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RIR Oct 26 2008 Niki Raapana - The Anti Communitarian League

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CommentNiki Raapana who's behind the "Anti Communitarian League" and co author of "2020: Our Common Destiny" joins us to discuss the communitarian philosophy and ideology, the Hegelian dialectic, globalism, individuality, liberty, the emerging global government. We begin to define some terms and get into how Niki began her research. Topic Discussed: Amitai Etzioni, the Communitarian Network, Surveillance, Martin Buber, Community Law, Economics, efficiency, the Earth Charter, 19th & 20th century philosophy, the Fabian society, Beatrice and Sydney Webb, Communism, Knights of Malta, Castro, the fake left and the fake right, NAFTA, CAFTA, land garbs and much more. We continue our conversation with Niki Raapana and dive deeper into the Communitarian Ideology. We talk about land grabs and ask the question if there is anywhere to go if you don't want to be a part of the system? We discuss Agenda 21, Vision 2020, Corporate Crocks, Economic Freedom, Depopulation, the European Union, the Lisbon Treaty, Political Correctness, the Global Village, the Community Police, Property, "Big Mother", Empire, Words, Environment, "Sustainable development", the New Age, the current financial situation, the UN and much more. Don't miss this excellent continuation with Niki Raapana. ...
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2008.10.31 16:00
Info Hasha8f00afbd206b4d155c88f2ab47fd7ceeac1a1d1
NameRIR_Oct_26_2008_Niki Raapana - The Anti Communitarian League
Node ID7960
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces677
Piece Length64 KiB
Size42.27 MiB