utilizing information from Steinbeck's FBI file, John's own correspondence, and interviews with John's son Thomas Steinbeck, playwright Edward Albee, a former CIA intelligence officer, and others, Steinbeck: Citizen Spy uncovers the secret life of American cultural icon and Nobel Prize–winner, John Steinbeck. Did Steinbeck actively gather information for the intelligence community during his 1947 and 1963 trips to the Soviet Union? Why was the controversial author of The Grapes of Wrath never called before the House Select Committee on Un-American Activities, despite alleged ties to Communist organizations? Did the CIA influence Steinbeck to produce Cold War propaganda as part of Operation MOCKINGBIRD? Why did the CIA admit to the Church Committee in 1975 that Steinbeck was a subject of their illegal mail-opening program known as HTLINGUAL? We'll discuss all this and more.

Mark Passio - Holistic Brain & “New” Age Deception
November 8, 2013
Mark Passio is an independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA. Mark has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In the first hour, Mark discusses an integral approach to truth gathering that utilizes both hemispheres of the brain. He'll explain how a holistic full brain aggregates information. We'll talk what he calls the "5 boxes for consciousness," including the new age movement, rigid scientism, religion and the monetary system that require a belief outside yourself. We discuss aspects of left/right brain imbalance and how to keep in the center hemisphere of your brain, which is the best place to learn and take action. In the member's hour, we discuss the biggest deceptions in the new age movement such as: avoiding the negative, never getting angry, the idea that we're all one and in this together, solipsism, acceptance of everything, the laws of attraction, false notions of forgiveness, chaos as a fearful thing, enlightenment, truth doesn't need to be defended and the savior is coming. Mark details the deceptions weaved into each one of these aspects.

Jason Erb - Economic History & Alternative Currencies
November 4, 2013
Jason Erb joins us from Ontario, Canada where he started the website Exposing Faux Capitalism during the global financial collapse in 2008. We’ll hear about a number of topics such as the history of the monetary system, credit default swaps, debt based currency and compound interest. Jason explains how the currency system is run by belief, confidence and control of information but nothing is there to back it up. In the second hour, he’ll speak more about one world currency, The World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. Then, we’ll get into regional currencies and alternatives such as BitCoin, Mountain Hours and others. We’ll also discuss how Europe went from being against usury or interest, to favoring it. Jason takes it all the way back to Grecian B.C. times. Later, we’ll zoom forward and discuss the future of the Euro as many have speculated that it will collapse, causing countries to opt out of the centralized government clutches.

Steve Goreham - The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism
November 1, 2013
Steve Goreham is Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, an independent, non-political association of scientists, engineers, and concerned citizens dedicated to informing the American people about the realities of climate science. Steve is author of the new book: The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania, now with over 100,000 copies in print. He is also a speaker on the environment and energy, and a former engineer and business executive. We'll discuss The Mad Mad Mad World of Climatism as Steve breaks down the greenhouse effect. Then, we discuss the notion of man-made global warming. Steve tells us the reality of what percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is actually man-made. He also explains how the world jumped to conclusions of man-made global warming. We talk about the media, politics and money involved in propagating this lie. Later, we hear about what lifestyle changes we are asked to make by climatists to "save the planet," as various groups are using man-made global warming as a means to an end. In the member's hour, we'll discuss UN goals surrounding man-made global warming such as global governance, population control, equalizing wealth and limiting production and consumption. We'll discuss how cap and trade, government regulations, tarrifs and govn't subsidies are part of a system great for fraud and controlling what industry succeeds. Later, we compare the benefits and costs of traditional energy vs. renewable energy sources. We also address the issues of pollution and scarcity of natural resources. Steve comments on what he asserts are misbeliefs about fracking.

