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POtHS 2 - Bible Study - Part 63 - Mike Hoggard - The Mother Of All Secrets

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The Mother of Secrets by Mike Hoggland:
Pastor Mike Hoggard speaks about the occult nature of secret societies and God's admonition about things done in secret.

He also goes into how DNA is used in the occult as a reference to the transformation of the very make-up of man in preparation for demonic indwelling. An example of this is seen in Genesis Chapter 6 when the nephilim were created. According to Bro. Mike, this is "the secret" the occult - under demonic inspiration - is after; mingling with the seed of men. The Mother of All Secrets delves into these matters while exposing how freemasonry, the new world order, and occultism all serve this one goal.

Included files:

Signs of the Times
SIN-ister Clips
The Holy Spirit

Check the file list for details of files included