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Psychiatry An Industry Of Death 2006

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by The Citizens Commission on Civil Rights

This riveting presentation, two years in the making,lays bare the destruction wrought by psychiatrists upon every sector of our society. Graphic footage from archival and current films depicting psychiatrists in action, eye-opening interviews with medical experts and movng accounts from victims and their families, make this the most complete and devastating documentary of phychiartric abuse ever produced. .."Powerful and disturbing but ultimately inspirational"..Martin Whitely, Member of Parliament..." Through rare historical and contemporary footage and interviews with more than 160 doctors, attorneys, educators, survivors and experts on the mental health industry and its abuses, this riveting documentary blazes the bright light of truth on the brutal pseudoscience and the multi-billion dollar fraud that is psychiatry. The 185-foot state-of-the art "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" touring exhibits are being shown internationally in more than 30 countries, including the United States, Australia, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Russia, and South Africa. The exhibits feature display panels that incorporate 14 documentaries depicting psychiatric human rights abuses and includes interviews with health professionals, academics, legal and human rights experts, doctor, and victims of psychiatric brutalities. The exhibit and documentaries trace the origins of psychiatry; the role psychiatrists have played in the oppression of blacks and minorities, the roots of their "racial betterment" eugenics programs and the pivotal part they played in the Holocaust. It also reveals how psychiatric drugs are behind the spate of school shootings and how millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to screen schoolchildren for "mental disorders" could increase both child deaths and acts of school violence.

viewers comments:

"Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" is a must see documentary. It covers the dubious and wicked history of psychiatry, and sheds the light on psychiatric crimes against humanity. The well documented facts and the highly credible panel of experts have presented the truth in an objective and lucid manner that indicts psychiatry forever.
This documentary will leave the viewer breathless with a lasting impact on his or her mind and soul, and will expose this eroding and bogus field that sells alleged insanity for high profits.
Psyhiatry represents the ugly face of humanity!!!

Somebody is bound to hear someone say that they disagree with psychiatry.
Well, here are the facts. There is no reason here why anyone would not want somebody else to see this documentary after seeing this!
So why does CCHR and other groups oppose psychiatry? Just watch this DVD and you can see why! Here you will see psychiatrist admitting that they have no valid test for any mental disorders. Also even the man in charge of the Psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual admits something shocking and if you just listen to him I promise you will wonder why this has been going on for so long!
Don't let psychiatry fool you!
Oh just to mention you can read Robert Whitakers book entitled Mad In America, when you see the footnotes you can read the book written by Father of American Psychiatry, Benjamin Rush, this man was insane and racist!

It amazes me how people can be instanly turned away from an idea at the mere mention of the words "Conspiracy Theory"; without even the slightest objective investigation into the evidence for themselves. They let others make the judgement for them. These are the people most at risk here... This documentry exposes four easily verified concepts. First, psychiatry's roots include barbaric tortures passed off as "therapy" which logically indicts the practitioners of moral & ethical treason. Second, psychiatric diagnosis is largly subjective and primarily practiced on the weak and uneducated. Third, people who assist in these tortures are able to rationalize it by de-humanizing the patient/victim, just like the Germans in 1940 rationalized the murder of 6 Million Jews by seeing them as less than human. And finally, like never before, Americans are being bombarded with a multitude of "Sub-scription" drugs that they'll be on for life... Add to this the profit factor and it isn't hard to see "Who Benefits" and how people have been reduced from human beings to delivery vehicles for profits. Don't think it can't happen today... The boss tells you to inject the patient or lose your job, most will comply taking no responsibility as the patient goes into screaming convulsions... After all "he has mental problems and the doctor told me to do it". Just make sure it isn't you or your loved ones on the business end of this "therapy".. ! ! ! Watch this video and you'll be appropriately motivated to protect yourself and your family