Thomas Sheridans - The “Brand” New Purple Pill
October 31, 2013
Thomas Sheridan is an artist, writer and musician from Ireland. He is the author of Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath and The Anvil of the Psyche. We'll discuss Russell Brand's interview on British Brain Control (BBC) where he advocated a SOCIALIST EGALITARIAN system based on the massive redistribution of wealth to solve today's political problems. We'll talk about why a socialist egalitarian system will most definitely not solve problems or free the people. Thomas explains how Russell Brand, the arm chair socialist, is not waking people up. Brand is put on the TV screens to placate the ones already 'awake', and to put you back to sleep in the belief that this is some kind of victory. It's isn't - it is showbiz being used as a social engineering tool yet again. We'll talk about Brand's connections, including The New Statesman, started by the Fabian Society, the London School of Economics, symbolism around him and his ideas of a new age collective utopia. We address the true problem and talk about the real solution. In the second hour, Sheridan explains his analogy of the socially acceptable "Brand new purple pill," the third option now available. He speaks about how various movements have been taken, co-opted and watered down to dampen the truth. Then, we get into the idea of forced wealth redistribution vs. voluntary giving in a truly free society and other crimes against nature in a socialist egalitarian system. Later, we speak about the oxytocin effects of celebrity and powerful elite that can create hysteria.

Ingrid Carlqvist - State Controlled Press in Sweden & Mass Immigration
October 28, 2013
Swedish author and independent journalist Ingrid Carlqvist joins us from Copenhagen, Denmark to continue our ongoing discussion about Sweden's troubled past and future. Ingrid started the website Dispatch International with Danish historian Lars Hedegaard in an effort to help balance the debate on many of the politically incorrect topics that Swedish state funded media refuses to touch. We'll discuss where the country has been and where it is going as rapid changes are underway in certain areas. Sweden is locked into a ridged political system of the past. We'll discuss the media environment in the country that has been internationally praised for its tolerance and fairness. Later, we talk about the issue of mass immigration into Sweden, the future of religion and lack of belief. In the second hour, we discuss the increase of sex crimes and rape in Sweden. On the flipside, state feminism is destroying the country from within and ridiculous rape charges against people like Julian Assange are on the rise. Ingrid comments on these glaring contradictions and how they have arisen. Later, we'll speak more about the political climate in Sweden, the lack of choice, normalcy bias and the concept that Sweden has been a political laboratory that today is exporting its concept of soft totalitarian state to the rest of the world.

James Swagger - The Newgrange Sirius Mystery
October 25, 2013
James Swagger was first introduced to topical science writing for a historical mysteries magazine in Ireland. He was trained as a Systems Analyst in the energy industry. He holds a Master degree in Engineering, Bachelors in Physics with Astronomy, and a Masters in Science, Research and Society. Initially, Swagger sought out the megalithic monuments of Western Europe in his spare time travelling around the UK, Ireland, and Denmark. His embrace of a multidisciplinary approach to the research of megalithic sites, and the larger view of 'passage grave cosmology' produced his first book, "The Newgrange Sirius Mystery: Linking Passage Grave Cosmology with Dogon Symbology." James joins us from Ireland, to discuss his books and his research. In the first hour, we outline the megaliths in the Boyne valley. We'll discuss the passage grave cosmology, archeoastronomy and archaeoacoustics. We focus on the relationship between the stars, the art and entoptic imagery. In the second hour, we'll speak more about megalithic acoustics. James profiles the builder, including who they were and what their purpose was. Then, we discuss Porcupine Bank, the sunken piece of land to the west of Ireland. There is a possibility that this was Hy-Brasil, the mythical island. Was this the origin of the builders of these monuments and ritual temples? Later, we discuss world-wide catastrophe which might have spawned the building of the megaliths as calendars and navigational star instruments.

Klaus Bernpaintner - A Swedish Lesson in Conformity & Control
October 21, 2013
Klaus Bernpaintner is a Senior Fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Sweden, an entrepreneur and a former financial analyst. He earned an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, USA, and an MSc from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. He joins us to discuss modern problems created by government. He shares how true economics is the strongest proof against government. We'll focus on Swedish politics, economics and collectivist "solutions" as the Nordic model is being praised and promoted to the United States. Klaus dismantles the common misbelief that Swedish citizens get "free stuff." Since Sweden has the most centralized government in the world with the 2nd highest tax rate burden in the world, we investigate into the supposed claim that Sweden is the "happiest country in the world" and look into the results of socialist ideology. We also discuss fake privatization of businesses and how government regulation creates corruption, yet the people wrongfully blame free market capitalism. In the second hour, we discuss what creates the narrow bandwidth of perspective in a society like Sweden. We discuss how centralized government operates to shape and control behavior of the masses. Klaus explains how "family policy" is being used to control the choices families make. In a collectivist society, the inhabitants cannot see the value of taking charge of one's own destiny. Klaus returns to economic fascism to expose how government creates disastrous effects. He explains why entrepreneurs are leaving Sweden. Later, we critique not only Sweden's healthcare system but Obamacare. We can predict just how this will end. Although global politics seems to be closing in around us and although we may be in for a bumpy ride, Klaus leaves a positive message about the long term.

