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Radio Energy Weapons - Conspiracy Con (2009)
1) Electronic Harassment, Surveillance, Police State - Roger Tolces _ Conspiracy Con _ 2009.mp4
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331.34 kbits/s
by Roger Tolces, Private Investigator, Advanced Electronic Security Co.
Private investigator Roger Tolces speaks at the Conspiracy Con, 2009, about the Patriot Act, the NSA, illegal government surveillance, and his experience with clients who report U.S. government electronic harassment via microchip implants and directed energy weapons.
2) Coast to Coast AM - 2011-02-22 - Electronic Harassment & Warfare
Date: 02-22-2011
Host: George Noory
Guests: Fred Bell, Mitch Battros
Scientist and innovator Dr. Fred Bell discussed reports of electronic harassment and holographic warfare technology. Electronic harassment comes in a variety of forms-- it can be imposed surveillance of people's belongings or surroundings, sabotaging of computers, directed high energy devices, as well as voice/data imaging, in which voices are beamed into a person's head.
The symptoms of electronic harassment include unusual forgetfulness, suicidal & homicidal thoughts, panic attacks, depression, and paranoia, he detailed. In some cases, he continued, it can include the stoppage of power to appliances, movement of objects that might fall of a shelf and break, and computer failures and problems. One type of attack, he said, is carried out by "confusion weaponry" which uses frequencies or impulses to disrupt thoughts. He cited an LA newscaster who garbled her words in a live report, as possibly being a target of the technology.
Bell also talked about the advancement of satellites, which can knock things out of the sky with EMP pulses. Law enforcement is developing devices to remotely shut down the electronic ignition of cars they're chasing, he added. Victims of electronic harassment can use counteraction technology to block energy or absorb microwave radiation, he stated. One of his recent inventions is the QBAM (Quantum Biological Administrating Machine), a quantum healing device.
Earth Changes Update:
First hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros reported on the deadly New Zealand earthquake-- a shallow quake that hit in an area with soft dirt. He also made connections between recent volcanoes, solar flares, and the pole shift, citing the lessening of Earth's magnetic field.
News segment guests: Dr. Len Horowitz, Mish Shedlock
Unfortunately, microwave mind control weapons being operated from satellites are no longer a paranoid fantasy imagined by some lunatics but a scientific fact that has been proven by scientific measurements done and demonstrated by Roger himself. Roger Tolces states that he was able to detect mind control or biometric implants in over ten percent of the people he personally examined. He also makes some interesting statements concerning the credibility of Art Bell and George Noory. They may be under mind control. Oh no, they too! Personally I like George Noory but you never know...
Remember: The illuminati are trying hard not only to control the mainstream media but also alternative media channels. They're control freaks and thus they want to control "everything". If you want to control the outcome of an event then you have to control the opposition too. Ultimately one day they will realize that they have become their own worst nightmare. What do you do if you realize that you belong to something you no longer believe in? Many go along and don't quit because of naked fear. Roger seems to be one of the good guys but you have to be cautious nowadays.
Imagine you had created a few hundred thousand Monarch mind controlled slaves: Where would you put them, where would they be operating, what jobs would they have? And many don't even know who they're working for. And those who know are afraid or believe in what they're doing because they're mind controlled. Most of those Masonic rituals are pure mind control. I mean who in his right mind would knowingly work for the antichrist? These demonic slaves don't just spoil their earthly existence but also spoil what comes afterwards. They're true losers in a greater cosmic sense. Only trust those whose true authority isn't outside but inside of them, only trust those who are true individuals, truly undivided ones. If you never look outside of your own Self for an answer then you won't be deceived by the antichrist.
Me: I'm a free man!
Rothschild: Ahahahaha!
Me: He who laughs last, laughs loudest.