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Reichian mk-alpha and mk-delta Programming (2015)
tags: mind control, psychology, monarch, butterfly, subliminal, music, symbol, sex, mkultra, montauk
A brief explanation of how monarch mind control programming is being used to brainwash Barrack
Obama's Nazi youth brigades.
Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4, 1961) is a Lucifer worshipping 33rd degree Mason and also
the 44th and current President of the United States, and the first African American to hold the
office. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School,
where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He used to be a drug addict and a former
male homosexual prostitute, probably a victim of mkultra mind control programming, and instrumental
in setting up a totalitarian fascist world government.
For a general introduction to the topic of the new world order and the illuminati for newbies watch
"Illuminati Warning 2015.mp4" - not done by me, but still very nice. Pay special attention to the
Tomorrowland festivals mentioned there.
Now go to the picture "The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.jpg" and open it. Let's have a look at
the symbology there. What we can see, is a sexually aroused woman kissing a mannequin, next to the
mannequin you can see a predator, maybe a lioness, a female lion or whatever. In this picture both
the mannequin and the predator represent an archetype of monarch mind control programming.
Monarch mind control coupled to your sexual energy is also called "Reichian programming", originally
developed by the Wilhelm Reich. Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian
psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of
the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. He was the author of several influential
books, most notably Character Analysis (1933) and The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933). His work on
character contributed to the development of Anna Freud's The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence
(1936), and his idea of muscular armour – the expression of the personality in the way the body
moves – shaped innovations such as body psychotherapy, Fritz Perls's Gestalt therapy, Alexander
Lowen's bioenergetic analysis, and Arthur Janov's primal therapy. His writing influenced generations
of intellectuals: during the 1968 student uprisings in Paris and Berlin, students scrawled his name
on walls and threw copies of The Mass Psychology of Fascism at the police.
In Reichian programming subliminal suggestions are used to activate your sexual energy, your libido
that is your sex chakra, also called Swadhisthana chakra (see chakras.jpg). This sexual energy is
then coupled to subliminal suggestions such as "kill" or "obey". The sexual arousal opens up your
mind for being highly suggestible.
Something similar is happening with sex magic, where one creates an orgasm over a sigil. The
powerful sexual energy will then be coupled to the meaning of the sigil. This strong imprint on the
mind will make the meaning of the sigil come true, the meaning of the sigil will manifest itself on
the material plane.
A sigil (pl. sigilia or sigils; from Latin sigillum "seal") is a symbol used in magic. The term has
usually referred to a type of pictorial signature of a demon or other entity; in modern usage,
especially in the context of chaos magic, it refers to a symbolic representation of the magician's
desired outcome.
A sigil is normally made of words or letters, but you may also use sounds or spoken words to create
sigils. Symbolic sound patterns, such as subliminals loops also carry a meaning, which then may get
coupled to your sexual energy resulting in the same effect.
A symbol is an object that represents, stands for, or suggests an idea, visual image, belief,
action, or material entity. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, or visual images and
are used to convey ideas and beliefs. For example, a red octagon may be a symbol for "STOP". On a
map, a picture of a tent might represent a campsite. Numerals are symbols for numbers. Alphabetic
letters are symbols for sounds. Personal names are symbols representing individuals. A red rose
symbolizes love and compassion.
What does a mannequin represent, what does it symbolize? It symbolizes a (human) being devoid of any
personality and thus devoid of any belief or conviction. Therefore a mannequin symbolizes obedience,
it symbolizes a human having become a slave. Where there is no personality, there is no will, and
where there is no will, there is no resistance, and where there's no resistance, there's no
resistance to the new world order.
If you take a picture of a standard face and paint the iris of its eyes in white, then the face will
get a doll-like dehumanized appearance, the face will have become faceless. The illuminati want to
bring fort a faceless society of standard people with standardized thought patterns, standardized
behavior patters and standardized feelings.
Surely, the illuminati are very interested in converting as many human beings to slaves as possible,
because that's what their new world order is all about, a world system of slaves dominated by the
all seeing eye of Lucifer. Surely it isn't hard to guess that Lucifer isn't interested in your
individuality and freedom of choice. God is about freedom, Lucifer is all about slavery, of course.
Now what does this symbolic act of kissing a mannequin represent? It means that the woman in the
picture feels sexually aroused by mannequins, it symbolizes a strong identification with the
mannequin, an identification with a being devoid of any personality, the act of kissing says "that's
how I want to be, I want to be a slave".