Steven & Evan Strong - Aboriginal Origins & Egyptian Glyphs in Australia
October 18, 2013
Steven and Evan Strong join us from New South Wales, Australia to discuss their claim that Aboriginal people set sail from Australia, 50,000 years ago. They sailed to and settled in America and visited many other places including Egypt, Japan, Africa and India. Their theory states that Aboriginals, the first Homo sapiens who evolved before the sapiens of Africa, gave the world art, axes, religion, marine technology, culture, language and surgery. Weaved into this story is that of the Kariong Glyphs, a group of approximately 300 alleged Egyptian hieroglyphs in and around an area that is also known for its Aboriginal petroglyphs. Steven and Evan have developed much of their work from consultations with Aboriginal people in Australia. They claim they have rediscovered a hidden history of our origin as humans and have written several books on the subject including Forgotten Origin, Constructing a New World Map, Ancient Alien in Australia and the latest one, Shunned. In the second hour, we elaborate on the myths connected to this origin story. We'll discuss recent archeological finds and what approach they have to these discoveries. There are some startling and extraordinary claims. We'll ask about who is overseeing this work and what is next in order to secure these sites. How will these results impact our understanding of human origins?

Russ Baker - Michael Hastings, Libya Repeating in Syria & JFK
October 14, 2013
Russ Baker is an investigative reporter and the best-selling author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government and the Secret History of the Last Fifty Years, which features numerous chapters containing original research on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Watergate, and other improperly explained national traumas. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the news site WhoWhatWhy, which frequently covers new developments on deep political events. He has been a Contributing Editor of the Columbia Journalism Review and he has written for The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, The Nation, The New York Times, The Washington Post an dozens of other domestic and foreign publications. We'll discuss the fiery ending of the journalist Michael Hastings. We proceed in the second hour discussing Syria and the striking similarities to how the situation in Libya went down. Russia has been instrumental in halting the plans of the west but how long can it hold? Later, we tie in the fate of Barrett Brown, Edward Snowden, NSA surveillance and the Saudi connection to the oil economy and geopolitical events. At the end of the hour, we talk about the upcoming 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Russ shares his research on who was part of it.

Josh del Sol - Take Back Your Power: Smart Grid Agenda
October 10, 2013
Josh del Sol is the producer/director of the film Take Back Your Power. Around the world, corporate utilities and governments are racing to replace electricity, gas and water meters with new-generation 'smart' meters with surveillance capabilities, quietly using billions in taxpayer funds. But at what cost to human rights, finances, security and health? With compelling insight from insiders, government representatives, whistle-blowers, lawyers, doctors and environmentalists, Take Back Your Power investigates claimed benefits and emerging risks of this ubiquitous 'smart' grid program. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery while asking: Are 'smart' grid technologies effective, safe and eco-friendly? Are corporations violating foundational rights and privacy - without providing benefit - in the name of 'green'? What are the end goals of the smart grid? What truly sustainable solutions are now unfolding that can meet the great challenges faced by our civilization? Josh del Sol will talk about the dark agenda, hiding under the guise of energy, unless we prevent it. What can someone do, who either does not want to have a smart meter, or who already has one and wants it removed? We'll discuss all of this and more.

