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PROpaganda RC3

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CommentSENSITIVE MATERIAL WARNING: This is an AIO (all in one) PROpaganda ISO. It’s set up to be printed to dvd with your favorite ISO burning software and handed out, dropped off at library computer centers etc. Slightly hide in places that will be soon found. This RC 3 has most of the same as the original, with some newer - more impactful information.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2012.07.24 19:06
Info Hasha972093c08ab9a0e6fa7a93b97a5abce7efd99ad
NameNew folder
Node ID7714
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces558
Piece Length8 MiB
Size4.36 GiB