The subliminal mental programming has resulted in a coupling between sexual energy and the desire
for obedience in the subconscious mind, to be mannequin-like, and now this wish is being
externalised by the act of kissing a mannequin doll. The behavior manifesting itself expresses
invisible psychological and neurological processes. "They will love their servitude."
Now go to the file "Justin Bieber French Kissing Mannequin 2013.mp4". Justin Bieber is one of the
well known monarch mind controlled illuminati slaves, serving as a role model of youth culture meant
to indoctrinate easily impressable young minds.
In monarch mind control, the first stage is called "alpha programming", also called "slave
programming" or "obedience programming", some call it "mannequin programming" (google Project
Subliminal messages in music will first activate your sexual energy, symbolized by the sexually
aroused woman in the picture, this energy is then coupled with suggestions, such as "I want to obey,
I love to obey, I need to obey", which will result in being sexually attracted by objects or people
symbolizing obedience such as a mannequin. Have you ever seen a mannequin that resisted your will?
In monarch mind control another level of programming is called "delta programming", which basically
creates the desire to kill, and makes you overcome any inhibitions in relation to killing people,
inhibitions created by your cultural or religious indoctrination and your Higher Self.
Subliminal suggestions used for that purpose are phrases such as "I love to kill, I need to kill, I
want to kill", and so on. Here again sexual energy is coupled to those delta subliminals, so the
mind will accept them as something positive and therefore acceptable, something you won't resist.
Who can resist the power of sexual energy?
Delta programming can be symbolized by another archetype, such as a predator which can be seen in
the picture next to the doll, another archetype.
The concept of psychological archetypes was advanced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, c. 1919.
In Jung's psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be
used to interpret observations. A group of memories and interpretations associated with an archetype
is a complex ( e.g. a mother complex associated with the mother archetype). Jung treated the
archetypes as psychological organs, analogous to physical ones in that both are morphological
constructs that arose through evolution. At the same time, it has also been observed that evolution
can itself be considered an archetypal construct.
Now go to the video named "mkalpha.m4v" and listen to what these brainwashed members of the Obama
Nazi youth brigade are uttering.
They say this: "obey alpha, obey alpha, obey alpha, obey alpha". So, obviously we are dealing with
victims of monarch alpha programming here. I wonder if they also love to kill... YOU?
Most forms of popular modern music these days contain both alpha and delta programming. These youth
brigades may just be the victims of listening to modern music making them love uttering such words,
or they may additionally have been brainwashed by their military instructors or they may have been
told to listen to special hypnosis audio files in their free time.
As a sample I have included several files (The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.m4a and 04 The
Antichrist.mp3 and others)containing both massive alpha and delta programming.
Now who is behind this evil program? Easy, just have a look at file "The Antichrist.jpg".
You don't believe in the antichrist? Good, the antichrist doesn't want you to believe he exists, he
wants you to be deceived. Only a fool would knowingly follow the antichrist. Therefore he makes you
follow him unknowingly. On the other hand, some fools out there prefer to be masters in hell rather
than servants in heaven, whatever this may mean.
Basically, next to Hollywood, the entire music industry is controlled by satan, but you've already
guessed that, haven't you? So why shouldn't he use that marvellous opportunity to program your mind?
If I was the devil, that's exactly what I would do, so why shouldn't he? The illuminati won't miss
out any opportunity for manipulating your mind. Remember: They are evil. If you will get chipped
during the next five years, then you will know that the Bible was right.
audio collection
14 heavy†black - Sleeper.m4a
Sleepers lp
Survival Delta Sleeper
Zoom on a Kill
01 For Those Who Have Been Chosen (Original Mix).mp3
audio referred to in text
The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.m4a
04 The Antichrist.mp3
mkpics collection
pics referred to in text
Justin Bieber kissing mannequin.jpg
The Antichrist.jpg
The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.jpg
Illuminati Warning 2015.mp4
Justin Bieber French Kissing Mannequin 2013.mp4
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Reichian mk-alpha and mk-delta Programming (2015)
tags: mind control, psychology, monarch, butterfly, subliminal, music, symbol, sex, mkultra, montauk
A brief explanation of how monarch mind control programming is being used to brainwash Barrack Obama's Nazi youth brigades.
Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4, 1961) is a Lucifer worshipping 33rd degree Mason and also the 44th and current President of the United States, and the first African American to hold the office. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review. He used to be a drug addict and a former male homosexual prostitute, probably a victim of mkultra mind control programming, and instrumental in setting up a totalitarian fascist world government.
For a general introduction to the topic of the new world order and the illuminati for newbies watch "Illuminati Warning 2015.mp4" - not done by me, but still very nice. Pay special attention to the Tomorrowland festivals mentioned there.
Now go to the picture "The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.jpg" and open it. Let's have a look at the symbology there. What we can see, is a sexually aroused woman kissing a mannequin, next to the mannequin you can see a predator, maybe a lioness, a female lion or whatever. In this picture both the mannequin and the predator represent an archetype of monarch mind control programming.
Monarch mind control coupled to your sexual energy is also called "Reichian programming", originally developed by the Wilhelm Reich. Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. He was the author of several influential books, most notably Character Analysis (1933) and The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933). His work on character contributed to the development of Anna Freud's The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence (1936), and his idea of muscular armour – the expression of the personality in the way the body moves – shaped innovations such as body psychotherapy, Fritz Perls's Gestalt therapy, Alexander Lowen's bioenergetic analysis, and Arthur Janov's primal therapy. His writing influenced generations of intellectuals: during the 1968 student uprisings in Paris and Berlin, students scrawled his name on walls and threw copies of The Mass Psychology of Fascism at the police.
In Reichian programming subliminal suggestions are used to activate your sexual energy, your libido that is your sex chakra, also called Swadhisthana chakra (see chakras.jpg). This sexual energy is then coupled to subliminal suggestions such as "kill" or "obey". The sexual arousal opens up your mind for being highly suggestible.
audio collection
14 heavy†black - Sleeper.m4a
Sleepers lp
Survival Delta Sleeper
Zoom on a Kill
01 For Those Who Have Been Chosen (Original Mix).mp3
audio referred to in text
The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.m4a
04 The Antichrist.mp3
mkpics collection
pics referred to in text
Justin Bieber kissing mannequin.jpg
The Antichrist.jpg
The Handler and the Butterfly Slave.jpg
Illuminati Warning 2015.mp4
Justin Bieber French Kissing Mannequin 2013.mp4
Torrent downloaded from
Torrent downloaded from
Torrent downloaded from
erm... not according to many masonic websites.
and before you say ''oh but they woulds say that!!!"... freemasonry in general cannot WAIT to tell you who the famous freemasons are and "claim' then to their order as members.
This site even tell you the story of how the rumour evolved!
and finally here a google search for famous freemasonsif someone is famous, and a freemason then you can bet yer last penny safely a lodge website will gladly boast about them being a brother... no such page claiming Obama exists....
only anti-masonic website have that story and it's explained above
Reichian nonsense
the poster evidently knows little of Reich, his work on release of character armor, or his opposition to fascist control. I had 5 years Reichian body work from Israel Regardie, who had been secretary to Aleister Crowley! (now this factoid alone should propel the fanatical paranoid into paroxysms of delusions about "agents of Lucifer."!!)
What Regardie saw was a parade of would be "magicians" who practiced various occult arts, and generated some power, which turned them into major assholes. He determined that one should spend serious time FIRST trying to clear up their personality, so that if they did manage to amplify their personal mojo later, their ego wouldn't be monstrously exaggerated.
He investigated Jungian tek first, saw it was mostly wishful thinking based on dream work. Then he tried Reichian work from a man who studied under Reich himself. This broke thru many personal obstructions. so he trained in this and came a practitioner. Humorously enough his neighbors were Jungian therapists, who would come to see Regardie for their own work!
Yes Regardie wrote books on the OTO and that whole mumbo-jumbo magick path. He was a very level headed guy. One can learn a lot from people who have travelled for a while with various "occult" crowds)
In short, the body work is slow and patient, the therapist does not lay in subliminal messages. Character armoring is childhood trauma which is imprinted into the musculature and cells. It is non-verbal, cannot be gotten at by dream work, talk therapy, affirmations. Thru deep breathing the system is charged with energy and this brings the frozen pattern to the surface, where it is massaged out over many sessions. Repressed vitality is released and you feel fucking great. It's a progressive work, band by band of deadened body areas released.
Maybe there are some whackos who call their implant work Reichian, but frankly I don't see it. Spin-offs like Primal Scream and other "short cuts" are irresponsible crap imho.