Marc Stevens - Government Violence & The Stockholm Syndrome
October 9, 2013
Marc Stevens is a voluntaryist, essayist and the host of The No State Project. He is the author of Government: Indicted and Adventures in Legal Land, a lawyer-upsetting people-helping book. He'll discuss how there is no rational basis for government. Marc explains how believing in government is the worship of psychopaths. We discuss how although government is a lying, killing, vile institution that defies the non aggression principle, people still fail to apply critical thinking skills and see government for what it is. Marc speaks about engaging with government agents and the lies they tell. Later in the first hour, we talk about the Constitution of the U.S. which many put their trust in. In the member's hour, Marc explains our "battered citizen syndrome" relationship with government and how they have infested every aspect of our lives. He'll give his position on what is required to neutralize the attack and rid the parasitic forces at play. Then, we'll get into government mandated licenses, permits and fees. Marc speaks about rejecting government programming, as the programming makes it possible for a few to control the world. We'll also talk about how the mentality of the people would change after government collapsed. Later, we address the human idea of rights. Can you prove you have rights? The hour ends discussing circular arguments he's encountered in court dealing with government agents and their lack of evidence proving their position. "The code applies because the code says so."

Timothy Good - Earth: An Alien Enterprise
October 7, 2013
Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence. Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations. In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the west to be interviewed on Russian television. He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002. He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. He returns to discuss his latest book, Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History. We'll discuss the book that tells the story of contact between aliens and humans from all across the globe, dating back to 1932, including meetings with military personnel and American presidents such as Eisenhower and Kennedy. In the second hour, we'll discuss the story of a former member of MI6 who revealed her conversation with Neil Armstrong at a NASA conference, when he confirmed that there were "other" spacecraft on the Moon when Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Armstrong also confirmed that the CIA was behind the cover-up. Timothy also talks about the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev who revealed that "the president of Russia is given a special top secret folder [that] in its entirety contains information about aliens who have visited our planet. Along with this, the president is given a report of the Special Service that exercises control over aliens in our country. I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic."

Tjeerd Andringa - Bureaucracy, Cognition & Geopolitics: Authoritarians vs. Libertarians
October 4, 2013
Tjeerd Andringa is an associate professor of Sensory Cognition at the ALICE Institute at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He recently wrote a fascinating paper that provides an in-depth analysis of bureaucracy as a psychological phenomenon. The paper also lists key-features and indicators of encroaching government administration that creates virtual iron cages with papers, rules, forms and protocols. Andringa details the driving forces of bureaucracy from the perspective of cognitive science. He explains that the authoritarian's fear of a complex world is existential, so the technocrat in charge of government or other organizations is quite ruthless in the efforts to simplify the working environment(the real world), in order to try to understand it better. He says that fear is at the root of the problem. In the second hour, we discuss further how bureaucracy applies to both conspiracies and geopolitics. We discuss how behavior drives decisions that can be categorized either as authoritarian or libertarian. A clear distinction is made between authoritarians, who favor more bureaucracy vs. libertarians, who favor no bureaucracy at all. Later, Tjeerd says that bureaucracies always arise under authoritarian control. Authoritarians crave a clear chain of command. He explains that the system becomes dysfunctional when you have intelligence without understanding.

Kingsley Dennis - The Struggle for Your Mind
September 30, 2013
Kingsley Dennis is a sociologist, researcher, and writer. He is the author of several books and numerous articles on complexity theory, social technologies, new media communications, and conscious evolution. We’ll discuss his book The Struggle for Your Mind: Conscious Evolution & The Battle to Control How We Think. Kinglsey explains how within society there exists a silent war. The battlefield is our everyday lives: our education, our work, our leisure, our emotional and spiritual well-being, and our thinking and perceptions. Our very sense of “reality” is deliberately engineered to work against conscious evolution and preserve social norms. In short, we are all part of a war of consciousness. He discusses how the opportunity is at hand for us to win. We’ll explore the biology of consciousness and the tactics being used to control it. He continues more in the second hour, explaining how we can free up mental and emotional energy to break through the barriers inhibiting conscious evolution and that by taking back our minds and changing the way we think, we can restore our connection with Nature and the Divine.

