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Reptilian - The Cult of the Serpent

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What do the following names all have in common: Dennis Brunnell, Stan Deyo, William Cooper, Bill
Hamilton, Val Valerian,'Commander X' and Robert Lazar? They all allege that the following scenario is a
reality... Ever since the so-called "end" of the NASA moon shots the U.S. "secret" government has been
involved in cover manned space exploration of this solar system utilizing super-advanced technologies which
are so revolutionary that the secret government has chosen to tell the public little or nothing about it. Some of
these sources even claim that an inner core of this "secret government" have in the past worked hand-in-claw
with a race of hominoid-sauroid reptilian beings who have given these human "elite" technology and power
(over their fellow man) in exchange for certain powers and influences which this secret government or
"serpent cult" gave these alien beings over the masses of humanity. There are allegedly other human groups,
native to earth and much more ancient, who left this planet in ancient times after obtaining similar
technologies. Some of these ancient and modern groups "sold out" to this alien race in exchange for
technology (as in the case of the so-called MIB's or Men In Black), while others developed such technologies
of their own initiative (as in the case of many of the human "alien" races who are often referred to as the
As for the covert space operations that are being carried out by various top-secret organizations within the
U.S. government, they are based on a combination of "alien" technology recovered from numerous
crash-retrievals of aerial disks, while other aspects are based on prototype and state-of-the-art
Military-Industrial technologies developed by well-known U.S. companies. These advanced technologies
include anti-gravity generators and electromagnetic propulsion systems and massive top-secret space efforts
which have largely been financed through deception and through hundreds of billions of dollars which have
generously (although unknowingly) been provided via 'Black' budgets by hard-working American taxpayers.
Dennis Brunnell, a 33rd degree Mason and a Grandmaster in the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) had become
"dis-illusioned" by the Illuminati's present activities. Originally believing that the Illuminati was a mystic
lodge designed to illuminate one into mystical heights of ascended awareness, he eventually learned that such
metaphysical talk was just so much hot air designed to gain the willing assistance of lower-ranking "lodge"
members, who were unknowingly being manipulated into serving the hypocritical, self- seeking and
self-serving imperialistic goals of a relatively small inner core of "illumined" members.
Some years ago a man by the name of John Todd, a member of a family who were high-level and
generational members of a druidic witchcraft cult, alleged that through his occult contacts he was chosen to
be initiated into a deep-level Illuminati lodge. He claimed that in doing so he had to "unlearn" much of the
wiccan philosophies which he was taught at a young age. These occult teachings were merely a means, he
soon found out, of this inner core of initiates to control the lower ranks of the lodge. This inner core, which
consisted of 13 individuals, were (he claims) THE LEADERS of all the large wiccan/witchcraft organizations
AS WELL AS the leaders of World Freemasonry. These men controlled BOTH movements from their lofty
positions, along with much of the world's drug trafficking, and had powerful influence in world economic
and political movements. Mr. Todd soon learned that this inner core were continually fearful that the
lower-ranking members of the occult societies would turn against "them" if the lower members ever found
out that this inner council were merely using these "lower pawns" to increase their own wealth and their
god-like power and authority over the rest of humanity. The Rothschilds of London, he also learned, were at
the very heart of this conspiracy, along with the Jesuits in Rome. The Rothschilds were considered to be
"human gods" by many occultists and,according to Mr. Todd, were in constant communication with
"Lucifer", who they themselves considered to be god. There are also indications, as we will give later in these
texts, that they were/are also in contact with the serpent race as well, which would make them an integral part
of the "serpent cult".