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RIR-fe10 08 John Lash - Gnosticism & Abrahamic Religion Artificial Technomania of the Archons

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Very good info, at least the Archons and Gnostisism connection!

Research and author John Lamb Lash joins us to discuss his book "Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief". We begin to talk about Gnosticism, the origins of the Gnostic Texts, who've done the translation? We move on talking about the Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We focus on Christianity and talk about the Saviour Complex and God's need for a Sacrifice. Topics Discussed: Religion, Manipulation, Elaine Pagels, Nag Hammâdi, Translation Problems, Dead Sea Scrolls, The Gnostics, Yahweh; The schizoid God and much more.

The continuation of our interview with John Lash is a program you MUST HEAR! Join us for a very exciting and important programs as we discuss the subject of the Archons. What/Who are they? What do they want? What's their Purpose? Are people under the influence of the Archons today? Are our Technological development and the creations of a 'syntheic/ simulated world' or 'computer generated illusion' part of the Archons trickery to turn us away from the Earth and our connection to nature? Are the Transhumanists manipulated/influenced by the Archons? Topics Discussed: The Gnostic Theoory of Alien Intrusion, Roswell, 1947, The Grey's, Technology, AI and Robots, Do the Archons want to incarnate in bodies here on Earth? DNA, The Archon X prize of Genomics, HAL; the Coptic word for "simulation" and much more.