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1. Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) Course
BOTA is a mystery school based out of Los Angeles, California. Members receive lessons covering subjects such as self-awareness, esoteric psychology, Tarot, Qabalah, Astrology, and meditation techniques.
The complete mail order course involves between 13-15 years of dedicated study. The Tarot portion is generally considered the most in depth training available on the subject. The symbolic systems of Tarot are explained as representing parts of the Self; a more reasoned approach than the traditional throwing of Tarot cards to predict future events.
Dr. Paul Foster Case, a 33° freemason, was expelled from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn by Moina Mathers in 1922. Case had begun discussing sex magick; a topic which was frowned upon by Mathers and fell outside the Order curriculum. In addition, members complained about a personal relationship between Case and a soror, Lilli Geise. Case went on to establish Builders of the Adytum after resigning his position as Praemonstrator and abandoning his lucrative musical career. After his death in 1954, his colleague, Dr. Ann Davies, extended his published work and initiated an international expansion of the Order.
Some materials covering theoretical and practical work:
BOTA 1 - Seven Steps in Practical Occultism
BOTA 2 - Introduction to Tarot
BOTA 3 - Tarot Fundamentals
BOTA 4 - Developing Supersensory Powers
BOTA 5 - Tarot Interpretation
BOTA - Hebrew Letter Workbook
Paul Foster Case - The Correlation of Sound and Color
Paul Foster Case - The Secret Doctrine of the Tarot
Paul Foster Case - Introduction to the Study of the Tarot
Paul Foster Case - 32 Paths of Wisdom
Paul Foster Case - Life Power
Paul Foster Case - The Book of Tokens
2. Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek(pdf + med. mp3)
All over the planet Drunvalo Melchizedek is known and immensely loved as a great spiritual teacher. Through workshops and books he brought his vision of the Flower of Life and the Mer-Ka-Ba to the world. Now, based on his latest series of workshops, he shares his experiences of living in the sacred space within the heart, and he explains the processes and techniques he uses to enter this space. Join him and be part of the large group of people who have found the joy of living in the space where you and God are one.
"Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our heart.
What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind? Don’t I know this world where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens? Yes, I do.
But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are. You are more than a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious cocreation. If you give me permission, I will show what has been shown to me." – Drunvalo Melchizedek
3. The Controversial Cauldron
Litha/Summer Solstice 2008
Lammas/Lughnassadh 2008
Mabon/Autumn Equinox 2008
Samhain/Halloween 2008
Yule/Winter Solstice 2008
Imbolc/Candlemas 2009
Ostara/The Spring Equinox 2009
4. Handbook of Hindu Mythology (Handbooks of World Mythology) - Daniel Smith 2001
Unlike many other ancient mythologies, Hinduism thrives in the modern world. One billion followers and countless others have been captivated by its symbolic representations of love, karma, and reincarnation.
Handbook of Hindu Mythology offers an informative introduction to this dauntingly complex mythology of multifaceted deities, lengthy heroic tales, and arcane philosophies-all with a 3,000-year history of reinterpretations and adaptations. Williams offers a number of pathways by which to approach Hinduism's ever-changing gods and goddesses (e.g., Brahma, Vishnu, Siva), spiritual verses (such as the vedas), secular epics (including the Ramayana and the Mahabharata), myths within myths, devotional and esoteric traditions, psychic and yogic disciplines, and magical practices. With this handbook, readers can explore the history of Hindu mythology, follow a detailed timeline of key episodes and historical events, and look up specific elements of historical or contemporary Hinduism in a beautifully illustrated reference work. It is the ideal introduction to the origins of Hinduism, the culture that shaped it from antiquity to the present, and the age-old stories, ideas, and traditions that speak to the human condition as eloquently today as ever.
Including annotated bibliographies, a glossary of cultural and mythological terms, and numerous illustrations, here is a gold mine of information on Hindu mythology.
