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Richard Sauder - Underground Bases and Tunnels (1995)
Do secret, underground government installations exist? The answer is absolutely, positively - yes. They are real. In 1987, Lloyd A. Duscha, the Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, gave a speech entitled "Underground Facilities for Defense -- Experience and Lessons." In the first paragraph of his talk he referred to the underground construction theme of the conference at which he was speaking and then stated: "I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified." Mr. Duscha subsequently launched into a discussion of the Corps' involvement, back in the 1960s, in the construction of the large NORAD underground base beneath Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado (See Chapter 3 for a more detailed discussion of the NORAD installation). And then he said: "As stated earlier, there are other projects of similar scope, which I cannot identify, but which included multiple chambers up to 50 feet wide and 100 feet high using the same excavation procedures mentioned for the NORAD facility." I submit that you will probably not find a more honest admission anywhere by a military officer that the Pentagon has, in fact, constructed secret underground installations. Given such an explicit admission, within the context of the paper trail that the military has left over the last 35 years (set out in this book in considerable detail), and the stories that I have heard from other individuals, I consider it an absolute certainty that the military has constructed secret underground facilities in the United States, above and beyond the approximately one dozen "known" underground facilities listed elsewhere in this book. Just a few of the many places where these underground facilities are alleged to be are: Ft. Belvoir, Virginia (home of the Army Corps of Engineers); West Point, New York (site of the Army's officer training academy); Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base, in southern California; Groom Lake or Area S-4, on or near Nellis Air Force Base, in southern Nevada; White Sands Army Missile Range, New Mexico; under Table Mountain, just north of Boulder, Colorado; under Mount Blackmore in southwestern Montana and near Pipestone Pass, just south of Butte, Montana. I would be glad to hear from individuals with information about any of these alleged facilities.
Sauder's book is the best and, as far as I know, only book on the rather important subject of high-tech, super-expensive bases, with their connecting tunnel systems. Sauder's specialty is researching and obtaining U.S. Government documents. What he found out under the subject of underground bases and tunnels is shocking! Packed with government diagrams and patents, this is a one-of-a-kind book!
specs: 4 hours, 56 kbps VBR, MP3, Mac computer voice Daniel
Richard Sauder - Underground Bases and Tunnels _ 1995 v1.pdf