Phil Stanford - White House Call Girl
September 27, 2013
Phil Stanford is a true crime writer with a special interest in political corruption. His work has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the Washington Post, Rolling Stone, and Columbia Journalism Review. He has worked as a magazine editor and a licensed private investigator, and was a columnist for the Oregonian and the Portland Tribune. As a journalist, Stanford is best known for his continuing work on the 1989 murder/cover-up of Oregon Corrections director Michael Francke. His 1994 Oregonian series on the "Happy Face Killer" case resulted in two innocent people being released from prison. Phil joins us to discuss his latest book, White House Call Girl, the real story behind the infamous 1972 Watergate break-in. Heidi Rikan was an ex-stripper, working for the mob in Washington D.C. White House Call Girl tells how a call girl operation she was running at the time led to the Watergate break-in, which brought down Tricky Dick Nixon himself. Many of the book's most important revelations are, in fact, based on Stanford's recent discovery of Heidi's little black book – showing the full spectrum of connections from the criminal dark underworld to football players all the way up to the sleazy criminal politicians in Washington D.C.

Neil Kramer - The Journey of Divine Will & The Path of the Introvert
September 25, 2013
Neil Kramer is a British philosopher and teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism. From 2006 to 2011, Kramer published essays, writings, audio interviews, and videos on his blog "The Cleaver." In May 2012, his book "The Unfoldment" was published. In the first hour, Neil explains his philosophy of authentic living and examining what's important. We'll discuss the importance of being self directed in a polarized "machine culture," forcing us to choose between the mind or the heart. He elaborates on divine will and explains why society denies it. Those not exercising divine will become spellbound, subservient subjects. We also discuss the importance of the introspective, introverted lifestyle. In the member's hour, we discuss further what happens to a society when divine will is suppressed. Neil speaks more on the contemplative, introverted lifestyle and living between the external and internal worlds. The hour ends on connecting to our core essence and bringing about divine will.

Anthony Peake - The Infinite Mindfield: The Mystery of Consciousness
September 23, 2013
Anthony Peake grew up near Liverpool, England. He studied sociology and history at the University of Warwick before attending the London School of Economics. Prior to becoming a full-time science writer, he was a management consultant in the human resources industry. He is the author of several books and probably best known for his fascinating theory, which he terms Cheating the Ferryman. It suggests a new approach to the nature of consciousness and its relationship with the external world. His previous titles include The Daemon, The Labyrinth of Time, Is There Life after Death? and Out of Body Experiences. In this program, we discuss his latest book, The Infinite Mindfield. Peake delves into what many scientists believe to be the thorniest problem, namely how does the material substance of the brain give rise to the ethereal self-awareness we all experience? Peake says that when you look at things like the science of quantum mechanics or the astonishing properties of DNA, you can't help but realize that everything is driven by consciousness. He says that our understanding of our own mind is very limited, yet we have materialistic scientists drawing conclusions based on this limited understanding. In the second hour, we go deeper into some of the fundamental philosophical questions. We discuss epistemology, promissory materialism and the practice of self-observance as a means to perfect our own awareness.

Frater X - The Secret War on Human Consciousness
September 20, 2013
Frater X is an author of both speculative fiction and critical research. He is a lecturer of esoteric philosophies, occult sciences and mystery traditions and a member of 9 different esoteric orders including the Knights Templar, Knight Masons, Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill, Masonic Rosicrucians and the Ancient Order of Druids. Frater X is considered a prolific analyst and commentator among his Masonic peers. In the first hour, we discuss the war on human perception. Is war human nature? Is it natural or unnatural the way humans organize and strive for resources? Then, Frater X puts forth his view on how the US military was born and rose up to be. He'll also talk about how the war on human consciousness uses the compulsory schooling system and requires the homogenization of humanity. In the second hour, Frater X presents ideas on how to break free of control. He expands on VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System), Philip K. Dick's gnostic vision of one aspect of God. He'll speak about reconnecting with life on a deep level, finding the sacred in everyday life and exercising free will. Later, we discuss non-compliance through creative expression.

Neil Sanders - The Dark Art of Mind Control
September 16, 2013
Neil Sanders holds an MA in Film Studies, studied Psychology and Media Production and is a qualified hypnotherapist. Neil is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years. He is the author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volumes one and two. In the first hour, we'll discuss mind control in its various forms, prevalent today. Neil explains how Brain-washing in Red China, a book by Edward Hunter laid the foundation for the Manchurian candidate. We'll talk about mind control used in politics to form public opinion. Neil also talks about cultivation theory, a social theory which examines the long-term effects of television and how the more time people spend "living" in the television world, the more likely they are to believe social reality portrayed on television. Then, we'll discuss B.F. Skinner's box, cognitive dissonance and how are thoughts are not our own. In the member's hour, we'll get into the dark art of mind control and its application by military and government intelligence agencies. Sanders makes ties into the hippy movement, LSD, MK Ultra, the CIA and Frank Olsen. He also addresses the close relationship between the military and the musicians of the 60's.