5. World Executive Wall Map Enlarged & Laminated (World Maps) Natl Geographic Society Maps 2006
This elegant, richly colored antique-style world map features the incredible cartographic detail that is the trademark quality of National Geographic. The map features a Tripel Projection, which reduces distortion of land masses as they near the poles. Corner inset maps feature vegetation and land use, and population density. Winner of the 2001 Premier Print Award from Printing Industries of America for unique ability to create visual masterpieces. Winner of the 2002 Best Reference Map from the American Congress on Surveying & Mapping.
Scale: 1:22,445,000. Enlarged and laminated 73 x 49 inches (approx).
6. The Heavens Wall Map- Laminated / Natl Geographic Society Maps 1998
The stars of earth's night sky seem to hang like tranquil lanterns, filling us with wonder. They inspire great works of art, and tempt our imaginations into creating stories and myths from the shapes we see. The Heavens shows star charts and constellations for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. All 2,844 of the stars on the chart, plus nebulae and star clusters, can be seen with the unaided eye, making this chart a perfect companion for viewing the night sky.
7. Magic book collection
10 amazing routines using the dynamic coins gimmick.pdf
110 amazing magic tricks with everyday objects - marvin's ma.pdf
a. roterberg - later day tricks.pdf
al baker & co - our mysteries.pdf
aldo colombini - magnetic.pdf
aldo colombini - pre-deckability.pdf
aldo colombini - the band - 13 new effects with cards & rubb.pdf
alex elmsley - nfw.pdf
aliun levitation.pdf
anders moden - healed & sealed soda.pdf
andrew mayne - bisection.pdf
andrew mayne - head twister.pdf
andrew mayne - making money with magic .pdf
andrew mayne - pocket sawing in half.pdf
andrew mayne - spike through tongue.pdf
andrew mayne - three steps to dramatic magic.pdf
andrew mayne - touching the sky.pdf
andrew mayne - x-ray specs.pdf
annemann - 202 methods of forcing.pdf
annemann - annemann's card miracles.pdf
annemann - buried treasure.pdf
annemann - card miracles.pdf
annemann - mental miracles.pdf
annemann - mental mysteries (1).pdf
annemann - mental mysteries.pdf
balloon sculpture.pdf
bar tricks - beer bottle magic trick.pdf
card levitation learn to levitate a card.pdf
cesaral melting point.pdf
coffee to coins magic trick.pdf
coin mind reading.pdf
dai vernon - a chinese classic.pdf
dai vernon - card of gods.pdf
dai vernon - expert card technique (the lost chapters).pdf
dai vernon - trick that cannot be explained.pdf
dan garrett - closeup connivery - vol 2.pdf
dan harlan - creativity in 9 steps.pdf
dan harlan - datetrick.pdf
dan harlan - hover card.pdf
daniel garcia - greed.pdf
daniel garcia - scatter.pdf
daniel garcia next notes.pdf
david blaine's magic revealed.pdf
david copperfield - floating rose - explanation.pdf
david copperfield - laser pen illusion.pdf
david copperfield - magic revealed.pdf
david copperfield - misled.pdf
david ginn - almost unpublished.pdf
david goldblatt - ventriloquism.pdf
david stone - basic coin magic 2 - dvd cover.pdf
david williamson - how magic works.pdf
docc hilford - cards cairo.pdf
docc hilford - cellular mitosis.pdf
docc hilford - center tear.pdf
docc hilford - fem fatale.pdf
docc hilford - mephisto's journey.pdf
docc hilford - sideshow.pdf
docc hilford - the ball & tube.pdf
docc hilford - the cassandra deck.pdf
ed marlo - miracle card change.pdf
edward marlo - false riffle shuffle in one shuffle.pdf
edward marlo - marlo's roughed stripper deck.pdf
edward marlo - the cardician - index.pdf
eugene burger - audience involvement lecture.pdf
eugene burger - collected essays.pdf
