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POtHS - Prophetic Times - 66 - Apocalypse 2012 Prophecies Vol 13

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POtHS - Prophetic Times - 66 - Apocalypse 2012 Prophecies Vol 13

UFOTV Presents: Alternative 4 - i,ROBOT - Transhuman Invasion:
This program examines A relentless series of programs to refashion the human species to serve the ruling elite's cunning ambitions that has been underway since the time of Charles Darwin. The science of EUGENICS seeks to deliberately control the direction of human evolution following the rule of "Social Darwinism" and "survival of the fittest." Armed now with spectacular advancements in cybernetics, nano-technology, and robotics, this menacing science has spawned the "Age of Transitions", when artificial intelligence will ultimately replace and make obsolete humans as the dominant life-form of planet Earth! UFOTV® Cat# U1125 - For More Information Go to

L.A. Marzulli - Aliens and the Great Deception inteview on Coast to Coast AM:
"Researcher L.A.Marzulli discusses how a recent string of events validates notions of a coming great deception, as foretold in ancient prophecies. He cited the Myanmar cyclone, the Chinese earthquake, and other natural disasters, along with the Middle East tensions as being indicators that we're living in the time prophesied by Ezekiel, and in the Book of Revelation.

Natural disasters are up more than 400% in the last two decades, he noted. Book of Revelation writes about a one-world government and religion, as well as the mark of the beast. Marzulli suggested that a terrorist attack involving suitcase nukes might be used as a pretext for people to get microchipped for alleged security reasons (the chip would be the mark that is prophesied).

He believes that a war in the Middle East will be a supernatural trigger, leading to the appearance of huge spaceships (1-3 miles wide) in the skies. The ETs (who are actually fallen angels) will claim to be the progenitors of humankind and religion-- but this is the great Luciferian deception, designed to get everyone united in a one-world govt./religion, he detailed." While these ideas may sound hard to believe, I encountered them while I was in the occult from different sources.

Chris Pinto - The Atlantis Connection:
Award winning film maker of Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings; Chris Pinto talks about the connections between ancient Atlantis and the United States of America. Most people know the USA as a Christian nation, but was there others who came to the USA for other purposes? Chris shows the other side of history most people aren’t aware of and the hidden agenda that has targeted the USA by evil men. Chris Pinto personally goes through the mysteries that most Americans are unaware of in this 1:20 min talk given at the 2006 annual conference. Get ready for an exciting time as you learn the secret mysteries of the birth of the USA with Chris Pinto.

Freeman Perspective with Eric Jon Phelps:
"The Agenda" is one term for the "new world order" used by the insiders / globalists -- the ILLUMINISTS, also called the ILLUMINATI. Ultimately, the "Agenda" is: to move the Papacy to Jerusalem, and this has been the primary design for 1600 years, only overshadowed by the objective to wipe out the entire nation of Israel from the Earth.

The Freeman Perspective; Vatican Assassins, Jesuits, and a geocentric universe with Eric Jon Phelps. One of Eric Phelps' best interviews. Eric and Freeman get along real well despite their different backgrounds. This is a must see for anyone who is a seeker of truth. This video was aired 10-25-2007.

Steve Quayle - Zombies Demons and Fallen Angels:
It's absolutely demonic possession!!! Remember when Jesus encountered the man filled with demons in the cemetery...he was cutting himself with stones and moaning. Nobody could stop? him....not even chains..he had superhuman strength. I have read about these recent events and these men had superhuman strength and couldn't even be stopped by sharpshooters. One bullet is all it would take....but I think it took 12. No doubt it's demons just like Jesus encountered in the Bible ... Revelation chapter 9. The locusts have been released and they have power to sting those? who are not sealed.

Chagas Disease - Poverty Immigration and the New HIV-AIDS:
What if a deadly epidemic was burgeoning and almost nobody noticed? In the latest issue of PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, a distinguished group of virologists, epidemiologists and infectious-disease specialists say that’s not a hypothetical question. They argue that Chagas disease, a parasitic infection transmitted by blood-sucking insects, has become so widespread and serious — while remaining largely unrecognized — that it deserves to be considered a public health emergency. Extending the metaphor, they liken Chagas’ stealth spread to the early days of AIDS:

Guest: J. D. Grush
Cutting Edge Ministries

With world events more and more signalling the end of this age, interest in the Book of Revelation, the Tribulation period, and end-time Bible prophecy is exploding. J. D. Grush, from Discoveries of Destiny ministry, discusses the events which are propelling the world toward Armageddon as prophesied in the Bible.