Charles Eisenstein - Sacred Economics
September 13, 2013
Charles Eisenstein graduated from Yale University with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy. Most of his early twenties were spent in Taiwan where he learned Chinese and worked as a translator. He educated himself in Eastern spiritual traditions and read a lot of books on health, nutrition, globalization, physics, and biology. In his late twenties he entered into a long period of intensifying crisis. His professional work became intolerable and after this, Charles entered a long period of searching. This crisis forced him to let go of a "life under control" and in his helplessness he discovered a generous universe that has always met his needs, somehow, in unexpected ways. He's spent time teaching yoga, learning about herbs, and teaching at Penn State's department of Science, Technology, and Society. We'll discuss his book Sacred Economics and the ideas behind it including economy, monetary systems human nature, climatism, competition, laws and government.

David Livingstone - Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age
September 11, 2013
David Livingstone has been researching the hidden aspects of history for the last 25 years, resulting in three books. David's approach to history is to dare to consider those areas often dismissed by scholars as the subject of cranks, but to investigate these matters with the utmost scholarly rigor. The results are works that expose many neglected areas of history. David returns to discuss themes from his latest book, Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age. David will discuss how the Muslim brotherhood is a tool used for American policy, ultimately helping to bring in a new world order. In the first hour, David talks about the disconnections in the Islamic world as the true religion is misinterpreted and buried intentionally. Then we'll discuss Muslim brotherhood propaganda with ties that lead to the Rockefellers. We also discuss the connections of the Protocols of Zion to the Memphis-Mizraim rite of Freemasonry and the creation of Sabbatai Zevi's messiahship by the Rosicrucians. David explains how Rosicrucian legend is at the core of the Kabbalah, freemasonry and the occult revival while the roots of Rosicrucian legend originated from Shambhala and Asian shamanism. In the second hour, David speaks about the basis of the Islamic way. We'll talk about multiculturalism and anti-European sentiment. Next, he discusses Synarchism, origins of fascism and the ultimate goal of the elite to fulfill Biblical prophecy. Later, we hear his opinion about the fabrication of the UFO mythos by occultists.

William Engdahl - Doomsday Food & The Business of Eugenics
September 9, 2013
William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics have been translated into 14 foreign languages. After earning a degree in politics from Princeton University, and graduate study in comparative economics at Stockholm University, he worked as an economist and investigative freelance journalist in New York and Europe. In this program, we discuss William's book Seeds of Destruction in which he outlines the dark agenda to take control of the global food supply. He'll talk about who the players are and how they have created the green movement to get the job done. Before Monsanto and Syngenta were formed, the Rockefeller Foundation together with The Ford Foundation and DuPont/Pioneer were instrumental in turning agriculture into agribusiness. The latest move in their plan has been to set up the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, also known as the Doomsday Vault. Engdahl explains how philanthropists like Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet have been involved in donating large amounts of money to this project. Do they know something we don't? Finally William connects the dots between depopulation, eugenics and the conspiracy to control the world's food production.

Roundtable - Man's Genesis & The Future Direction of Humanity
September 6, 2013
Robert Schoch (Geologist, Geophysicist, Author), Robert Bauval (Egyptologist, Author) Marie D Jones (Author, Researcher), Laird Scranton (Author, Researcher, Cosmologist), Micah Hanks (Author, Researcher, Futurist), Scotty Roberts (Author, Researcher, Publisher) and John Ward (Archaeologist) come together for a special roundtable. In the first hour, we discuss human civilizations of the past including their knowledge of natural cycles, messages within mythology, paralleling ancient mysteries and various human fossils. What can we learn from the past and what is our place in the universe? In the second hour, we go deeper to discuss the future direction of humanity and the current modern view of being separate from the natural world. Can a modern society, highly dependent on technology, integrate into the natural world? We'll discuss the modern notion of "progress" and how future technology may end humanity as we know it. Schoch reminds us that in the past, big extinctions have followed after a civilization has reached the peak of their evolution. We end on the idea of outside assistance both in the past and in the present.