eugene burger - the secrets of restaurant magic.pdf
extreme (street) magic.pdf
floating bill and small objects levitation.pdf
frank r wallace - neocheating.pdf
goshman - multiplying sponge balls.pdf
gregory wilson - hundy 500.pdf
harry houdini - miracle mongers and their methods.pdf
houdini torture cell.pdf
illusions and mental phenomena vol 1.pdf
j.h. burlingame - tricks in magic.pdf
jay sankey - best of vol 1.pdf
jay sankey - cut here.pdf
jay sankey - dough.pdf
jay sankey - four seasons.pdf
jay sankey - magic of jay sankey.pdf
jay sankey - wrap it up.pdf
jeff ezell - close-up & parlor magic lecture notes.pdf
john carney - prediction carneycopia (center tear).pdf
john cornelius - fickle nickle.pdf
john williams - ezy magic fun book.pdf
learn sponge balls.pdf
lee asher card magic like the asher twist pulp friction catc.pdf
levitation library.pdf
liesbeth ketel - coin tricks.pdf
life skills - magic - david blaine - levitation.pdf
lou gallo - incredible cards & coins.pdf
magic - totaly impromptu deck levitation effect.pdf
magic tricks - the fruit machine code.pdf
magic tricks 110 page ebook.pdf
magic tricks for the beginning magician.pdf
marc desouza - die of destiny.pdf
marc spelmann - glimpse.pdf
matt beadle - advanced cups and balls.pdf
matt beadle - cups and balls explained.pdf
michael ammar - 3rd world lecture notes.pdf
michael ammar - albo card.pdf
michael ammar - fourth world lecture tour.pdf
michael ammar - the crazy man's handcuffs.pdf
mike bent's - zero gravity levitation.pdf
mind reading for fun and profit.pdf
money magic.pdf
paper magic - houdini.pdf
party magic tricks.pdf
paul daniels - how to make money by magic - 02.pdf
paul daniels - how to make money by magic - 05.pdf
paul daniels - how to make money by magic - 06.pdf
paul harris - buck naked.pdf
paul osborne - the black book - 105 where is she.pdf
pencil manipulation.pdf
pickpocketing - eddie joseph.pdf
r. paul wilson - absolute zero evolution.pdf
r. paul wilson - boxed transpo.pdf
r. paul wilson - double your pleasure.pdf
r. paul wilson - in slow effect.pdf
r. paul wilson - ricochet(1).pdf
r. paul wilson - ricochet.pdf
r. paul wilson - takingthem easy.pdf
r. paul wilson completely crowded.pdf
richard osterlind - the business of magic.pdf
richard robinson - the easy sponge ball act.pdf
robert anue hypnotic card deck.pdf
rope magic.pdf
ross jeffries - magick and psychic influence.pdf
scott guinn - great scott's cups and balls routine.pdf
scott guinn - table-hopping cups and balls.pdf
senor mardo - magic for bartenders.pdf
simon aronson - the linking ring 2002 cover story.pdf
simon lovell - pen thru tongue.pdf
simon lovell - second to none illustrations.pdf
simon lovell -1- second to none.pdf
slydini - flight of the paper balls.pdf
stars of magic - john scarne - classic ball routine.pdf
stars of magic - john scarne - triple coincidence.pdf
steve fearson - card in ceiling.pdf
steve fearson - easy float.pdf
steve fearson - fearson's aces.pdf
steve fearson - floating cigarette.pdf
steve fearson - insertion template.pdf
steve fearson - insertion.pdf
steve fearson - repop.pdf
steve fearson - self levitation box.pdf
steve fearson - station manager.pdf
steve fearson - the secret knowledge.pdf
steve fearson - the source (making invisible thread & wax).pdf
steve fearson - thumbthing templates.pdf
steve fearson - thumbthing.pdf
steve fearson - video vision.pdf
the art & meaning of magic.pdf
the magic library - theo annemann - annemann's mental myster.pdf
the marlo miracle.pdf
thomas henry - one man parade - the linking ring.pdf
tin pusher - making the floating match effect.pdf
topit plans.pdf - matrix.pdf
troy hooser - extroydinary.pdf
will blyth - paper magic.pdf
zero gravity (self-levitation).pdf