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Remote Viewing ESP Telepathy Training multimedia
1. Definitions:
a. Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psycho-energetic perception. A term coined by SRI-International and defined as “the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time.”
b. Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV): The process of remote viewing using geographic coordinates for cueing or prompting.
c. Remote Viewer: Often referred to in the text simply as “viewer”, the remote viewer is a person who employs his mental faculties to perceive and obtain information to which he has no other access and of which he has no previous knowledge concerning persons, places, events, or objects separated from him by time, distance, or other intervening obstacles.
d. Monitor: The individual who assists the viewer in a remote viewing session. The monitor provides the coordinate, observes the viewer to help insure he stays in proper structure (discussed below), records relevant session information, provides appropriate feedback when required, and provides objective analytic support to the viewer as necessary. The monitor plays an especially important role in training beginning viewers.
Lyn Buchanan - Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, Basics.mp3
The Silva Method - Ultramind ESP.m4a
1985 CRV Manual.pdf
Advances in Remote Viewing Analysis.pdf
CIA Remote Viewing Manual.pdf
Joseph McMoneagle - Remote Viewing.pdf
Open Source CRV.pdf
Remote Viewing ROVs and Operators.pdf
Silva Method - Ultramind's Remote Viewing and Influencing.pdf
SRI The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual.pdf
The Controlled Remote Viewing Manual.pdf
CIA Remote Viewing Part 1 of 2 Psychic Spies.mp4
PSI - Remote Viewing.mp4
PSI Tech 3 Technical Remote Viewing Intermediate Module 1 of 4.avi
PSI Tech 4 Technical Remote Viewing Intermediate Module 2 of 4.avi
PSI Tech 5 Technical Remote Viewing Intermediate Module 3 of 4.avi
Remote Viewing the Lottery - LearnRV_com.avi
The Killshot 1.avi
The Killshot 2.avi
The Killshot Remote Viewing Trailer.avi
Nice up, props ryba777
Nice up, props ryba777