Joseph Atwill & Ryan Gilmore - Religious Mind Control, Ancient Warfare & Modern Conflicts
September 4, 2013
Joseph Atwill is an independent scholar who has set the world of New Testament scholarship in a new direction. In his book "Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus," Atwill outlines the series of events in Jesus' ministry that are parallels with the events of the battle campaign of Titus Flavius as recorded by Josephus Flavius in "War of the Jews." Numerous scholars had noticed the parallels between the Gospels and Josephus' work before, but Atwill is the first to notice that all the parallels take place in exact sequence and draw a revolutionary conclusion. Also joining in is Ryan Gilmore who is behind the upcoming event Covert Messiah - Is Christianity the Genesis of Modern Psychological Warfare? We'll discuss how Christianity, the mind control program of the Imperial Cult, has shaped our world to what it is today. The ancient war between Rome and Judea still rages today. Most people do not understand who the players are or that they are targets in this age old story of revenge. In our second hour, we continue to outline the history of the conflict and the nature of the war. We speak about mind control, the sexual revolution and MK Ultra. Joseph and Ryan describe how pacification through religion has led to neo-feudalism. The play pen which we've been given has shaped our minds, our thought process and our concept of history. We end on comparing Shakespeare's work to the Bible. Joseph contends that Shakespeare's work is a "reply" to the bible as they contain the same typology.

William Engdahl - War in Syria & Manufactured Conflicts
September 2, 2013
William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics - the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography - have been translated into 14 foreign languages. Born in Minnesota, William Engdahl grew up in Texas. After earning a degree in politics from Princeton University, and graduate study in comparative economics at Stockholm University, he worked as an economist and investigative freelance journalist in New York and Europe. William will discuss the serious situation in Syria and the underlying reasons behind the expansion of the empire into yet another Middle Eastern country. He explains how a radicalized version of Islam has been created and used to manage the war on terror. Engdahl describes the dire situation in Europe, with mass immigration and radicalized Islam, causing much conflict and internal struggle. Finally, he outlines the bigger geopolitical chessboard and where he sees the pieces moving if a greater strike on Syria is initiated.

Suzanne Venker - The War on Men
August 30, 2013
Suzanne Venker has written extensively about politics, parenting, and the influence of feminism on American society for more than a decade. In her former life, she was a middle/high school teacher. Suzanne is the author of three books-How to Choose a Husband and Make Peace With Marriage (February 2013), The Flipside of Feminism (2011), and 7 Myths of Working Mothers (2004)- and one Kindle single: The War on Men (February 2013). She is also on the board of directors at The Center for Marriage Policy. She is a regular guest on The John Gibson Radio Show and a frequent contributor to Fox News. Her work has been published in the New York Post, St. Louis Post-Dispatch,, Human Events, and many others. She has appeared on The View, Fox & Friends, Fox's former Dayside with Linda Vester,, CNN with Carol Lin, C-Span, and Canadian and Australian news outlets—as well as hundreds of radio shows throughout the country. In this interview, we'll discuss The War on Men. Suzanne talks about how over the last four decades, America has witnessed a profound change in marriage and gender relations. As a result, women pursue independence in a way that was previously unimaginable. In addition, technological advances and an economic boom have changed the way people live, work, and communicate. Suzanne explains how modern feminism, with its relentless talk of hapless housewives, female empowerment, and gender role reversal, has severed the bond between the sexes, pitting men and women against one another. She addresses the myth of gender equality. We'll talk about how men today have no respect for women and vice versa. Marriage has turned into a competition rather than a partnership and dating is defunct. She points out how young children and demanding careers are incompatible as women today outsource the care of their children. Today's modern woman wraps her identity up in her job rather than her family. She discusses how insulting it is to suggest that all women lived miserable lives previous to the feminist movement. Yet today the majority of women still choose family and marriage over work. Later, she talks about a mind shift to end the war on men.
